
More accounts to be deleted

The following accounts will be deleted for having invalid passwords. I have compiled this list from those who requested new passwords, but the sendmail failed because the recipient email address was invalid. I realize this means you were trying to access your account. I also know that in most cases, you made another one. That's why I'm giving you a chance to speak up and save your account, should you choose. In parentheses is the user id, so you could click one of the profiles in the footer and change the number at the end of the URL to the one in parentheses to check if the account is really yours or not.

MissyD6 (8141)
love_hate_combind (8174)
Pro_bad Snape (8289)
DG-is-Love (11414) (you made a new account; this one contains dashes which would have prevented you from logging in)

Next up will be a list of all of those who signed up for multiple accounts since the software began tracking that in February.

Posted by Lyndsie Fenele on Sep 13, 2007 08:45 am (2 Comments)

Lyndsie, I can't remember if I have an old account here. I'm pretty sure I don't, but I have this nagging feeling that I may have made one a very long time ago when I only read fanfiction instead of writing it. 

Calin @ Sep 15, 2007 05:46 pm

experts at Danforth Diamond:DON'T¡­ Don't choose an engagement ring style just because it's unique. abendkleider ballkleider abendkleider ballkleider Don't try too hard to create a ring that will get people talking. Don't let your friends influence your decision, it's your ring!Don't pick a ring you aren't 100% in love with. . meerjungfrauen brautkleid meerjungfrauen brautkleid . Don't put too much pressure on your boyfriend to make the right choice. Don't fall in love with a marriage ceremony or engagement ring that's out of your budget ballkleider abiball ballkleider abiball . DO¡­ Do follow celebrity trends abiballkleider berlin abiballkleider berlin ; choose a ring based solely on your style. Do trust your gut when shopping for engagement rings. brautkleider kurz brautkleider kurz . Do let your boyfriend surprise you if that's what he really wants. brautkleider verleih brautkleider verleih . Do give your boyfriend suggestions about the type of ring you would want. Do take your time and shop for the ideal ring at the very

Natalie11 @ Dec 17, 2012 03:37 am