
Deleted Accounts

We've been trying to trim the database, and since there's no automated way to do it, we have to depend on what the database says, then go through and delete each one of hundreds by hand. If for whatever reason the database says your default is an outdated skin (or whoever's deleteing makes a typo in the userid number and gets yours by accident), and you haven't either written a story or left a review, then your account gets deleted.

AFTER making sure that your email isn't still in the database and you just forgot your password, you can re-register; contact me or Lyndsie if you're not 100% sure you've really been deleted.

For future reference, the best way to make sure you don't get purged is to leave at least one review; that way we can tell that you were at least somewhat active and didn't just create the account and forget about it.

Posted by Mynuet on Oct 01, 2007 12:30 pm (1 Comments)

Just want to add that while possible, it's not very likely that I make a typo. I go in sequence and keep a file of what gets deleted, so it makes it difficult to make errors. Still, leaving a review is nearly foolproof to avoid deletion.

Even if you don't remember your username, we can look it up by email address, so please ask before you create another account.

Lyndsie @ Oct 01, 2007 01:14 pm