
A word on plagiarism

As a few of you may have discovered from a few places, we had a bit of an issue with a brainless plagiarist over the weekend. Just so that everyone is quite clear on the fact that this is a practice that is unacceptable, I'l like to let y'all know that all plagiarists we spot will be turned over to the Known Plagiarists website for public humilation and/or excoriation.

On a related note, you would not believe just how angry I get on the topic of harassment of one of our authors. Don't do it, or I will do my best to make your life extremely unpleasant.

Posted by Mynuet on Oct 18, 2004 10:11 am (2 Comments)

I sent a scathing email her (the plagiarist) way. *does a little victory dance* I can't believe she did that!

Jawy @ Oct 18, 2004 01:58 pm

Oh my word. I was just at the Willow site and some of these people lie and deny about plagiarizing others works. They actually believe they can pass it off with their excuses.

medea @ Oct 19, 2004 05:33 am