
Sorry about the delay.

Greetings All!
First of all, I want to appologize about the delay. A couple of things have occurred to slow it down. Mainly, somehow in the switch over to the new site my password got mangled and I couldn't log in to save my life. Coupling that with the fact that I just got a new computer and for some reason iMail won't connect to any of my email accounts ... and you get the main reason I haven't been around to finish up. I couldn't Log in! I ended up having to go in the back end and edit everything though the database directly as opposed to using the site it's self. Plus, the initial update I did took me longer than I expected and that meant that the free time I had set aside for this got eaten up pretty quickly and then ran out, as I came up to my busiest week I've had in, probably, my entire life. I'm pretty close to done with all the updates I was working on.
However, Mynuet is currently having some things in Real Life which have prevented her from being within five feet of a computer for the last several weeks. I had wanted to double check all the changes I'd made and see if there was anything else she wanted done before I opened the archive back up.
Plus, I sort of needed her to reset my password for me. ;)
However, as long as everyone understands that there still may be issues and bugs and things still might randomly break, I'll go ahead and open the site back up. I haven't gotten to test quite as much as I wanted to, and there were specific bugs that Shar had me working on. With out her input, and my being unable to log into the site, I'm not sure that they're all fixed.
There is a reason I do the code and don't write, as I'm sure you can see in this post. The long and short of what I'm saying is that I'm opening us back up, but please understand that things might still be less than a hundred percent around here.

Posted by Megh on May 23, 2006 11:05 am (10 Comments)

YEAH! I'm so glad that you have opened the site! I was dying of boredom! Anyway I totally understand way its taken so long, I'm just so excited you have opened back up! SQUEE!

Katrina_M @ May 23, 2006 11:10 am

Megh, Thank you so much! Both of you. Sorry to hear that Sharlene's been having RL problems and hope they resolve soon. Marcia

Marcia @ May 23, 2006 11:52 am

Hip Hip Hooray! Thanks a million! As one who works in web DB development, I completely sympathize with the delay. At least we weren't clients breathing down your neck, eh? Thanks again.

Pajama Pants @ May 23, 2006 12:42 pm

YAY! Thank you both so much! Sorry to hear about the real life problems, hope all will be okay.

CharmedLife19 @ May 23, 2006 07:18 pm

Thank you so much to all of you! There's really no problem with the delay... We completely understand. Congrats on the site!
I'm also sorry to hear bout Mynuet's RL probs... hope she'll be able to sort it out soon!

bluegirl62 @ May 24, 2006 12:11 am

Yay, the site's up! Thanks for the hard work.

Phaedra7veils @ May 24, 2006 03:33 pm

I can't believe how much you've worked on the site. I can't even imagine how much you've worked on it. I've made a proboards site before and worked on it alot, but I didn't really have to do anything except make it and then I was scotch free, it probably takes a lot of your time and effort to main a site so large and growing. *applauds* I don't think I would ever be able to sit down and divide this much time as you have to work out the bugs in the site and read over peoples stories before you submit the site. I've never seen a bad story on here and I love this site, one of my favorite main site. I'm rambling so I'll get off your comment thingy. In conclusion, Great job on the site I love it.

bigreader @ May 24, 2006 04:18 pm

Site seems to be working great. The only bug I noticed was that I haven't been receiving the Favorites update e-mails. Well done on the upgrade. :)

RowenaMcKinnon @ May 27, 2006 12:24 pm

Megh, thanks for all your hard work. Since Mynuet is still MIA with RL I thought I'd leave a message here rather than email it to her like usual.

Just a small one, review alert emails aren't working (or rather their not reaching my inbox).

dragonsangel68 @ May 28, 2006 12:00 am

Like dragonsangel68 said, the email alerts aren't working. I don't know if it's you who's supposed to be in charge of that, but I've contacted Mynuet about it twice, and nothing's happened, so I figured I'd try another strategy.

Thanks for what you've done.

Kisou @ Jun 08, 2006 06:27 pm