
Wall of Shame

So, I check my email, and I find a letter informing that someone has decided to be an ugly little troll. This is not a career path I recommend.

Flavoroflove left a review that consisted entirely of "wow. YOU STINK I HATE YOU!" This, my friends, is what's known as a flame, and not a very good one. I mean, if you're going to be an idiot, you might as well make it count - be mean about something substantive. Hate a story? Say why. "I hated this story because ___________. It could have been made better by __________." And no, "because it sucks" and "never having been written" are not appropriate phrases to insert. If a story is just not to your liking, like it was fluffy and you like angst, or vice versa, realize that your only critique is the style and button your lip unless you have something worthwhile and helpful to say.

So, flavoroflove, your account is being toasted for trolling, and because I don't want to see you mailbombed. I will keep a note of your email address, though, so please don't be stupid enough to do it again.

Posted by Mynuet on Jan 16, 2007 01:33 am (26 Comments)

Sorry if it wasn't clear - it wasn't one of my stories that she reviewed that way. If it had been, it would've just been mocked, since I take nastiness to other people more seriously than if it's directed at me.

Mynuet @ Jan 28, 2007 11:25 am