Reviews For Lacuna
Name: imelda reviewed Forgotten on Nov 01, 2004 08:32 am
I really, really like this story--I like the heavy, sort of unclear way the narration moves, Draco's two different relationships, and the fact that there's so much more to find out. I don't really understand what happened in the scene where Ginny gets knocked out, though, it's a bit too confusing. I did not expect the twist with Ginny getting amnesia. Can't wait to see where this goes!
Name: Skye reviewed Forgotten on Oct 27, 2004 10:33 am
I just read the first three chapters and I really like the whole idea of the story. Maybe you could give more background information on how Draco and Ginny first got together. You have a great start and I am really liking the story so far! Update soon please!!
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