Reviews For Dark Directed
Name: b1elliot reviewed Part Seven on Aug 04, 2015 01:16 pm
Gah! The trio can be nosy. Thanks for another wonderful chapter.
Name: Boogum reviewed Part Seven on Jan 29, 2011 08:07 pm
Poor Draco. I really feel for him. Teaching is horrid! One year of it was enough to put me off for life.

Harry can be quite annoying, can't he? I can't say I'm too enthused with Hermione either, but only because it will make it difficult for Ginny and Draco.
Name: Dementors_Kiss reviewed Part Seven on Feb 17, 2010 03:38 am
I say they should elope! To hell with both their families. They should elope and have cute redheaded. silver-eyed children with excellent senses of fashion!

BTW this was another really good chapter...
Name: Ceridwen reviewed Part Seven on Aug 24, 2009 05:45 am
Now, THAT was well done. A conversation with Snape... and then he's away. Bloody hell, as Ron would put it! So Draco's teacher now... this makes things more complicated, it surely does, however I STILL think that it's fascinating. It's not a dark story yet but the worries aren't happy, either, and they make things more interesting, don't they?
And Ginny, having nightmares again... well, good thinking. I was even a bit surprised again, although this story seems to depend on them. But Zoƫ was right, after the Burrow was attacked and the Deatheaters are doing something now... life for her is getting more frightening and tense again.
Harry, Ron and Hermione coming back to Hogwarts was another surprise - I really liked that version, or part of the version anyway, and it seemed quite less chaotic again, too. Though their rivalry with Draco was always a problem... Temper, Harry, temper. *censures him*

And the ministry's been infiltrated, eh? No such problem because Hogwarts got a bit safer than in the books.
I have to agree with Draco then, Ginny's idea, with the students help him brew the potions for te ministry, was brilliant, as well.
It's so mean the trio came back and therefore cut off Ginny's and Draco's chances to meet more often... it's always difficult, this relationship, isn't it? But the fight that almost happened between Harry and Draco - uh oh. Not a good sign.

But I liked the talk Ginny and Hermione had. Quite desperate meanwhile but besides that - really nice. They were in character, Ginny kept her secrets, Mione offered help, and Ginny was even persuaded to stay there... I enjoyed that dialogue, oh yeah.
Perfect transition to the next chap, by the way!
Name: rebecca reviewed Part Seven on Jan 05, 2007 11:26 am
this one made me sad. Of course, it's very well written, but I really wish that there didn't have to be so much secrecy. And I really wish that Draco and Ginny could have more time together...but you are definitely not doing what is expected, so good job! =)
Name: Myst reviewed Part Seven on Sep 11, 2006 08:23 pm
Read this one in bursts and starts, so can't review very well. I enjoyed it. Sucks that they're having to be separated so much right now.

Name: abby reviewed Part Seven on Jul 14, 2005 06:45 pm
your story is fantastic so far!
Name: Ephemera reviewed Part Seven on May 20, 2004 05:27 am
"Hermione, you can't protect me." Ginny shrugged her cloak off her shoulders and started toward the stair. "You can't, and Ron can't, and Mum and Dad can't. It isn't up to you to decide what's best for me." Go Ginny! Hmmn. I sense Dark Things coming in this chapter. Though I was amused by the Trio's blatant childishness and McGonagall coming down on Draco's side. Woo!
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