Reviews For Secrets And Lies
Name: Nicole Lynn reviewed Secrets And Lies on Jul 02, 2004 04:40 pm
I must have more! I am begging and demanding and willing to bribe (with no clear idea as to how or with what) and doing just about anything possible to get a little bit more of the drug that is your writing.
Name: meg reviewed Secrets And Lies on Jun 16, 2004 11:56 am
woah! i went back and read the prequel, those are hot! draco is great in the prequel, girls are cool!! lol and this one, wow! what a concept, halfway through he turns into himself...very cool!
Name: Amy reviewed Secrets And Lies on Jun 16, 2004 11:18 am
I think you should write a companion piece from Draco's point of view. Also, including how he felt after, before, why he did it, etc. I'm so curious about how you were inspiried to conjure such an awesome piece.
Name: DG shipper Anonymous reviewed Secrets And Lies on May 26, 2004 08:17 am
Wow!! that was hot. He kissed her after...and she liked it! Please tell me you're writing more...
Name: burgosdamasco reviewed Secrets And Lies on May 23, 2004 08:42 am
After reading Our Bodies, Ourselves, I wondered what would happen if Ginny caught him. Loved this story. Very hot. Must go fan myself. Wondering if you will have Ginny find out that is was Draco. Hope to read more soon.
Name: Sam reviewed Secrets And Lies on May 21, 2004 04:52 pm
Wow, that was so so amazing. I read 'Our Bodies' and I thought you should do something like this. You should write more! I know you won't... still, I would love to read it. Amazing story. I was very intrigued when Draco kissed Ginny after they had already done it. Sort of intimate, isn't it? But then... he did shove her down... Oh, so many questions!
Name: addicted fan reviewed Secrets And Lies on May 16, 2004 04:51 pm
more. please write more. I loved this story and Our Bodies Ourselves. Draco's enthusiasm was awesome and I loved how he puts his knowledge to good use in this story. Please write more. I want to know about their future encounters. He can't go back to pansy. D/G all the way.
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