Reviews For Downfall
Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 11 on Dec 04, 2009 05:39 pm
We finally get to the resolution, and what a resolution it was. Unfortunately, I have run out of steam, so I'm going to call it quits here until I have enough energy to read on.
Name: slitherhither reviewed Chapter 11 on Feb 15, 2009 03:28 pm
The description of the photo of Draco should be illegal, too. Fantastic job! (Now would some talented artist please go render that Wizarding photo description into a [barely moving: "He was that still"] reality? Pretty please?)

Another fabulous chapter--one of the many which I enjoyed so much in my current rereading that I neglected leaving a review before racing on to the next! (How's that for an excuse for not reviewing?!)
Name: tinamarie reviewed Chapter 11 on Jan 03, 2008 01:47 pm
I think you've done a fantastic job of explaining Draco's side and his beleifs without making it seem sappy. You turned their dialogue into this intelligent and well thought process that would hopefully lead to a resolution of conflict.
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 11 on Aug 26, 2006 03:57 pm
~Great chapter.~

Author's Response: I can't believe you sat down and read (and reviewed!) this story in one go. You've got some serious reading stamina, my friend! :D
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter 11 on Aug 19, 2006 01:22 pm
Ohmigoodness. What a conversation! I can't believe that those two poured their hearts out like that...and yet I DID believe it. I thought that was really well-written, and I can't wait to read the next chapter, and see the results of this truce.

I do have one objection--I feel like Draco, even your Draco (who is somewhat different from canon!Draco), would NEVER have admitted to wanting to be like Harry. I mean, I believed everything he said to Ginny, and I could see him INTIMATING that he wanted to be like Harry...but he would never have answered "Yes" to that question. NEVER. IMO, anyway.

Otherwise, hwoever, I loved the whole thing. And the tension between the two of them is so sexy.

Author's Response: Thank you- I rewrote the Ginny-Draco bubble discussion many times before I was satisfied with the results. I agree that I take quite a few liberties with Draco's personality in this story, particularly in the earlier chapters. The point I was driving at with him admitting his desire to be like Harry is that he somehow feels compelled to be honest with Ginny (at least when he knows what the truth is). Since he's having such a difficult time ironing out his feelings for her, he has a much harder time expressing them to Ginny.
Name: .. reviewed Chapter 11 on Aug 17, 2006 10:50 pm
this iS AWESOME!!!! please update soon i love it!!

Author's Response: Updated as ordered! *smiles*
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter 11 on Aug 17, 2006 06:06 pm
I love it. I had to find it on because I'm impatient... but I love it all the same! ;)

Author's Response: *grins* You went back to the version? That is love! That version is so full of errors it's not funny. You'll be glad to know that a brand new chapter is going up tonight or tomorrow.
Name: Rashonda reviewed Chapter 11 on Aug 16, 2006 07:13 pm
That conversation went fairly well, even though she had to hold herself back from throttling him. Dumbledore always comes off as some senile old man who once in a while can compose himself to make a coherent suggestion or observation, he tickles me. Oh, and did Ginny not 'hear' Draco drop that he could see himself with her in his on Draconian way that he could be with her. But, I guess right now it's too early for that since they only respond to eachother physically they'd have to get over their dislikes in order to form something. GJ. I look forward to your next update. :)

Author's Response: Thank you. I love the dotty old man version of Dumbledore, and I can totally see him taking up knitting. :) As for Draco saying that the thought of dating Ginny is not completely abhorrent to him, well, check out the next few chapters.
Name: elven gurl reviewed Chapter 11 on Aug 16, 2006 06:59 pm
aww this story is so cute.
but i like how you didn't let the characters change as some people do in their stories and by now Draco would be off killing his own father.
i enjoyed reading your story and can't wait for an update!

Author's Response: Thank you. I tried pretty hard to make it more gradual and to avoid the SuddenlyParagonOfVirtue!Draco. He sets my teeth on edge.
Name: ronlover reviewed Chapter 11 on Aug 16, 2006 07:15 am
I LOVE IT! This story is really well written, and it gets better every time you update. UPDATE SOON!!!

Author's Response: Thanks! New chapters to R&R are up, so let me know what you think!
Name: Embellished reviewed Chapter 11 on Aug 16, 2006 03:48 am
Wow! A (mostly) civilized conversation. Maybe there is hope for Draco and Ginny yet. I do find it interesting that Ginny didn't seem to pick up on the fact that Draco said he could handle her in a relationship--she seemed to latch onto the philosophical ramifications rather than the practical. I wonder what will happen when she thinks about exactly what he said. Anyway, I enjoyed this chapter and am looking forward to the next. Thanks for the update!

Author's Response: Yep, civilised convo is good. All of that emotion must have been exhausting for them! I know that I often latch onto the wrong part of an argument, so I thought I'd make Ginny the same.
Name: tess reviewed Chapter 11 on Aug 15, 2006 07:17 pm

Author's Response: Two more chapters for you to read and review. Dive in! :)
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