Name: imelda reviewed Stolen from the Platform on Apr 09, 2005 09:10 am
Eep! I can't believe you'd leave us like this! I forgot entirely that Voldemort knew what was going on. Can't wait to see what happens next.

Author's Response: Ah, but the story gets me! (and cliffies are a given. you have to have cliffies) ;) Thanks for the review!
Name: gotsnape reviewed Stolen from the Platform on Apr 09, 2005 08:06 am
Would you believe I screamed along with Ginny!!? How horrible you are to leave it right there! I printed this entire story and read it in one go. I should have been washing dishes and getting ready to go to the out-laws for dinner, but noooooooo. I was reading your wonderfully enthralling tale! Please tell us you have further chapters ready for posting. I am glad to see Narcissa standing up for Draco. She would have to have some steel in her backbone to have hung in there with Lucius for so long. Please post again soon.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for the kind words. And have no fear...this story is always about 10 chapters ahead of when I post (I'm finishing #25 now) don't worry, I will finish it. Not to mention it is becoming a trilogy. I am also working on the prequel to it which will post upon this story's completion. Glad you're enjoying it!
Name: gingin reviewed Stolen from the Platform on Apr 08, 2005 07:24 pm
You could have warned us that we would be setting off a cliff at the end of the chappie....;) you must write fast!
Name: Angie reviewed Stolen from the Platform on Apr 08, 2005 02:38 pm
QuE PaSo? loved their little public kiss...ah, poor ginny, what happened?
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