Name: Imaiya reviewed One on Aug 09, 2010 07:10 pm
This story was gut wrenchingly beautiful. So tragic, but I can't imagine it ending any other way. Congrats on a great job.
Name: Dex reviewed One on Jan 25, 2005 04:19 pm
Wow, mucho sadness, and Ginny was so... cruel! But I liked it, you most certainly have a way with words, because this was excellent.
Name: luv_draco reviewed One on Jan 24, 2005 05:04 am
My god, what a total heartbreak. I don't even know why I liked it. Probably seeing a heartbreaking story, after all of the stories that DO ends happily, it was a pang to the head. I haven't think rationally of Draco and Ginny's relationship. I thought they are just hopeless romantic, very sweet-- Bad Boy falling in love with an almost impossible girl. It was a bit turn-off, what Ginny did to Draco in this story, but it made sense, very articulate and true. I could never tell how they would end up. Together, or not. It was right of you, just to leave it there. And for the first time in my entire life, for this story only, I hope that Draco could get over Ginny. Isn't that bad? Blame it all on you and you righteous good work :D ~M P/s- I don't think you should write a sequel to this. It will be a bloody killer! Did I just swear?
Name: Sue Bridehead reviewed One on Jan 23, 2005 07:56 pm
My, that was poignant (maybe it should come with an 'anti-fluff' warning-!). First, let me say that I did like it. I thought it flowed well and was a good character study of a side of D/G we rarely see in fanon: a fic where Ginny sees the futility of a relationship with Draco, so she refuses to let him 'redeem' himself. (And isn't his redemption at the heart of most happy-ending D/G fics?) It was a little hard for me to understand Ginny's motivation, but when I read her letter, it made more sense. The nasty way she went about it, though - it almost seems harsh and even OOC, but it certainly would have been effective.
Name: imelda reviewed One on Jan 23, 2005 04:31 pm
Wow. I feel so deadened after that. It was so harsh, and un-western, and I love it for that. I have major problems with what Ginny did, which is my biggest turn-off for the whole fic, but other than that it was brilliant. I like reading fics that end generally happily, but every once in a while (or more than that) it is just as fulfilling to read heartbreak. Because as romantic as the notion of heartbreak is, and as unromantic as this fic was, it was also heartbreaking. Sigh.
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