Reviews For Coming Home
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 13: Crisis on Aug 17, 2006 06:12 am
~She gets a push in the right direction.~
Name: judimatt reviewed Chapter 13: Crisis on May 23, 2005 06:02 am
Oh my! Our Ginny is a bit thick isn't she? I'm really loving this story, you're writing wonderfully!
Name: Lady_D reviewed Chapter 13: Crisis on May 20, 2005 03:18 pm
Fabulous! your so good at keeping the characters in cannon. I love the way Evan and Draco are slowly getting to know each other and Ginny's best friend being Remus. Very cool can't wait till the next chapter.
Name: Natasha reviewed Chapter 13: Crisis on May 20, 2005 10:59 am
I'm so happy that Evan and Ginny are all right, and Draco! Please update soon. I need to know what her descision will be. I hope she descides that she likes Draco. :) Keep up the great work.
Name: torndeception reviewed Chapter 13: Crisis on May 20, 2005 10:02 am
oooh what a chapter! o.0
Name: bellasol67 reviewed Chapter 13: Crisis on May 20, 2005 09:16 am
This is one of my favorite stories for many reasons...Evan is not annoying... Ginny and Draco are not falling into bed right away...Draco, while reformed is still very much true to his Slytherin ways. I love that Ginny has Remus as her friend...he is one of my favorite characters. And lastly, slowly Ron is coming around...I'm sure he'll never 'love' Malfoy, but he is at least beginning to appreciate that Draco has Ginny's best interest at heart. I like that you've taken the time to let the friendship/romance slowly grow... making it more real (as real as fan fic can be). Anyway, great job.
Name: Mynuet reviewed Chapter 13: Crisis on May 20, 2005 01:06 am
You know, for all that I have a squeeing fangirl love for Draco's Slytherin-style heroics and Remus telling Ginny to think about her feelings, and especially for Draco knowing what to say to help Evan feel better... I think my favorite part of this chapter was when you made it clear that Ron, when given a reason to change his mind, is capable of it. It really made him seem like his character in the books, particularly during the Scabbers debacle of PoA, and I really do commend you for doing a good job with him.
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