Name: Mollie reviewed Chapter 1 on Jan 20, 2006 09:37 am
Perfect ending!!!!!!! I love it, and so does my sister!!!!!!
Name: Myanceris reviewed Chapter 1 on Oct 06, 2005 02:17 am
Heee. Considering that I'm such a shameless review whore when it comes to my own work, I'm terrible about leaving them and even worse at writing them. LOL So I'll say this: The fact that I am still reading your story after 20 Chapters means that I am enjoying the characterisations, enjoying the plot and generally enjoying reading it. (Despite your evil tendancy to build the tension and anticipation to fever-pitch!!! XD ) Yes, at times Ginny has been annoyingly flighty but I like how you use Draco's characterisation to bring the reader back to the heart of the story. I must say I am more sympathetic to Draco than Ginny but I suspect that you wrote it that way? Either way, it's working well. As for the updates, I can hardly complain with my track record can I? *ROFL* I know how it is to have finished posting what was already written and have the pressure of writing the rest - Ex Ir is a perfect case in point. Ha ha ha So all I'll say is 'Keep at it', because I know I'll still look forward to reading the chapters whenever you get around to posting them.

Name: mouseygirl512 reviewed Chapter 1 on Jun 14, 2005 03:40 pm
Dear smprsgrrl On the behalf of the moderators at burningicex2, a Draco/Ginny Recommendation Livejournal community, we would like to inform you that your fanfic First Comes Marriage has been recommended and added to our lists! To check us out here is our address and feel free to inform others about the community as well. Congrats & keep up the good work! :D Sincerely Hannio & Mousey (mods) P.S. If you have any other or any future D/G fics let us know!
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Chapter 1 on Apr 17, 2005 05:23 pm
What a great beginning! You've done a great job of foreshadowing many things to come as well as weaving in bits and pieces of the past. Every tightenly written, witty repartee, strong characters. I can't wait until the next chapter!
Name: Sorceress reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 31, 2005 04:49 am
Judging from the size of the rock on her right hand Is it traditional in the Malfoy family to wear the engagement/wedding ring on the right hand? Because most woman wear their engagement/wedding ring(s) on their left ring finger. Which is traditional.... Or, maybe, did you make a typo? Just thought I'd point that out to you, many warm fuzzies, Sorceress.

Author's Response: No, not a typo... that was Ginny being freaked out by the whole engagement. Remember, they're getting married a day after they got engaged. It was her little... rebellion. Perhaps I should have explained that better. Any future references are to the left hand. That was just me give her some personality. Thanks for taking the time to review.
Name: Mione23 reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 23, 2005 12:10 pm
I like this story so far. Though I have some doubts right now... Did Draco force Ginny to marry him? And how long have they been dating before that quick wedding?
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 22, 2005 06:48 pm
So far I like it. Can't wait for the update, love.
Name: Natasha reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 22, 2005 12:09 pm
I LOVE IT!!!! You have to update real soon. PLEASE!!!!!!
Name: skully reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 22, 2005 10:08 am
I really liked Ron's POV. It shows he as a caring brother but not a complete git. The ending of this chapter was great. I'm a stickler for detail, so I would like to know a little more about Lucius forcing them to marry. Keep up the good work though!
Name: torndeception reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 22, 2005 09:55 am
loved the last line but why are they getting married? Oh, I'm so impatient! lol, anyway I only have two things to point out- His only sister and the youngest Weasley was engaged to be married (when I first read it I was like- whoa, Ginny's getting married to a girl and the girl's brother is really ticked... and then I read that Ron was actually the one reading it...anyway, perhaps you should change it to something like: His sister, the youngest Weasley, was engaged to be married.) --and-- Ron Weasley didn't know which was worse - the fact that he was reading about it in the paper instead of hearing it from Ginny or that she was apparently engaged to the slimy git. (it sounds like you're saying the newspaper is the slimy git Ginny's marrying. ::mentle image of Ginny kissing a newspaper:: what beautiful babies they would make ^.^ The only thing you need to do is tell who exactally the slimy git is) --- Those two things were the only things that really jumped out at me. You can go ahead and read my fic and analyze my grammar if you wish (you'll find plenty mistakes, lol) ^.^ --- Anyway, loved it- can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Name: mary reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 22, 2005 06:59 am
hmm interesting plot, i liked the opening from ron's POV then it switches! great fic!
Name: Christine reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 22, 2005 04:39 am
OMGosh, that just changed the whole thought process of how I THOUGHT that this story was going to go. "BTW, Malfoy's don't believe in divorce" nicely done. Please update again soon!! Christine
Name: judimatt reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 22, 2005 03:25 am
Leave it to Malfoy to muck it all up! It's a good start, but I look forward to finding out why this is happening. Thanks
Name: Q reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 22, 2005 01:27 am
nice one. You could have left out "Unfortunately, he ruined the peace between them with his next statement", though. or simplified it a bit. ARE writing the next bit, aren'tyou?
Name: stellar reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 21, 2005 09:10 pm
im so excited just cant hide it! :D
Name: Cal Princess 2008 reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 21, 2005 08:10 pm
Oh - Well THAT will ruin anyone's day, hearing they can't get out of a marriage for show. Oh, well - can't wait to see what happens next. :)
Name: medea reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 21, 2005 04:56 pm
Ah! I found this quite funny! I am now anticipating for the next chapter. The lull in my fic reading has lifted! Thank you for a very funny, entertaining fic!
Name: Bellasol67 reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 21, 2005 04:53 pm
Nice start, I am curious, why did they have to get married (It's probably there, but I missed it)....btw, I like their rules (no family insults, etc...funny) anyway, hope you update soon.
Name: bigreader reviewed Chapter 1 on Mar 21, 2005 03:07 pm
I'm too lazy to sign in. This story is very cool! I love it! Especially his last sentence. I really want to know the end. UPDATE SOON!
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