Name: sweetpop reviewed Part Three: A Visit to the Library on Apr 06, 2008 11:50 pm
:D niiiiice! I'm interested to where this goes! Initially, I was a surprised Snape was handing out detentions for a week! for mishearing something! It would have been more than ridiculous. Half of me wants Ginny not to see Malfoy after curfew... just to tell him he can't have everything his way!
Name: devonlillie reviewed Part Three: A Visit to the Library on Dec 24, 2006 09:22 am
I like the story so far. I sympathize with Ginny as I am also hopelessly addicted to smutty romance novels. Sigh.
Name: kendall reviewed Part Three: A Visit to the Library on Oct 31, 2006 03:44 pm
hey! I just read what you wrote, and it was pretty good. Only one minor mistake, one of Hermione's lines in Part IV, she mentions Ron as being her brother. Hope I helped!
Name: andromeda77 reviewed Part Three: A Visit to the Library on May 16, 2005 09:15 am
OH MY! This is brilliant. I love your writing style so much. I know I've left a couple of reviews in amor_quies, but I hadn't read the changes you'd made nor had I read the 4th chapter (or it considered the 3rd since you have a prologue?) Anyway - I'm excited to read the next part and find out what happens if and when Ginny meets Draco at the "stacks." BRILLIANT! Keep up the excellent work!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'm glad you like it... I really don't know what to say other than that. I'm really not used to accolades... :)
Name: lina reviewed Part Three: A Visit to the Library on May 14, 2005 07:25 am
ahhh love this story!! the line about the sturgeon was fantastic, my only nitpickiness is about the john mayer song, you just reversed the line lovers/mothers part, but otherwise kudos!!!

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it! I wrote the chapter while sitting in a very boring class... but the sturgeon line I just randomly typed in while copying it to my computr. I'll fix the John Mayer line... I haven't heard it in a while, so I guess that's why I goofed. :)
Name: euridice reviewed Part Three: A Visit to the Library on May 14, 2005 12:07 am
Hi! I really like this story, but I am a bit confused about the chapter you modified. I read all the four chapters today, so i don't know if the chapter "Into the wood" I read is the one you modified or not! How can I know?

Author's Response: Yeah. It doesn't affect you if you read all four chapters today. :)
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