Reviews For Quidditch
Name: Boogum reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on Feb 25, 2010 03:16 am
*sigh* You do write Draco so beautifully. I love his snarky ways.
Name: LilyEvans reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on Feb 14, 2007 03:29 pm
i have to saw this is a pretty boring story....
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on Jul 23, 2006 01:55 pm
~The A/N was kinda cool, because it showed that Draco isnt OOC...Great Chapter.~
Name: runescarlet reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on Dec 13, 2005 01:33 pm
I love the psychological commentary! It's so fun. :):):)
Name: Aurinko reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on Aug 09, 2005 06:01 am
Still a shrink, huh? Do people really get PTSD from SAVING other people from death? I thought you had to nearly die or something to do that...
Name: Airmid reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on May 29, 2005 02:50 am
Wonderful chapter! I am hooked big time. I thought the a/n was insightful- thanks for that information. Off to read the next chapter!
Name: lina reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on May 08, 2005 03:57 pm
i'm in love with the DSM manual, my parents are psychs so we always have difference volutmes around the house....

Author's Response: You know what they say about children of psychiatrists.....just joking.
Name: ser reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on May 08, 2005 05:37 am
I love this. You've obviously put a lot of thought into it and I think the bit at the end about Draco's rapid personailty changes was really helpful. No matter how cold you are, seeing someone nearly die WILL effect you and you've picked up on this really well. I look forward to the development of Draco obsession and how Ginny will react.

Author's Response: Yes, well, Draco finally learns that he is not what he believed himself to be all along. Thanks for the great review. Let me know what you think of him as the story goes along!
Name: Lady_D reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on May 07, 2005 11:49 am
OMG I get it I'm taking highschool psychology right now and I totally caught it. Very cool Draco is such a perfect nut job patsy. Oh and I love the story so pls. keep it up.

Author's Response: Yeah, good for you! I'm glad you like Draco's portrayal.
Name: De-la-Torre reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on May 06, 2005 06:32 pm
Bloody brilliant story :-P I love it! It definitely has promise, not to mention a great plot, and excellent character portrayal; and it's so very well-written . . . my kind of fanfic! Update soon!

Author's Response: I am really overwhelmed by the positive response that I've gotten for this experimental little fic. It's taken me by surprise. Thanks for taking the time to read it and write such a kind review. It really made my day!
Name: bellasol67 reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on May 06, 2005 03:16 pm
So far I am enjoying the story...I like how Draco is studying Ginny. Your psych lesson at the end was informative and made me smile. Nice job (the story, not so much the lesson!LOL), looking forward to your next update.

Author's Response: Thanks. I'm glad you preferred the story to the psych lesson as well!
Name: CindaEdna reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on May 06, 2005 02:23 pm
While I liked the mild cliffie ending of chapter one, I think that chapter two is enough of an extension that the two should have been combined. Great job, I look forward to reading more.

Author's Response: Point taken. Unfortunately I felt it necessary to chop what would have made one nice long chapter into two shorters ones to fit with the remaining chapters. Thanks for the feedback.
Name: imelda reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on May 06, 2005 12:08 pm
Fantastic! What a very promising beginning to this fic. I love potty-mouth fics and think there should be lots more of them, because foul-mouthed Ds and Gs are just so damn amusing. Also, I like the way you have Draco and Ginny thinking of each other--it's slightly different than it is in your everyday DG fic, because of Draco's stress syndrome and Ginny's gratitude to him (kind of replacing Harry with Draco). Can't wait to see more!

Author's Response: What a wonderful review! If you like potty mouths, you will not be disappointed. Draco continues to curse his way through the remainder of the story as far as I know. Cheers!
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed The Goddamn Month's Worth of Detention on May 06, 2005 10:48 am
Lol, Psych 101, my hiney. That right there was at least a 300 level, majors course description. It might not even come until medical or graduate school. Good show, though. Update soon.

Author's Response: You are a scarily perceptive reviewer, as usual. Have I just been outed? Let's put it this way, medical school was just the start, many years ago...
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