Name: jchaser reviewed wonder on Aug 02, 2005 03:12 am
Too cute...put a huge smile on my face for the day. Very enjoyable writing. Their dialogue was dead on. Loved the last line. Thanks again!

Author's Response: Thank you. If the dialogue was dead on, perhaps I am spending too much time in Draco's head. *wide eyes* Nah, not possible.
Name: Adelagia reviewed wonder on Jul 30, 2005 08:48 am
Oh, so cute and lovely! You wrote their personalities so well, and I truly love how you write Blaise. I adore it when he cackles at Draco's expense.

Author's Response: Thank you. Well, that's my version of Blaise's favorite past time... cackling at Draco's expense.
Name: ronlover reviewed wonder on Jul 28, 2005 05:55 pm
Cake as big as his I love your stories. Keep up the great work!

Author's Response: Thank you. Well... it's true. Draco's a huge egomaniac.
Name: camille reviewed wonder on Jul 27, 2005 09:26 pm
"As the lady wishes because I know in my heart she is worth the wait." SO CUTE...LOVED IT...hopefully to hear more from you!!

Author's Response: Thank you. Well, D/G is one of my fave pairings to write, so I'm sure there's more to be had from me.
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed wonder on Jul 27, 2005 02:32 am
That was good. I liked it...even without the smut. I'm a smut-whore, and I'm happy with a story that doesn't have it! Amazing! LOL!

Author's Response: Thank you. Well, I usually avoid writing smut. I think it's invasive.
Name: kim reviewed wonder on Jul 26, 2005 09:00 pm
hilarious. I love Blaise, and the way you portray him is priceless. Humorous and interesting until the end. Excellent closing line, too. I hope you write more things with Blaise as a big side character again soon. :D

Author's Response: Thank you. Oh I have plenty more with Blaise. I write him often actually. Usually with Luna Lovegood.
Name: lovelylioness reviewed wonder on Jul 26, 2005 05:57 pm
You got me to SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE! That's incredibly rare, so give yourself a pat on the back. Oh that was so. much. FUN! I'd love it if you did a sequel having to do with how Draco owed the Weasley twins. Oh, thank you so much! I'm in such a good mood now. That was hilarious by the way. Your Draco is perfect.

Author's Response: Thank you. No sequel though, I think. This was pretty much a one shot.
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