Reviews For Unbidden Desires
Name: Ives reviewed Ghosts on Jun 26, 2004 04:10 pm
I am so behind on the times when it comes to reading and reviewing:) Hopefully tonight I can remedy that situation! I love love love how Lucius can go out and about. Unique concept:) Off to read more!
Name: Kaerra (yes, lazy) reviewed Ghosts on Jun 23, 2004 01:53 pm
Hee hee, I cracked up when you managed to bring in Moaning Myrtle in a believable way! Hahahaha! And Draco snickering in his sleep was classic. I do wonder why his father would be doing astral projection though, doesn't bode well for Draco when he gets further involved with Ginny. Anyway, I'm having a good laugh over some of Draco's lines, thanks for the enjoyment!
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