Reviews For Missy Never
Name: Mynuet reviewed Tipsy on Jan 05, 2006 01:15 am
Have I mentioned lately I love this story?  It's different from the norm, and the way the characters are drawn, it makes me positively yearn to read more.
Name: shadieladie reviewed Tipsy on Nov 11, 2005 04:47 pm
i really like this fic i was hopeing you'd hurry up and update it
Name: Annah reviewed Tipsy on Aug 24, 2005 04:32 pm
I really loved this story-I think you got all the characters right on. I'm especially impressed with the way you handled Draco; he's so hard to get right a lot of the time. Please update this, it's really wonderful!

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your kind words. I was more worried than you know that I would totally botch the characterizations, especially for Draco. And have no fear, another update is coming . . . just as soon as the computer quits trying to eat my disks.
Name: blondie90 reviewed Tipsy on Aug 19, 2005 05:04 pm
i really like this story so far and it has an interesting plot. i was a little upset that draco doesnt find ginny too attractive but hopefully that will change. im excited for more chapters.

Author's Response: I'm very glad you are enjoying this, and don't be too upset. Remember, most of what happened so far is Ginny's POV, and also that it's only been a few hours since the beginning of the story. Draco, stubborn Malfoy that he is, will need some time. Don't lose hope--after all, this one's a romance, and posted to a D/G archive :)
Name: wcoast_girl reviewed Tipsy on Aug 18, 2005 07:11 pm
You know - this starting to really capture my attention. I thikn you wrote Tipsy very well - it was very realistic and I thought that "Missy Never" was very inspired. Its an interesting scenario and I'm keen to see what you will dowith it.

Author's Response: *blushes* Thank you for the kind words. Tipsy is my muse for this story, I do believe.
Name: isis reviewed Tipsy on Aug 18, 2005 04:23 pm
love this chapter took me a moment to realise what the elf was saying. i think its sayin her full name right? really good keep updating

Author's Response: Exactly right. The way I'm writing Tipsy, she talks sort of like a toddler. So when she says "Missy Never Moddy Wheezy" to her it's "Mistress Ginevra Molly Weasley" (becasue she knows what she's saying even if no one else does at first).
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