Reviews For Closet Cliche
Name: emmah reviewed The Surprise on Jun 18, 2007 02:38 am
i like that everyone just pops up out of no where...SURPRISE!

Author's Response: *meep* ... he he! It's funny making them pop up!rnDraco: Make who pop up from where?rnMe: I wasn't talking to you, Draco! Go away! I'm busy here!rnFred and George: Who are you talking to?rnMe: I'm telling Dra... Where'd he go?rnDraco: You told me to go!rnGinny: You did, you knowrnMe: all of you OUT!rn*they all leave, grumbling about me*rn... Ahem ... Nice ramblings there from my odd mind :|rnThanks for reviewing! I hope you like the sequel!
Name: Potter pooper reviewed The Surprise on Jul 24, 2006 04:12 am

Author's Response: thanks for your opinion ...
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed The Surprise on Jun 28, 2006 06:24 pm
Its very good, quite funny. I am really enjoying it; dont let bad reviews cause you to stop writing! My fics are all rather dreadful, and I get bad reviews constantly, but write anyways, even if only one person is enjoying your fic, but for you I am sure there are many people loving it. One problem I have with it: It is in the short stories section. I think it needs to be put into Works in Progress, but I am not sure. You might want to check that in case it is a problem.
Contessa Natasha de Medici

Author's Response: thanks! :D i definitely won't let them stop me! all the more reason to continue, in my opinion! :p lol well there's only the last chapter left that i need to have beta'd before i can upload it, so i will just leave it in short stories for now... thanks anyway!
Name: stacey reviewed The Surprise on Feb 23, 2006 04:37 pm your fic even though it has no story whatsoever....wonderful for laughs!!! good job!!!

Author's Response: thanks! i know - it has no story ... but it's fun to write! :p lol glad you enjoy it!
Name: RoseB reviewed The Surprise on Oct 14, 2005 05:21 pm
Hehe... some writers are so unbelievable when they write draco/ginny fanfics or anyother ship for that matter. I've actually read a fic where Draco amazingly managed to have sex with Ginny in her dorm!!! Lol, I love the whole "How the hell did you get in the Gryffindor common room??" especially Ron's reaction. Hermione's correction was hilarious. She really is a know-it-all. I can't wait for the surprise in the next chapter!!! I love this fic it's just so humourous. RoseB P.S Hehe...walking into unconveniently crowded room. LOL

Author's Response:

Some of them are unbelievable... It's dissappointing some of the time, but other times I just hope it gets better! :-)

I thought the how did Draco get in there funny too, because he usually seems to be able to just walk where ever he wants and the doors all magically open for him, even the ones that are supposed to be protected by passwords... (Wish it would happen for me... lol)

I think Hermione has such potential to be a snob, so I just upped it a tiny bit... ;-) and Ron's reaction was just... Ron- it had to be in there.

The 'surprise' is a surprise until it's not a surprise... ha ha ha- figure that out!

I wanted the room not to be empty, made it so much more fun!

Thanks for your review!

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