Reviews For My Anything
Name: dragoncharmer79 reviewed Epilogue on Oct 17, 2006 06:03 am
That was beautiful!
Name: Embellished reviewed Epilogue on Oct 17, 2006 02:35 am
What a sweet ending! This story has been a true pleasure to read. I'm sure it will be one I come back to again in the future. Thank you very much for posting it!
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 11:47 pm
It was wonderful. I was perfectly content with the last chapter beingthe end... but this epilogue was brilliant. I loved Every thing about it. Particularly Snape and his, "while he normally didn’t care about happily ever afters, he felt sure this was going to be one" Thanks SO much for sharing! ;)
Name: die Loreley reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 10:43 pm
Ooooooooooooh!!! *squeals* I loved it! Your take on Draco and Ginny's relationship has always been absolutely spot on -- but now that they've gotten everything out in the open, it's *perfect*. ^_^

I thought that last chapter was the last but I'm very, *very* glad that you wrote an epilogue. It was very well written, and I'm sad it's all over. Have you got another story in mind?
Name: Quidditch3 reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 05:30 pm
Beautiful! I love serious Draco. He was so sweet trying to be romantic with that teasing Weasley. Oh, well ... and they lived happily ever after.
Name: kittykat91419 reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 04:56 pm
Eep!! I've been following this story so long. You are an really great author!! I adored this story, and I want to tell you I really loved the story.
Name: spider reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 03:12 pm
This was immediately my new favorite story when I came across it on Fiction Alley, and when I saw that you were continuing it here, I probably, literally jumped for joy.

This whole story has been marvelous, and I'm glad that I got to come along for the ride, with Draco and Ginny. MOST OF ALL - I'm glad that there was a happy ending. If anyone deserved it, it was the two of them.

You should be unbelievably, inordinately proud of this story - and not just because I love it, lol. But because it was so well-written and enjoyable. Thanks for writing - I hope you'll continue.
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 01:19 pm
~WOW. A wonderful way to end this story. SO Great.~
Name: hummie reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 11:47 am
I LOVED THIS FIC. This has been one of the best pieces of fanfiction I have ever read--for its light-heartedness, angst, humor, and romance. I am really so happy to have found it! Great job! Please write more in the future :)
Name: CCC reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 11:27 am
Oh, that was a nice way to wrap up the story. Good job.
Name: tudorrose1533 reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 09:24 am
Ohhhhh so lovely. And so sweet!

Ginny's timing in that last scene ("It's Malfoy these days") was brilliant. Well, your timing, obviously! And Draco was serious and lovely.

I'm so happy. I adore this story; it's probably my absolute favorite D/G novel-length fic, without any exaggeration--I recommend it to everyone. Thank you SO much for writing it!
Name: Dorthey Star reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 09:06 am
The perfect epilogue for the perfect story :) I'm so glad you finally posted it. I've been checking daily, on here and ATower.
Name: TwistedPixie reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 06:20 am
wow that was really beautiful. well done i really adored it, congrats for an amazing story i cant wait to read more of your stuff!!
Name: Persephone33 reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 06:05 am
What a lovely ending! *sniffles that it's over* The whole chapter was just beautiful. I like Draco's little joke that he and Harry had always been best friends (brilliant) and that Ginny got him to go out and greet the guests by saying he wanted everyone to see "how pretty" he was. (I laughed. Hard.) Thanks so much for a wonderful story.
Name: twiddlekinks reviewed Epilogue on Oct 16, 2006 05:57 am
Quite cute, overall -- especially the sweet yet sassy dialogue at the end. Good job! ^_^
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