Name: wizilover reviewed It's None Of Your Goddamn Business on Jan 21, 2007 11:58 pm
hey, love your story, very original. just wondering tho, if there's a price on ginny's head, wouldn't it be somewhat risky for draco to take her out in public?
thanks for the great work,
Name: beautifulDeath reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 21, 2007 02:00 am
wow, well worth the wait
Name: Pipperstorms reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 20, 2007 02:44 pm
I'm beginning to realize there will be no happy ending. With that in mind this is a heart renchingly amazing story. I await it's end
Name: JuliusCaesar reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 20, 2007 12:56 pm
Oh my God! Wow! I went from feeling sorry for Draco, then for Christo then for everyone. Poor things - especially Draco - what a bittersweet victory for him, after all that time he spent pining after Ginny. Truly blown away. Well done!
Name: Aurinko reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 20, 2007 09:07 am
Ouch. Damn, woman, but that was good. The bitter!bitter!Draco that started out was very potty-mouthed indeed, but I really loved your Christo. And some of your phrasing was briliant.

"It was as foreign as the thought of life without her."

And your longer section about the fire-haired phoenix was equally poetic. I liked them both very much, as with most of this chapter.

Your conception of a 'true pureblooded witch' was a stroke of genius, and despite her impending death, I'm certain that your fans will love the fact that she's finally going home.

Well done, indeed. Brava.
Name: Cathryn Aeiran reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 20, 2007 08:08 am
Dear god woman I just burst out in tears. Thanks much for the chapter it was yummy.
Name: Padfootedmoony reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 20, 2007 06:30 am
That was amazing!
Name: WG13 reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 19, 2007 02:31 pm
After the last chapter, I've been really curious to see how on earth you're going to get these to together again. Yay - you not only did it, but did it with admirable panache. Woohoo Chervenko. Didn't think you had it in you!
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 19, 2007 01:55 pm
she's going to DIE??? why are you so cruel to them?? So many obstacles, and now THIS????? why?
Couldn't there be a mystery cure? I like the sound of a mystery cure.....

*wanders off to find one...*
Name: CCC reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 19, 2007 01:26 pm
*Sigh* That was so good. I need more. Perhaps a happy ending would be possible?
Name: Rashonda reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 19, 2007 12:10 pm
Whoa. Even though the end is near for them and us. I was ecstatic reading this chapter. Though Gin is broken at this point it's good for her to know that Draco doesn't love her only for her beauty but her obvious strength. As for Christo it takes a bigger man to realize the woman that he loves belongs with another, I'm happy he did that for them both.

Great chapter.
Name: Embellished reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 19, 2007 11:43 am
This was a truly powerful chapter. We finally get to see all of the main players' true strength of character. I even feel something for Christo now, after chapters worth of resenting him. And all three displays of inner strength make the chapter much less sad than it would have been otherwise. The curse isn't truly a tragedy if it brings Draco and Ginny together finally. Thanks for posting. I'm looking forward to finding out how it ends.
Name: Airmid reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 19, 2007 09:50 am
Ack! You can't leave us hanging like this...wonderful as always and you've left me anxiously awaiting the next chapter. I can't wait for the next turn in this plot.
Name: meeaz reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 19, 2007 09:13 am
Ugh! You are a brilliant and fantastic woman! That last line just about killed me. I'm in the university's library so I've held off from completely bawling, but the effect is pretty much there.

Is it bad that I'm happy there won't be a happy ending (or at least that's it's looking to be)? I think their love was tragic to begin with in this story, so it would be pretty odd everything worked out for them, even though with that last line, it kind of does. Gin gets to die in her love's arms, but yeah...if you want to give us a happy ending, I won't complain. I'm surely going to miss reading this when it ends. Thanks so much for writing it!!!
Name: Moonyk reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 19, 2007 06:30 am
You made me cry. It's just so bloody sad to see a beautiful thing reduced to that kind of state. *sniffles* Good job with this one.
Name: Lottie reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 19, 2007 04:35 am
She can't die now! How....crappy! Grr! Dumb curse!
Name: Persephone33 reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 19, 2007 03:20 am
Okay, I actually squealed when I brought up the home page and saw that you'd updated. That clinches it, I'm a fangirl.
I'm not sure whether my tears are from heartbreak or the fact that I didn't blink once while reading the last half of this chapter. Oh, fallenwitch! I just want to grab your Draco up and give him a good cuddle. And Ginny dying... crap. I know your dark side. I feel that there's no hope for her. Bad words!

The first paragraph rocked, by the by, and I loved the theatrical metaphors, of course. :) Excellent chapter. Excellent.
Name: dragoncharmer79 reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 19, 2007 02:33 am
Oh god you are killing Ginny off? I think I may cry. I loved this chapter the way that Draco can see nothing but his love for her and that and only that matters. I hope you can update soon.
Name: xNymphadoraX reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 18, 2007 07:35 pm
This was absolutely heartbreaking. (I mean that in the best way, only something meagerly well written can even touch uponsad. This, with its poignant likeness to reality made me want to cry.) How is it that life hands you something you don't want and then snatches it away just when you've realized you can't live without it? It's the cruelest truth in life. Unfortunately for Draco and Ginny, it has presented itself in the most irrefutable way. I was so proud to see Draco pull himself together, to find the courage to go get Ginny and then prepare himself to lose her all over again. '"I am not the weak-hearted wizard you believe me to be."' I loved that line. Draco, despite his downfalls, is not a weak man and you have fleshed him out well enough to show all the contours of his personality. I'm almost dreading the next chapter, but I'm sure you'll lure me in and surprise me. You usually do.
Name: seegrim reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 18, 2007 07:23 pm
Oh my gosh-I think I've been rendered speechless. There were so many times throughout this chapter that I thought, "wow, that was a great line." I was totally overwhelmed by this chapter's (and hence, your) awesomeness. Absolutely incredible. I'm going to have to read through it again and take notes so I can share all my favorite parts! (Yes, I know I'm a complete dork!) Anyway, you rock!
Name: glassmanikin reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 18, 2007 06:39 pm
Oh, crap! Excuse the language. Is that the END? No, it can't be. And is she going to DIE? No... pleeeease no? I shall remain in denial until the next installment.

In other news, that was lovely and heartwrenching as usual, thank you.

Quote: "A tense silence overtook the room and the two wizards, bound by the love of the same woman, sat in the pink chairs in her room ingesting Firewhiskey and staring at one another."
Name: saucy reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 18, 2007 06:39 pm
I'm speechless!
Name: just_breathe reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 18, 2007 04:47 pm
:( poor Draco and Ginny... AWESOME chapter though. T_T
Name: dgloves70 reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 18, 2007 04:25 pm
Together at last!
Finally, they can settle with one another. I know that there has to be a cure for Ginny.
As always, I love this story with all this drama I am loving it!
Name: Maelyn reviewed A True Pureblooded Witch on Jan 18, 2007 04:17 pm
that was beautiful. you could end it there. but i am glad you're not. i need a bit more.
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