Reviews For Loyalties
Name: flame_kitty reviewed Lucius' Punishment on Mar 23, 2006 01:51 pm
Why didn't professor Snape stop him? Surely there was more to say?

Author's Response: Oh, you know, Snape's not great with comforting people. He figures that sometimes a person just needs to vent their frustration. Besides, he had all those jars to clean up.
Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Lucius' Punishment on Dec 14, 2005 08:02 pm
I'm hooked. Please don't stop there. Wow, just, wow. Lucius deserves to do more than just rot in prison. Prison, I think, is too good for him. Ugh. Anyway, at least now Draco can see his father for who he really is...

Author's Response: I'm glad you like it. Lucius is an evil pig, isn't he?
Name: dracosnaughtyprefect reviewed Lucius' Punishment on Dec 12, 2005 08:04 pm
you are the fan fiction God ;)

Author's Response: Yes, bow down to me! I'm totally kidding, you are too kind.
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