Reviews For Why Me
Name: Ice_Dragon reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Apr 19, 2007 10:18 am
i love it. oh drak is falling hard for gin
Name: Hopeless reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 25, 2007 05:48 pm
oh my gosh, i can't believe that harry, ron, and hermione would stoop so low as to do that. can u tell that im loving this story? please update soon, this is one of my favorite stories so far.

Author's Response: I'm working on it, but both my Beta and I have quite busy lives. I'm overjoted that you liked it so much and will ddo my best to update ASAP.
Name: ANAVIC reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 23, 2007 05:21 pm
Hey when are you going to finish the story i like it

Author's Response: As soon as I can. I know it's been awile, but Real Life has been crazy for me. I'm so gald you enjoyed it so far. Taking the time to review means a lot to me.
Thanks again!
Name: ferretgirl reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Sep 08, 2006 01:49 pm
I love the mention of the "kill the messenger" philosophy!! It made me laugh!!! Post again soon.....

Author's Response: I'm hoping to, but life is getting hectic and I hope to get the next chapter up soon. Thanks for taking the time to read and review, it really means alot to me.
Name: spider reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Apr 15, 2006 02:50 pm
How awful of Ron and Hermione to do something like that; Harry was rude to Ginny after Ron exaggerated what happened the night before, but he was in the dark just as much as Ginny was about the whole thing, and I wouldn't be surprised if he were angry with his friends as well. Things are definitely getting interesting. I'm loving where this story is going, and I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: I'm so glad you are enjoying my story. I hope to have an update in the next week or so. I appreciate that you took the time to review and I hope you check back in to see what happens next.
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Mar 09, 2006 10:27 pm
Just read chapters 1-6. Wow. The Ginny you've created is a hellcat and much scarier than Malfoy. He's a kitten compared to her. With her watching his back, I have no fears for his life. I am impressed by the scope of your undertaking - a huge cast of characters with relationships many layers deep, intrigue and war and oh so many secrets. The tricky part is the moving forward of all these disparate parts with character development, relationship growth, and plot lines weaving in and out. Good job! I am also intrigued by your use of OOC Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Much darker and more devious and primal (well, maybe not Ron - he's always been a bit primal) than the original. And lastly, a salute to your wonderful use of humor. Molly berating Ron in front of Draco/Ginny to the point of asking him to apologize to Draco was hysterical! I laughed until I fell out of my chair and then I read it again and laughed some more! Thanks for a great read and looking forward to more. -fallenwitch

Author's Response: Oh wow, thanks so much. You are one of the authors I admire so to read your wonderful review touched me deeply. As to the OOC Trio; I re-read all the books in hope of finding something I had missed before and (at least to me) It was clear that they weren't all sugar and spice. I hope that the story continues to hold your interest; I know what the end looks like and am hopefully keeping the humor up as the fic progresses. Again thansk for the wonderful review. Oh, as for my hellcat Ginny; I can't see her any other way *grin* I think I might have to go back and reassure myself that I reviewed all your chapters. I did love the 'Quidditch' one and loved how you explained the PTSD. Thanks again.
Name: Serenitey reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 25, 2006 09:03 pm
i really like this story and the way the trio are so devious and selfish but i’m confused as to why they thought Ginny would turn traitor. maybe its just my interpretation of the books but that just doesn’t make any sense to me. but i do like the way you've worked that element into this fic and the distance it puts between them and all the other characters. love the idea of the love potion and Harry's possessiveness of Ginny even thou he doesn’t actually want her. cant wait for the next update and Ginny’s revenge. accolades *salutes*

Author's Response: Ah the traitor thing...I have always wondered why they ignore then harass her and the only thing I could come up with was that they wanted to keep her out of trouble. I don't like the fact that no one wants to own up to the Trio getting away with everything so easily; plus the way I read seemed to me and my mom-in-law that Harry was under some sort of love potion :) I really howp you continue to like the story as more chapters get added. I hope it isn't going to slowly for you; I am trying to carefully construct everything. Thanks again for taking the time to review. Let me know if I didn't fully answer your question and I'll try to give you a better answer :)
Name: Judibry reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 25, 2006 05:29 pm
I love the love potion twist and the way you put it into the plot. Great story.

Author's Response: Thanks so much. This story has been running around in my heas since the first read through of HBP. All the hints seemed to fit so :) Thanks for taking the time to review and I'll have another chapter up in the next couple of days.
Name: skyblusilver reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 20, 2006 05:50 pm
ok, i think. the plot seems a bit choppy, like D & G became friends too quickly for me. guess too OOC for my taste. for the record, the word i think you're trying to say is 'definitely' not 'definatly'. still a pretty interesting plot idea.

Author's Response: I'm truly sorry you don't like it. I felt I streched out them becoming friends about as far as I could. Thanks for taking the time to review and I only wished you had liked it better.
Name: gin-bear reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 20, 2006 10:45 am
That's great...can't wait to read more...good story line too...

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I hope you check back for more :) I am really enjoying writing this one. Thanks for taking the time to review; I appreciate it.
Name: MrsDanielRadcliffe reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 20, 2006 02:54 am
I love how you've made The Trio not so perfect any longer. I love that someone has made them devious!

Author's Response: LOL! I have seen them as devious since teh second or third book. I never saw why we, as fans, couldn't say "Hey! They may be the heroes but enough is enough." I don't hate them or anything I just wanted to give a more accurate (In my opionion) view of their actions. Thanks for taking the time to review and I hope you tune in for more...there will definatly be more of the Trio acting like prats before its over.
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 19, 2006 09:29 am
i am excited, i cant wait to see what is going to happen to have them work with the order and have them become an important factor in destroying voldemont! loving it please keep me up to date when you have more.

Author's Response: thanks for taking the time to review. I have many chapters off to my BETA so as soon as I get the next one I will be putting it up. Thanks and I'm really glad you 're enjoying the fic.
Name: flame_kitty reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 19, 2006 08:44 am
Did you move your chapters around? Because I could have sworn that I've already read this chapter....

Author's Response: Yes, I mistakenly didn't put chapter five that should be the one you haven't see before. I won't let it happen again. I promise!
Name: Cathryn Aeiran reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 18, 2006 02:22 pm
Tee hee go get 'em tiger!

Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing...check back in a couple of days as I messed up and put chapter six before chapter five. It should be up soon...the chap title is 'You're full of yourself, aren't you?' :) Thanks for taking the time to review it really does make me feel good to know that people like my story.
Name: shadieladie reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 18, 2006 07:39 am
what an interesting idea, love potion eh, well that's truely a new idea

Author's Response: Really?! I immediatly thought love potion teh first read thru of HBP but I guess my mind is a little twisted LOL! I'm glad you are enjoying the story and I sincerely thank you for taking the time to review.
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 17, 2006 04:21 pm
This was brilliant! I love the connection to canon, and the anger Draco felt FOR Ginny in her situation. How on earth could the golden trio think Ginny would be a DeathEater. Mental, that's what that is! ;) Can't wait for more! ;)

Author's Response: I loved your review! Thanks for taking the time to review. Am I really the only one who susprected a love potion?! I hope to have another few chapters up in the next week or so! Thanks again!
Name: Holly reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 17, 2006 02:41 pm
Ohh! That was low of the trio! Anyway hope you can update soon! I want to see what ginny will do next!

Author's Response: LOL! Thanks for taking the time to review. I was hoping no one would flame me for teh way I portray the Trio :) It may not be Ginny that you have to worry about...he he he. I hope you stay tuned for the next chapter!
Name: Lela reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 17, 2006 02:25 pm
Yay! A birthday suprise. I was reading your story, and hit your author page to see when you last updated, and it said 02/17/05 i was like yay 4 chapters then I went back and i was like :O!!! Please update again soon, though I am knowing not to soon this chapter is great. Thanks so much.
Name: Lela reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 17, 2006 02:25 pm
Yay! A birthday suprise. I was reading your story, and hit your author page to see when you last updated, and it said 02/17/05 i was like yay 4 chapters then I went back and i was like :O!!! Please update again soon, though I am knowing not to soon this chapter is great. Thanks so much.

Author's Response: Happy birthday to you! I am so glad that my fic was a good present for you :) I have lots of chapters off to my BETA so as soon as I get them back they will go up. I appreciate you taking the time to review!
Name: flame_kitty reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 17, 2006 01:33 pm
A very insightful chapter!
I can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I am unfolding th eplot a little at a time and hoped that everyone would stick around after I let out all my HBP theories! Thanks again!
Name: imelda reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 17, 2006 09:09 am
I'm really interested in this fic, and can't wait for the next update. Your Draco is rather unusual--he's not quite like canon!Draco, but you have set up a very good reason for him not to be.

I am confused about one thing--why are Ginny and Draco mad at Harry? Shouldn't he be equally mad, if he was also love-potioned?

Author's Response: Thanks for your wonderful review. As to Harry...he was angry at first but now he's decided that no matter how he and Ginny started dating that he wants's a property issue. He wants Ginny becuase she used to fawn all over him; he never noticed that she stopped. Now add in her friendship with Draco and his 'wanting' increases. As for my Draco, I did alot of research(re-reading all the books) To me it seemed that he was trying to be a prat to live up to expectations. You will see the snooty prat surface I promise! Again thanks for reviewing and let me know if I didn't answer your question properly.
Name: AuntAnnie reviewed Chapter 6- Revelations and Realizations on Feb 17, 2006 03:43 am
WOW! good fic, different take on the Ginny Harry thing,Can't wait for another update.

Author's Response: Thanks so much! I have loaded the fic with all of my HBP theories *grin* I have quite a few chapters ready to go as soon as my BETA gets through with them. I hope you tune in for more. Thanks for taking the time to review.
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