Reviews For One Last Fight
Name: V_is_for_Violet reviewed Chapter Two on Apr 13, 2007 03:50 am
i love this story.. is it going to be continued?

Author's Response: Yes! Unfortunately, I had to take a really long hiatus from writing on the computer, but it's completed. It's just a matter of getting it up. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Name: espressivo reviewed Chapter Two on Apr 06, 2006 03:29 pm
Wow! This is really good. I love how Draco is dying to kill the ones who killed his love. I really like your characterization of him. BTW, you have great writing, wish I could I write like you

Author's Response: I'm glad you like it. ^^ The idea of Draco dying to kill them is pretty much a pretty big thing in the story. I rather enjoy how I see him too. ^^ And...why thank you! I rather enjoy writing, and I'm just glad all of you seem to enjoy it. ^^
Name: HP GEEK reviewed Chapter Two on Mar 20, 2006 03:40 pm
OMG!!! I am so glad you updated. I read the first two chapters and I could not remember the name of the story or your penn name. I am so loving this!! The first part was so, I don't know how to put it. But I felt like I could see it. WONDERFUL!! I noticed that this story is based on "The Crow", I have not seen this I cannot decide if I should rent it or if I should wait til this story is done and then watch it??? I do not want to find out too much of what will happen here. I know it is only based on the movie, but just in case.

Does Ginny come back too??

Author's Response: I'm not sure. It follows the basic plot, but probably not the same in a lot of ways. I haven't really worked all that out yet. The most you might gain from watching the movie, is figuring out how the crow [the actual bird] happens to be connected to Draco, and maybe how a few people die. It's really up to you when you want to watch it, as I'm not too sure how it's going to progress I can't give you a fair assessment, but it's worth the watch either way. Glad you enjoyed the story. ^^ I'm attempting to update more frequently now that school's slowed down a bit.
Name: Akire3 reviewed Chapter Two on Mar 19, 2006 10:58 am
Dude, awesome plot, this is probably one of the most creative that i've read, and i've read a lot. Great job, i can't wait for the next chapter!!

Author's Response: Thanks! But I really can't take credit for that. It's based on the movie and pieced together from there.
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter Two on Mar 18, 2006 04:41 pm
Very good... I think I need to go watch "The Crow" to see if we ever see Ginny again...
Name: flame_kitty reviewed Chapter Two on Mar 17, 2006 05:34 pm
So have you sort of taken the essence of the story of "The Crow" and turned it into a Draco and Ginny thing. I really like it! But is Ginny going to stay dead or will you bring her back?
Or are they going to be together at the end (i.e. in heaven and whatnot)?
I love this fic! Update soon!
Name: kaycee reviewed Chapter Two on Mar 17, 2006 11:05 am
I love it! I love D/G and I love The Crow, so you've made my day!! Continue, please.
Name: Flowerchild reviewed Chapter Two on Mar 17, 2006 09:57 am
Wow this sucks.

Kidding. XDD. It's very well written, it's an interesting story to this point, and even though I refused to watch 'The Crow' I will continue reading the story...only because I
Name: Flowerchild reviewed Chapter Two on Mar 17, 2006 09:57 am
Wow this sucks.

Kidding. XDD. It's very well written, it's an interesting story to this point, and even though I refused to watch 'The Crow' I will continue reading the story...only because I
Name: starry_laa reviewed Chapter Two on Mar 17, 2006 09:24 am
Wow, this is disturbing and intriguing at the same time! Very sinister indeed and I'm interested as to how you will use Draco coming back to life in this. And the bird, it isn't a reincarnation of Ginny is it?

Author's Response: Interesting idea, but no. It isn't. ^^ I'm glad you seemed to enjoy it.
Name: Lareen reviewed Chapter Two on Mar 17, 2006 08:25 am
um... this is one of the darkest ficts that i have read... great writing though... hope to read a lot more soon. Draco's revenge should be interesting... to put things mildly... wonder how his to-be in-laws will react to see him...

For those of us who haven't watched' The Crow' please do explain stuff... like how on earth does he come back to life... for revenge - obviously - but how? and what significance does the crow have? sorry to sound so spaced... but i am just really curious.

Author's Response: It will be explained. ^^ I *have* taken into account that people haven't really seen the movie. But, as I think I tried to make clear in this chapter, is that, Draco himself isn't clear how he's there, or exactly what the crow means. It'll be explained when Draco himself finds out. ^^ I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I'm working on the next chapter now. Thanks for the review! ^^
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