Name: snitch369 reviewed Chapter 16 on Sep 19, 2006 07:20 am
I love this fic!
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 16 on Sep 09, 2006 03:50 pm
~Hehe...SO GREAT~
Name: Jaden Malfoy reviewed Chapter 16 on Apr 04, 2006 05:33 pm
oh my gosh,finally, a post-HBP D/G fic thats actually good! and hasnt been abandoned after three chapters!

i *love* this fic. its awesome. the ways you've had the events unfold after the war, the way the world has turned out, is just as it should be, and needless to say, your way of writing d/g is completely realistic and true to their characters. i cant wait for the next chapter, i hope it comes out soon!

Author's Response: Aw, thank you! HBP screwed up some plotlines I'd planned, but I tried to make everything fit canon, and make the characters as realistic as possible. Glad to hear you think I was successful :) More to come soon.
Name: Nectaris reviewed Chapter 16 on Apr 04, 2006 08:17 am
Wow, I've been putting off reading this since it's so long, but I'm absolutely entranced. you're a fabulous writer, everyone is so nicely in character (even Harry, he can be a bit of a jerk) and I feel so frustrated on Ginny's behalf and Draco's! Wonderful job, hope you keep updating regularly.

Author's Response: Thank you! If you're frustrated now, that's great - there must be frustration to make the solutions all the better *g* But I hope you're still enjoying the read.
Name: Corra reviewed Chapter 16 on Apr 04, 2006 05:51 am
I can't really blame Ron and the Weasleys for being overprotective and wanting to believe Ginny is innocent and clean and that Draco is the one to blame. It's a family love thing, and its especially hard to be the youngest AND the only girl. Anyway, I'm excited to see what Rita Skeeter has to say about the Weasley/Granger wedding...I have a feeling you've implied something about it before, but I'm sick as a dog and my brain isn't working too well right now. I do hope that Draco and Ginny (I'm getting ahead of the whole story here but anyway) stay together and happy. I've been reading some fanfiction from another series where the couples always seem to break up and it makes me cry. So no major angst, okay??? I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: No, you can't blame them, and showing that was important to me (in spite of the D/G-ness of this story :) - family loyalty and love isn't rational, and doesn't function on a reasonable level. Therefore, in their eagerness to protect Ginny, they make mistakes, themselves. No one is really innocent, and I find it rather more interesting to look at the characters this way. I kind of want to tell you everything will end in sunshine and flowers and happiness, but there *is* some angst ahead. However... Well, I can't really tell without giving too much away *g* But believe me, I'm a sucker for happy endings, too.
Name: shadieladie reviewed Chapter 16 on Apr 03, 2006 01:50 pm
oh wicked *_* !! keep it up!

Author's Response: Wicked! I hope so ;-)
Name: adorame reviewed Chapter 16 on Apr 03, 2006 01:39 pm
hmmm. I wonder what Rita has to say? I was glad that you updated so soon!

Author's Response: Whatever she says, it's certainly not going to be pleasant *g* though at this point in the story, Rita isn't really all that important. I have plans for her involvement, though.
Name: Maelyn reviewed Chapter 16 on Apr 03, 2006 12:56 pm
I am enjoying this so much more than i know how to say! I was elated to see so many chapters up this weekend- so I hope to see more soon! I did enjoy the interaction between Harry, Ron, and Draco in this one!

Author's Response: Thank you! I greatly enjoy writing this, so I'm happy if it entertains others, too. :)
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