Name: snitch369 reviewed Chapter 17 on Sep 19, 2006 07:50 am
You write the twins wonderfully!
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 17 on Sep 09, 2006 04:03 pm
~Wonderful Chapter.~
Name: Dookie reviewed Chapter 17 on Apr 06, 2006 10:18 pm
Gosh you update so much you awesome writer you!

Author's Response: *g* I do try.
Name: Corra reviewed Chapter 17 on Apr 06, 2006 06:38 pm
Aww I loved this chapter! Especially the paragraph that starts with "And so, when the first light of dawn..." We're reading stuff by Imagists in English and that paragraph was Awesome. I'm glad she left the Burrow - you outgrow your family after a while and your ideas etc change. I'm getting SO addicted to this story!

Author's Response: Exactly! She's outgrown them, and at this point, I think the best thing anyone can do is get some time and distance to cool down. So that's what she's doing...for now *g* Thanks for reviewing!
Name: Andrea reviewed Chapter 17 on Apr 05, 2006 02:32 pm
I've just read this all in one go and I have to say that I love it. Draco's interaction with his mother and the whole behind the scenes with the Malfoys you have going. Ginny and Draco's relationship is also very genuine and believable and it's developing at a particularly credible pace. Over all the story has a very unique spin to it and I specially love how you make your characters flawed and all the more real and unique for it and the way you display their inner and exterior're handling very complex and intricate interactions masterfully so mad props for you on the amazing job!!!
Please update soon???

Author's Response: 'Behind the scenes with the Malfoys' *giggle* I love that. The three Malfoys are my favourite characters, so I greatly enjoy writing their interactions. I was hoping this would turn out somewhat differently than your usual D/G, so I'm happy you think it's unique :) Thank you for taking the time to review!
Name: Nectaris reviewed Chapter 17 on Apr 05, 2006 11:01 am
Ah, that's too bad. Had to happen though. Poor girl, it was just a slip of the tongue! A horrible, incriminating slip, but a slip none the less. Fantastic job as usual, I don't even realize I'm reading it, it's like being there.

Author's Response: Thank you for the wonderful compliment :) If you can picture it that well, I've done it right, so I'm very pleased.
Name: razzle_be_dazzled reviewed Chapter 17 on Apr 05, 2006 10:23 am
I loved this chapter. Fred and George were amazing and Draco, he was...suprisingly convincing when he talked about his dad. Great job, keep it up!

Author's Response: Ha! Now that I *love* to hear. :) I'm a Lucius/Narcissa OTP-er, so I really want to find a way to get him out of Azkaban. It's hard, though. *g* But Draco will keep trying, of course, he's way too stubborn to give up. Thanks for reviewing!
Name: Aunt Annie reviewed Chapter 17 on Apr 05, 2006 09:49 am
I'm getting rather addicted to this story, I need my fix!! Really getting good. Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: Thank you! :)
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