Name: RavenclawChrissie reviewed Days Like These on Jun 25, 2007 09:57 am
Aw Lucius. I'll be quick to spread around that he has a heart. I can only imagine what will happen when the girls get there although I think they would be more orderly than the boys. I feel so bad for Ginny and I'm surprised that nurse and draco got thru the day without being nurse better watch herself though Ginny's getting rest and I'm sure she has learned to do more damage than just a bat bogey hex.

Author's Response: Lucius fears the day his staff work out that he has a heart ;) The girls will organize all of them (the boys really should have given it to them in the first place *wink*). Draco has his eye on that nurse, because it would cost him a fortune in Galleons to keep his wife out of Azkaban ;)
Name: kellbell930 reviewed Days Like These on Jun 25, 2007 07:46 am
Yay! Another update! I think this is one of my favorite chapters so far. Draco trying to deal with a completely irrational and worn out Ginny is just hilarious. I can't wait to see what happens to Molly, and where all this goes when that is said and done! Brilliant job as always! I eagerly await the next installment!

Author's Response: Thanks! Draco's learning new skills in dealing with women here, though he'd rather not have to practice them over and again ;) Molly will be all right, but she's in for a lengthy hospital stay.
Name: felicitas reviewed Days Like These on Jun 25, 2007 07:23 am
That Dragon stuff is nasty! But still I'm grateful that it wasn't something that would take Molly to the grave! And my favorite: Lucius! He was so odd but still he was concerned. I need some more L/N, please!

Author's Response: Dragon Influenza is very nasty, but it won't kill her ;) Lucius wants to be warm and fuzzy, but he just doesn't know how to achieve it ;) Lucius and Narcissa will be seen soon *g* Thanks!
Name: AuntAnnie reviewed Days Like These on Jun 25, 2007 04:09 am
I can picture Lucius throwing a fit when he finds out that Draco is paying Molly's hospital bill. But I can see where it is good for interfamily relations, the Weasleys have to be more tolerant of Draco,because he has just proved he cares about Molly, and Molly has claimed Draco as one of her own. It was good for Draco to realize that. OK whats up with Ginny being so tired. Just pregnancy she is what 4 or 5 months along now? Any way I love this story, made my day to have an update. thanks for a great story!! (no pressure, but please update soon)thanks

Author's Response: Lucius won't be pleased when he discovers that Malfoy money is paying a Weasley hospital bill, but there's little he can do about it and he wouldn't dare to upset his daughter-in-law (she might cry on him again). Ginny's about five months pregnant and basically just tired; she hasn't slept well for a couple of nights, and she really just needs a good nap to get herself back on top of things ;) I have started the next chapter, but only just *g* Thanks!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Days Like These on Jun 25, 2007 04:07 am
I dont know what happened but I had this whole review about the chapter.
I loved it.
Loved the family being united together.
Loved Lucius being the one to comfort Ginny while she brokedown.
Loved that realization that dawned on Draco that Ginny is going to the be mother hen should anything happen to Molly. Loved the boys, Draco, Bill and Charlie drinking butterbeers together after all that is said and done.
Loved it.
My earlier review had more but it got lost when I submitted it.
It warmed my heart to see the family come together at a time like this. I am sure that Molly is going to be happy knowing that her children rally round her. I wonder if we can see Arthur next time and find out how he is doing?

Author's Response: Thank you :) Poor Lucius seems to get a wet shoulder whenever Ginny's feeling a bit emotional. Draco has finally realized, with Harry's help, that Ginny is the Weasley woman and it doesn't matter that her brothers all have their own wives, his will be the one they turn to. Molly is very happy that her children are there for her. Poor Arthur is in a bit of shock at the moment, so I allowed him to sit quietly by his wife's bed, but we will discover how he's doing in the next chapter ;)
Name: Persephone33 reviewed Days Like These on Jun 25, 2007 02:51 am
Another fabulous chapter! What can shake the Weasley boys' world? Molly getting sick. It's sweet that she loves all her boys so much, including Draco.

I'd like to see Draco's reaction to putting signs in the corridors of his home.

Thanks, it was a wonderful read!

Author's Response: Thank you :) Molly does love her boys and she must have them close to her. We know Ginny wouldn't say such a thing to Draco, but Ron is certainly not above giving his opinion ;)
Name: BrittyBoo32 reviewed Foot in Mouth on Jun 20, 2007 09:37 pm
I love this story and i cannot wait to read more! so update soon!!! i cant wait to see what happens next!

Author's Response: Thanks! The next chapter is almost finished ;)
Name: alia reviewed Foot in Mouth on May 22, 2007 10:52 am
i love your nice long chapters. great story, and i love seeing draco interacting with ginny's brothers.

Author's Response: Thank you :) I love writing about Draco and the Weasley boys ;)
Name: Draconus324 reviewed Foot in Mouth on May 19, 2007 08:12 pm
whers the rest of the story

Author's Response: This is a WIP.
Name: sweet gurl reviewed Foot in Mouth on May 18, 2007 04:07 pm
sweet :P
plz update soon

Author's Response: Thanks :) The next chapter is coming along nicely ;)
Name: Draconus324 reviewed Business Before Pleasure on May 18, 2007 01:37 pm
one word ....................................................................................................................... DAMN

Author's Response: Thank you :)
Name: WolfStar reviewed Foot in Mouth on May 03, 2007 07:16 am
Just a few spelling errors (unless that was intentional), but aside from that it was fantastic! I found myself getting angry for Draco. Her brothers really do annoy me. And the date was sweet. And the banter between Ginny and the girls before Molly brought out the cake the first time was pretty funny. Wow, Narcissa can really hold a grudge; I'd forgotten why she was upset with Mrs. Nott.

Author's Response: Thanks! Any spelling errors in the chapter are intentional *g* The Weasley boys just can't help themselves sometimes and Draco does seem to entertain them nicely ;) Narcissa is the queen of holding grudges ;)
Name: Embellished reviewed Foot in Mouth on May 01, 2007 02:25 pm
My favorite thing about this chapter was how you used the title in lots of different ways throughout the course of it. And the best way of all was the end of the chapter, when Ginny managed to prove all of her brothers wrong. I'm looking forward to finding out what is wrong with Molly (hopefully she is just suffering from empty nest syndrome!) and how Draco and Lucius manage to settle their fight. Thanks for the update!

Author's Response: Thank you :) Actually, I didn't have a title when I finished writing the chapter, but upon reading through, it just popped into my head as perfect *g* Ginny's brothers haven't quite figured out that she's her own woman and won't necessarily react the way they expect her to ;) Molly isn't suffering from empty nest syndrome. Draco and Lucius are both horridly stubborn - really, they need their heads knocked together to force some sense into them ;)
Name: azadi reviewed Foot in Mouth on May 01, 2007 04:44 am

Malfoy's don't snore indeed! The scene with chocolate cake was hillarious - bless him I actually believe he thought Ginny would have his bits if he didn't give it to her. The Quidditch scene was a delight to read as well! Another delightful chapter :D. Good luck with the next one.

Author's Response: Draco swears he doesn't snore! Poor thing did lose his cake, but it was far better than seeing what bit she'd hex off first if he didn't hand it over ;) Thank you!
Name: Love_4_Draco_always reviewed Foot in Mouth on May 01, 2007 12:41 am
aww i loved this chapter i8 loved the whole bit where draco took ginny to dinner and then dancing it seemed so romantic harry playing a dirty game of Quidditch thats something draco would have done :) i cant wait to see what happens next i think harry and draco are going to come to blows soon theres so much tension between them please please update soon and keep up the amazing work xxx

Author's Response: Thanks! Ginny deserved to be spoiled a little and have her husbands attention for one whole evening ;) Harry isn't above playing a little dirty to get what he wants. Draco only has a problem with it when it's not him doing the dirty playing ;)
Name: Bella12 reviewed Foot in Mouth on Apr 30, 2007 05:39 pm
Another 10!!!!! Thanks for the update, I was in NEED of a little Drake fixs.

Author's Response: Thank you :)
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Foot in Mouth on Apr 30, 2007 12:49 pm
~Really, So wonderful. I feel like I have been waiting forever for the update. Really really great.~

Author's Response: Thank you so much :)
Name: ash_of_the_rose reviewed Foot in Mouth on Apr 30, 2007 09:13 am very sweet. I do so love this Draco...Actually, I love all of your Dracos. Keep 'em coming!

Author's Response: Thank you so much :)
Name: ronlover reviewed Foot in Mouth on Apr 30, 2007 07:33 am
Yah! I love it. *grins* Update as soon as you can. lol. What's wrong with Molly?

Author's Response: Thank you :) Maybe Molly is just tired... ;)
Name: Grneyedminx reviewed Foot in Mouth on Apr 30, 2007 05:55 am
Beautiful chapter. And it was oh so long!!!

Author's Response: Thank you :)
Name: AuntAnnie reviewed Foot in Mouth on Apr 30, 2007 03:43 am
Thank You, Thank You Thank You!!
Great chapter as usual, I loved the Chocolate Cake scene! How many of us havent done the so you think I'm fat Huh! at one time or another. I cant wait to see what happens to the Notts, should be interesting. Actually there were several "foot in mouths" in this chapter. The Molly thing has me curious, well time will tell. Again great chapter, keep up the good work. and I honestly cant wait for an update. Oh, and promise us all no matter how book 7 ends, you will finish this fic.

Author's Response: Thank you! I know I've done the hormonal, so you think I'm fat before *g* The Notts won't know what hit them when Draco gets done with them ;) Draco couldn't seem to keep his foot out of his mouth. rnrnI solemnly promise, no matter what happens in DH, I will finish this fic, even if I only do it to save my own life from my rabid plot bunnies ;)
Name: felicitas reviewed Foot in Mouth on Apr 30, 2007 02:46 am
Yeah!! I´ve already read the date part. Really nice chapter. You know you´re one of my favourites right? Mess Harry´s life a little bit, please? I kind of miss Hermione in this one. And I hope Molly will be fine!!!! Although, I´m fearing something up your sleeve!!!

Author's Response: Thank you :) I couldn't quite get Hermione in this chapter, but she is there at the Burrow. I always have something up my sleeve ;)
Name: kellbell930 reviewed Foot in Mouth on Apr 30, 2007 12:31 am
Ahh! I love your updates. They're longer than entire stories! You have the banter down pat between the Weasley brothers and Draco and I love all the funny statements you throw in. Like,

"So, were you sipping it between snores, or just holding it until the rug got thirsty?"

I LOVED that line! And Malfoys dont snore. They dont. Hehe. And Draco with the cake! The poor fellow has a LOT to learn in that regard! He's very lucky Ginny felt forgiving when they got home and they could talk about it. Most women would've just exploded on the spot. I wonder whats going to happen next between Lucius and Draco and if Draco really is planning any retribution on the Notts. Hmm I wonder when the Quibbler article will come into play and what else is coming over the horizon! I ADORE this series, haha as you probably know as I spew about it constantly! And I thought I recognized the date scene before! I also cant wait for more Time Stamps! Anyway loved this chapter! And I hope you can update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I couldn't resist putting that line in (I often use it with my own husband *rolls eyes*). No, Malfoys don't snore, at least not in there opinion ;) Draco is learning, but he's still got a way to go in that regard and he's lucky that Ginny understands this. Draco will most certainly seek revenge on the Notts. The Quibbler article is coming up (it's all written and everything), but it's a little further down the timeline ;) I will do some more Time Stamps soon (they were a lot of fun!), but I have a lot of writing to get through this month alone without adding to it ;)
Name: Akt5us reviewed You Can Pick Your Friends on Apr 11, 2007 08:45 pm
Love the chapter! I was just wondering what happened to Remus Lupin? Because Pettegrew will probably die, but it feels like Lupin will live even though he might not. I can't wait to read more! Hopefully it'll be soon!

Author's Response: Thanks :) Neither Lupin or Pettigrew factor into my fic at all.
Name: felicitas reviewed You Can Pick Your Friends on Mar 19, 2007 07:16 am
I just read the whole thing, so this is a overall review til chapter 7. I just love this story. The prequel was amazing, and this one is really up to the test. There´s just one little thing that´s been bugging me: the Potters. How come they are this perfect couple?? I wish Harry could have some trouble too, with Hermione pregnant and all. Since the beggining I didn´t see him as a women expert, but so far it seems that way and hat really doesn´t do for me. Everyone else has problems but not the Potters. But well, maybe it´s just my recently developped antagonism towards poor Harry. I also have a request, if you are willing to take suggestions of course, but I would love to have some action between the elder Malfoys!!!! Since the shower thing, I´ve been crossing fingers!!! But well, maybe it´s just my recently developped lust for that sexy thing called Lucius Malfoy!!! Thank you!!!! lol

Author's Response: Thank you so much :) The Potters are far from perfect, believe me, it's just that I don't tend to write those things into the fic, because I'm concentrating on Draco and Ginny. Perhaps I should show him up for the unsuave, floundering male he is in the presence of his pregnant wife ;) I love writing Lucius and Narcissa, so there will definitely be some more action there :D
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