Name: Cara reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 13, 2011 02:04 am
Wow. You can't let us hanging there, can you? First this steamy snogging session between Draco and Ginny and then Blaise's kissing Ginny suddenly. I really do hope Draco saw she tried to push him off of her.
I'd really appreciate an update since this story is one of my all-time favourites. You have an amazing gift being able to write in such a realistic way and I'd really love to know how this story is going to end...
Name: AyameChatte reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Aug 06, 2010 02:00 am
I'm glad to see you writing again, and even gladder that your family is alright. My aunt survived a serious case of breast cancer within the past year, so I understand the hardship yall went through. I will do my best to keep yall in my prayers for continued good health.
Name: Alluring_Twilight reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Jul 15, 2010 09:36 pm
I'm hooked. I have falling absolutely in love with this story! Can't wait to see what happens next between D/G! And I think I might go check out HYD now, since you're basing Crossing into Chaos somewhat on HYD.
Name: twiddlekinks reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 15, 2010 10:09 pm
Eeeee man, what a cliffhanger!! But I'm so very glad that you've added more to this story. Your Draco definitely reminds me of Doumiouji, and they're both incredibly and inevitably attractive in the same way. Well done, as always. ^_^
Name: dancingonstars reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 13, 2010 08:53 pm
ohh noooo poor draco. and stupid blaise. just as ginny was really starting to fall for draco, blaise had to stick his big gorgeous self in the way.
really great story. i usually don't like to start stories that aren't finished but i just can't help myself. and i'm glad i started reading this one. its really good. please don't let the next update be too long, i'll cry if i don't get my d/g fix lol
Name: dracoisking88 reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 09, 2010 12:40 am
OMG an update. I had given up hope but yay! And even better that your family is doing well and is cancer-free. My grandfather dies of Lung Cancer, so I know that updating a fan site isn't exactly high priority at the time.

But I'm every so happy to see an update, a fantastic one at that! Thanks for coming back to this.
Name: Delilah_Malfoy reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 07, 2010 11:44 pm
I'm very sorry to hear about your family and I hope it's going well. This was one of my favorite fics so I'm very glad you started it up again and I can't wait to read more.
Name: Jessica22 reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 07, 2010 08:09 pm
I'm really glas you decided to continue writing this. Its funny how caught up I can get in a story. Its almost my own problem, what Ginny and Draco are facing!

I love Blaise's character, but obivoulsy want Draco to be with Ginny. It makes me want to cry the way they both want her!

Also, I think you wrote Draco really, really well. The moments where he is vunerable, when he tries so hard and gets nothing, are so touching, so endearing, and so impossibly real.

And also, back to the whole getting caught up in the story- I love the way you make it so hard to enjoy their relationship, all things considered. How can she possibly stand him, after all the bad things? How can they possibly be together, with all the danger.

Please, please continue writing, I enjoy reading your stories very much!
Name: bluelover reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 07, 2010 08:38 am
I would like to say first that I'm glad to hear things are going well for you and I hope that it continues that way for you and your family =)

I just read your story from the first chapter to your recent update and I must say (as a huge fan of HYD and its anime and all its live versions) that I absolutely adored it!!!

This take on the HYD story while using the D/G ship is brilliant and gives justice to the original versions. You successfully made your own characters without compromising the story/ship that you based on. Your characterization is amazing. The way you play with Draco's arrogance and Ginny's stubbornness is quite endearing. I also love how detailed you are. But most of all, I love the snarky's absolutely hilarious yet charming!

Thanks for the story and I very much look forward to your next update.... (^_^)

Author's Response: Thanks! I really appreciate that you feel I'm doing both the characters and HYD justice - it's something I fret about quite a bit!
Name: shortlilangel73 reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 07, 2010 07:00 am
im sorry about all the problems :(
but this is a very good story! And, after reading the first couple of chapters, I watched HYD. Fantastic show, and really great setting for draco and ginny!!!!

Author's Response: Oh, I'm so excited you watched HYD!! My first version of it was the j-drama, and I was completely hooked, and watched every version I could get my hands on.
Name: openskys reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 07, 2010 12:03 am
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

I just read up to this chapter and devoted the past two days to this story and let me say I haven't been disappointed!! This is most definitely one of the best stories I have read in a long time, it's like a breath of fresh air with the plotlines!!

I cannot wait for more hope you update soon!! Oh and Blaise is such an idiot I cannot believe he did that!!!! He's the one always going on about how territorial Draco is ugh! I cant wait for the next chapter keep up the good work!

Author's Response: Indeed, Blaise does know exactly how territorial Draco is, doesn't he? It's one of the things he's constantly bring up with Ginny, so it certainly raises the question about what he's up to...
Name: Tatiana reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 06, 2010 05:42 pm
Grr! Now I'm not only addicted to D/G fiction, but you've given me a Hani Yori Dango addiction as well. Evil. (Although I suppose I should thak you for it. )
I love your story. Brilliant. And even though Ginny didn't pour powdered soap on Narcissa's head like her counterpart's mom in the series, I really find your adaptation well written and interesting. Thanks for updating after all this time. My imagingings on how you would finish this story are not even close to your skill and imagination. Thanks.

Author's Response: HYD is certainly an addiction! Combined with D/G, I've been lost in it, because I see so much of one in the other, and vice versa. I'm not sure if I love HYD because of D/G, or if I love D/G because of HYD.
Name: imelda reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 05, 2010 03:33 pm
I am so, so sorry to hear that your family has been struggling with cancer this year, and thrilled to hear that you are all doing well. Congratulations, and best wishes and good health to you and yours.

As for the story, I was delighted to find this update. Every line of it was wonderful, and even though it's been months since I last read, I immediately fell back into your world. Some of the D/G exchanges in this chapter-- ie Ginny telling D that he's suffocating her-- were really poignant. And their kiss!! That whole scene was wonderful, and I totally fell for them. I must tell you that I think your story's departures from HYD are great improvements. I really, really feel that G prefers D to B, something I never totally bought in the show. When she kissed D, I couldn't imagine how she was going to get caught kissing B. And when B says "i'd never be so stupid as to send you away," and then G runs away, it was totally clear that she's just that into him anymore. So it made total sense that she pushed B away when he kissed her, and I really hope D used his eyes and SAW that and won't be a rotten monster to her. And now I can't WAIT for the next chappie! :-D

Author's Response: Thank you very much, I appreciate your comments. There is a bit more going on between those three than meets the eye, and poor Ginny's emotions are all tied up in the cross-fire. She said it herself - it's hard to see anyone else when Draco is around, because he just consumes all the oxygen in the room... but when he isn't around? .... : )
Name: erinem reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 04, 2010 08:13 pm
I had to re-immerse myself today in this story, so I've read about the last half and of COURSE it ends in a place like this! My heart hurts a little bit but at least the whole triangle-dynamics is coming to a head now. Can't wait for your next update... hope it's not too far from now!

Author's Response: My heart hurts a little too, but it could just be the catalyst to get a certain someone to finally admit her feelings...
Name: Lyskaelyn reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 04, 2010 07:53 pm
I am so pleased that this story is finally back! I'm so glad that things are starting to be better for you & your family & looking forward to more fabulous installments.

Author's Response: Thank you very much!
Name: lovemeorforgetme reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 04, 2010 08:31 am
I love this story so much and I've been following it for years. Please update soon!!

Author's Response: Thanks! I hope to have another update by the end of the summer.
Name: Rashonda reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 04, 2010 06:46 am
Hi hope, firstly I want to send you and your family well wishes, I know how a cancer related illness can take a toll not only on the person but their support system.

As for the story you can never go wrong with it, I don't care if you takes you to 2020 to finish it up, I'll always be here patiently waiting. But Wth is up with Blaise? Is he feeling himself or what? I don't think his feelings for Ginny are genuine, looks like he's trying to fill her with the void that Cho left, but to be so callous as to not care about Draco's feelings in all this is what makes what he did even more repulsive. And, Ginny my gosh. I wish the girl would stop sending Draco mixed signals. One day she's pulling away from him and the next she wants him. She can't continue to use her age as an excuse as for not knowing what she should do. He's let his feelings and intentions be known, she shouldn't continue acting like a frightened lamb around him. Overall, I loved it as usual! GJ

Author's Response: Thank you so much! Everything is great with my family now, and I really appreciate your well wishes. And, there is definitely something going on with Blaise, we just don't know what it is yet... Ginny is just perpetually confused by Malfoy, and by everything in her world that tells her she should stay far far away, yet he's just so... her ideal of a romantic hero (with obvious faults), and she has no idea how to reconcile that with everything else (hence, their wonderful day on the island sandwhiched between inadvertently walking into a room full of Death Eaters and having to be snuch away, and the immediate terror when Blaise wakes her up by throwing rocks at her window). Hope to update soon!
Name: chocolate_snow reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 03, 2010 08:39 pm
cant wait for more!!!!!!
Name: Akt5us reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 03, 2010 02:01 pm
Wow! I can't believe everything that has happened! I can't wait to see Draco's reaction and how Ginny and Blaise get back in his good graces of sorts. Wait, in HYD, Blaise and Ginny's characters go out, so will they? I hope they don't because it just won't work for them. But isn't Draco supposed to rescue Ginny twice? I don't know, maybe I'm getting confused. I really like this chapter! You have 2 chapter 15's up too, btw. but I can't wait to read more! :)

Author's Response: Just keep in mind that this fic loosely follows the HYD plotline, of which there are many incarnations, between the manga, the anime, the live-action versions (three different versions - Japan, Taiwan, and Korea!), so everything that happens in HYD may not happen in CIC, or may not happen in the same way.
Name: dark perk reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 03, 2010 12:42 pm
Thank you so much for updating this. Great chapter!
Name: scentasia reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 03, 2010 12:21 pm
I missed this story so much!!its been so long but the wait was so worth it.loved this chapter. and the interaction between Draco and makes me want to jump around like a lil girl!it was beautiful and perfect..Blaise, you go away now!Thank you for updating!i am such a big fan of your work! and this story just drives me crazy!!!!

I am so sorry about the illnesses in your family and hope and pray that everything gets better.take care.:d

Author's Response: Thank you ver much! Everything is now great with my family, and everyone is 100% healthy again.
Name: Jack Tamara reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 03, 2010 12:20 pm
I am crying right now. I haven't even read the chapter, but I'm still crying. Do you know how long I have been waiting for an update? When I saw that you finally updated, I broke down completely. I really thought that you would never come back to finish this fic, and I feel like this is such a miracle. I'm that girl who stalked your lj and left anonymous comments about updating this fic every single time you posted another entry. This is by far one of my favorite fics and I want to thank you deeply from the bottom of my heart for coming back and updating this. *tears up* I will leave a better, chapter-related review once I have read Chapter 17 at least three times.

Name: hp42 reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 03, 2010 11:18 am
First of all, I'd just like to say I'm so sorry about the illnesses in your family. I'm so glad things have gotten better.

Second of all, Blaise needs to die! I think you should write me into the story so I can kill me. :P Ginny and Draco were making such great progress! I was grinning from ear to ear during their day together. And that makeout scene! Perfection! I can only hope that Draco realizes that Blaise kissed Ginny and not the other way around.

I love this story so much. It's by far my favourite on here. I'd be content to read only Crossing into Chaos for the rest of my fan-ficion-reading life.

I really liked this:
“That must be why fate interfered and brought the magnificence that is my presence into your life,” Malfoy’s obnoxiously confident voice declared from behind her.
Oh, Draco! Bring your magnificent self into my life. ;) I honestly think I'm in love with your portrayal of Draco.

Anyway, please, please, please, update soon! I'm (metaphorically) on the ground begging. I'm not lying when I say that I jumped up and squealed when I found out you updated!

Have I mentioned that I love you and your wrting? :P

Author's Response: Heeheehee, we could all use a little of Draco's magnificence in our lives, couldn't we? Oh Draco, the more he falls in love with Ginny, the more we see how much of a little kid he really is. Compared to Ginny and what she's been through in her life, he's a complete infant. Thanks for you kind words.
Name: harrypotterchick4ever reviewed Abductions and ultimatums on Apr 03, 2010 11:08 am
such a good chapter!!
i'm glad everything is okay:)
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