Name: Cap reviewed Nearing the edge on May 28, 2006 07:37 am
Oop, my review came up twice because I got the message "fatal error" and decided to try submitting it again before I checked to see if it was already up - error or no. Oops oops ooops.

And, I changed my mind about my alternative maybe "Save it for someonen who gives a ****"

And, I mostly agree with Hermione about Blaise. So what if he didn't bully her. He's a creep like the rest of them, so far. The least creepiest of them, for helping her out when she was attacked, maybe. But, it seems to me he is just as responsible for her suffering as the others by being involved with this howler business. Yes, he reminds them of limits...but it seems more like because it bothers him personally because disrupts his little world's rules than because of anything that has happened to all the students run out of school. He's got to do a bit more than what he's done so far, for me, for Ginny to realistically think of him as a respectable person.

Author's Response: Blaise is an interesting character - *I* haven't quite figured him out yet. But Ginny is quite taken with him, by what she's seen of him so far, but as always, Hermione is the voice of reason, but we'll have to wait and see if she's right about him.
Name: spider reviewed Nearing the edge on May 21, 2006 09:28 am
Nice start - this story is definitely different. I understood that it was an Alternate Universe, but finding out that not even Hermione or any of Ginny's brothers were allowed to go to Hogwarts was definitely a shock. I'm really looking forward to seeing where you'll take this.
Name: tazza reviewed Nearing the edge on May 13, 2006 08:08 pm
UPDATE SOON!!! Just finished watching the entire series of Hana Yori Dango and i need to read a draco/ginny story like it! Cant wait until this story really starts getting going, because i agree with you, Hana Yori Dango is a D/G fic brought to life.
Name: tazza reviewed Nearing the edge on May 13, 2006 08:08 pm
UPDATE SOON!!! Just finished watching the entire series of Hana Yori Dango and i need to read a draco/ginny story like it! Cant wait until this story really starts getting going, because i agree with you, Hana Yori Dango is a D/G fic brought to life.
Name: goddessofyesterday reviewed Nearing the edge on May 10, 2006 10:47 am
Wow, you've drawn me into another one of your fabulous fics once again. Your AU is fabulously set up, and I love when Blaise is actually one of the main characters. I can't wait till the next chapter! One question though, if the students sit where the professors usually do, then where are the professors?
Name: goddessofyesterday reviewed Nearing the edge on May 10, 2006 10:46 am
Wow, you've drawn me into another one of your fabulous fics once again. Your AU is fabulously set up, and I love when Blaise is actually one of the main characters. I can't wait till the next chapter! One question though, if the students sit where the professors usually do, then where are the professors?
Name: Sarah Prowess reviewed Nearing the edge on May 02, 2006 10:26 pm
I love this fic! Draco is scary!
Name: Sarah Prowess reviewed Nearing the edge on May 02, 2006 10:26 pm
I love this fic! Draco is scary!
Name: Kalira reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 30, 2006 02:16 am
Do keep writing, I really like what you have already. I haven't read anything like it so far. It's nice to read something with a different plot every once in a while. I really want to know what happens next :)

Author's Response: Thanks!! hehe, if you're really dying to know what happens next, all you have to do is check out the series the fic is based after - you'll get a few hints there! : )
Name: megami_no_ushi reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 29, 2006 06:40 pm
haha! It seems like you're following the dorama storyline more closely than the anime or manga in this first chapter, or will you branch out more?
I'm pracically hearing the dorama OST as I read this. Pretty soon I'll have planetarium stuck in my head again methinks!
Nice fic! I can't wait to see this flesh out. And I'm terribly curious if you're going to follow the Ueno Zoo or TOJ parts and how you'll reconcile them to the HP world.

Author's Response: I will be branching out more, I just think the dorama's first ep sets everything up so well, I just had to use it as a guideline... And OH NO, not Planetarium! I get it stuck in my head for hours while writing, so I'm sorry if the same happens to you! lol I haven't quite decided what parts I'm going to include in the fic, but I'm fairly certain that TOJ won't be a part of it, because it would be a little difficult to fit into the HP world. Thanks for reading!
Name: starry_laa reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 29, 2006 09:26 am
When I started reading this I thought it was reminiscent of HYD, and then you confiremed this. I haven't actually read it but I have watched the Taiwanese version, Meteor Garden, which I think is a gem.
The story is really well written and I like how you've intergrated HYD with Harry Potter

Author's Response: Thanks! I've also seen Meteor Garden (a few too many times, to be honest - it's addicting), but I haven't been able to see the sequel (I've heard it's kind of terrible). I hope to mix a few of my favorite moments from both into the HP world, and hopefully it'll turn out well!
Name: Cinderella reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 29, 2006 02:50 am
I just love your fic, it's so different and I can't wait for the next chapter! I just hope it has some hooking up in it :)
Name: Cinderella reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 29, 2006 02:43 am
I just love your fic, it's so different and I can't wait for the next chapter! I just hope it has some hooking up in it :)

Author's Response: Thank you! There will definitely be some hooking up, but not in the next chapter, but soon.
Name: catapults reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 28, 2006 09:25 pm
I really like the introduction you have to this. I love the way that you set up and give information to everyone without just making it personal thoughts. A running commentary. Please keep this up!

Author's Response: Thank you! I was getting a little frustrated with all of the background information I had to give, and was originally doing it in the 'omnipotent narrator' voice to get the information to the reader, but changed my mind and went with Ginny explaining everything to the new girl, and I'm glad that you liked that and that's it working out for the story!
Name: RowenaMcKinnon reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 28, 2006 07:21 pm
Why is it that everything you write, I feel compelled to read, and can't stop once I've started? lol Lovely. I love it so far and can't wait to see more.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it - it's so different from some of my other work that I was a little sketchy about actually posting it, but the positive comments have been encouraging.
Name: Phaedra7veils reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 28, 2006 07:11 pm
More, more, more. How will this evolve from a Blaise-Ginny to a Draco-Ginny?

Author's Response: Hehehe, oh, the trials and tribulations I'm going to be putting these characters through... *evil laugh*
Name: Embellished reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 28, 2006 05:12 pm
Hm. I'm not usually much of a fan of totally AU fics, but this seems like it might be worth a try. You've done a nice job of introducing your world, and I am interested to see just what Ginny does to get Draco's attention!

Author's Response: Thanks for giving it a shot. I usually don't read AU fics either, and while I normally write post-Hogwarts stuff (which can be considered kind of AU, since we still don't know what'll happen), I'm not much of an AU writer either, so it's a big experiment for me...
Name: kaycee reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 28, 2006 04:35 pm
wonderful!! please continue, and soon!!

Author's Response: Thanks! There will be more posted in a few days.
Name: luvablywicked reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 28, 2006 04:24 pm
haha after reading this on your livejournal, I started watching hana yori dango. It's now one of my favorite shows!! too bad they only sell it in japan. But I just wanted to say that your story is very spiffy and I love the characterizations. I also like how it's similar to the show, but still its own story. good job!

Author's Response: Hooray for watching HYD!! Seriously, it's the ultimate guilty pleasure, and I'm determined to spread the addiction as far and wide as I possibly can!
Name: Birdofpray09 reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 28, 2006 03:41 pm
Yay! The cracked-out ficcage is on the site! Does this mean we get updates sooner? Heh . . .

Author's Response: Sure does! It means that I've decided to stick to writing the story, and let the plot bunnies run wild, and thus, will be writing tons of cracked-out ficcage!
Name: ronlover reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 28, 2006 03:27 pm
I love this story! This is so good. It's really interesting and I can't wait to read more. Please update soon! Will Ginny go out with Blaise, and then Malfoy? Interesting...Can't wait for more. hehe.

Author's Response: Thanks! More should be coming very soon (next chapter is already written, just going through some proof-reading).
Name: Mynuet reviewed Nearing the edge on Apr 28, 2006 01:31 pm
Hee! I totally hadn't made the connection between your lj name and here. Having seen the series, and I'll be chatting with you about it as soon as I've got the laptop fixed and have some computer time, I'm curious to see how you'll shift some things around. :D

Author's Response: Sweet! I'm definitely going to be dealing with a few things differently, particularly some of the aspects of the plot that really annoyed me - and especially the ending, because, OMG, the cheesiness almost killed me.
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