Name: shortlilangel73 reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Apr 08, 2007 03:01 pm
ooh..i gope theres another chapter soon :)
Name: SurahSurah reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Mar 26, 2007 10:25 am
Ok, I just wanted to tell u 2 update soon bcuz ur an awesome writer and I luv this story. I dunno how long I can go w/out noing the end, ya no? So, plz update soon. Plz.
Name: Dobbygrl reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Mar 24, 2007 12:03 pm
Really great story! Can't wait for more.
Name: Bella12 reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 27, 2007 03:07 pm
this is a really great story, please update soon. oh yea i would really like to see that HYD thing can you please send me the web site. my e-mailed address is thanks
Name: wicked_g reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 26, 2007 04:28 am
wow...just wow. I just caught up with all the chapters, and am thoroughly glad I did. This story is amazingly good, and I cannot believe that most of it (from what you've said) is from another one!

Cannot wait for the next chapter, and oh my god, seriously-your writing actually made me feel angry, or sad, or anxious-whatever was happening to Ginny, I just went along with it. So good.
Name: Moonyk reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 26, 2007 03:48 am
OMG. That was hard to read. From the moment she woke up in a hotel room. That sounds damn shady and dodgy, I was cringing! Oh no please don't tell me she slept with the guy! I don't think she did. Maybe Parkinson hired that Zabini look-alike cos she knew Ginny had a thing for Blaise? But they took a picture of her naked with some guy like omg omg omg! SO HUMILIATING. And, is it like she got raped? Cos she doesnt remember anything, maybe she didnt give her consent.

I'm just so anxious now and to think it'll take you ages to update, though it's ALWAYS worth the wait. GAH.

Name: Marie reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 24, 2007 08:20 pm
wow that was fabulous! i love it..but i am dying for more i can't believe ginny! she is so irritating she finally gets friends and then look what happens!! please update soon i hate cliffhangers! thanks for the amazing chapter!
Name: hennyfer68 reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 24, 2007 04:48 pm
I don't particularly care for angst, however you have me hooked. Please update soon!!!!!! My poor heart can't stand the wait.
Name: x_smartie reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 24, 2007 09:16 am
This story is absolutly amazing, Im am in love with it, and Im certain that unless everything works out happily IM going to die. :3

Stupid stupid ginny. nasty nasty person who took those photos and stuff.

Love it, more soon please :D
Name: caramelissa reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 24, 2007 07:49 am
This was a nice, long chapter :) I've never seen HYD, but I've seen Meteor Garden, and if it did follow the manga closely, I know Draco's sure going to be more of an ass later on :/ Even though I have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen, I still can't wait for your updates cause they're slightly different and the material has to fit in with HP. Good job on writing so far!!
Name: Cathryn Aeiran reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 23, 2007 11:34 am
Holy mother! It was PANSY!!! That ***** how oh how is this going to be ok? You cant say its going to be ok because I have no reason to think it will be. THAT COW!! Damn its gonna be horrible isnt it and when is he going to find out in a month? When she leaves crying?

Author's Response: Was it Pansy?
Name: Cathryn Aeiran reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 23, 2007 11:26 am
Holy mother! It was PANSY!!! That ***** how oh how is this going to be ok? You cant say its going to be ok because I have no reason to think it will be. THAT COW!! Damn its gonna be horrible isnt it and when is he going to find out in a month? When she leaves crying?
Name: Akire reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 03:47 pm
OHHH the drama, how i love you so..Amazing job as usual.

Author's Response: Thank you!! Gotta love the drama!
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 03:46 pm
Wow I adore this fic. I loved it from the beginning, and you actually have gotten me into Manga, from Boys over Flowers, which is an awesome name.
Poor Ginny. NEVER accept a drink from a strange guy in a bar, as you never know what he put in it.
Did he put something date-rapeish in it? Will Draco believe her and kick that bastard's arse?
I cannot wait for the next chapter. Update when Real Life, that terrible miscreant who takes time from our wonderful fic writing, allows?

Author's Response: Excellent!! Glad you've started the manga - I've actually just started it myself (I've seen the anime, the Taiwanese version and I've practically memorized the Japanese version, I've seen it so many times). And, you'll just have to wait to see the answers to your questions, because there definitely ARE answers...
Name: CaesiiOculi reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 03:36 pm
Oh's she going to get him back?!? and what's she going to do when she realizes that she even wants him back?!?!?!?
I love the crack-tastic-ness of this fic.

Author's Response: That is the question, isn't it? Will she ever realize she wants him?? If so, when will that happen? lol... I'm glad you enjoy the cracktasticness of the fic, I was so afraid it would turn everyone off...
Name: Guardianofthewaves reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 01:36 pm
hey hey wait...thats it?
come on you can't stop there!!!!

Author's Response: Sorry!! If that chapter got any longer, I was afraid it was going to grow legs and run away on me. I was dealing with too much text, and just had to cut it at some point... Plus, secretly, I like to watch you all squirm... *evil laugh*
Name: Embellished reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 01:07 pm
Oh, dear. Ginny does get herself into all sorts of messes, doesn't she? But this time, it really does seem to be her own fault. She was incredibly stupid. Ah well, I'm sure something interesting will come of it. Thanks for posting!

Author's Response: Yes, she was incredibly stupid, but her fault? I'm not so sure of that.
Name: Izzy726 reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 10:35 am
this is great
i meen wow

Author's Response: Hee! Thanks!
Name: DanRadcliffesgrrl reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 10:31 am
Oh my gosh. I didn't see the Hana Yori Danga stories so you can guess that I was absolutely shocked that Ginny was raped. I had hoped that the guy had left her at the hotel unharmed. Now you have to update as soon as possible so I can find out what happens to Ginny.

Author's Response: Will update as soon as possible... As for what truly happened that night - there's a lot more going on than those photos reveal. But, you'll have to wait for the next update for find out what that is! (If you watch HYD, you'll find out)
Name: Spotlyhill22 reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 09:51 am
I have to tell you that your story is absolutely fabulous! I am on the edge of my seat at the end of every chapter and this newest one is awesome. I am impressed with your great character development, which is so hard to find in many stories. And previously the blow about Blaise and Cho to Ginny...I felt her pain, man! So please please update as soon as you can because I am dying to hear what you will come up with next! The chapters are long do you usually spend writing and editing? They are fabulous and keep up the good work!

Author's Response: Thank you!! I spend about an hour each day writing - or at least, I schedule an hour each day for writing, whether or not it actually happens is another story, lol. Thanks for reading!
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 07:50 am
but what *happened* that night? Surely it can't be that bad?? Everything is amazing about this chapter (well written and interesting as always) except the part where YOU LEAVE A MASSIVE CLIFFHANGER!!!
Evil. Pure evil. I *need* the next chapter...

Author's Response: Sorry about the cliff hanger, but the chapter was just getting TOO LONG. It had to be cut somewhere, and leaving it like that, well... it just gave me an opportunity to see everyone flailing angrily in the reviews! lol I hope to update soon, thanks for reading! (And we do find out what actually happened that night in the next chapter)
Name: tkmoore reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 06:53 am
Excellent story...horrible cliff hanger!!!!

Update soon as I'm dying to know what happens next.

Author's Response: I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. (Actually, the best way to now is to check out the series it's based off of!)
Name: afici0nada reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 05:18 am
Oooohhhh, ending it there was evil! :( My heart breaks for Ginny, because she's truly and honestly an innocent and pure person, and yet that's causing her so much trouble because it makes her open to manipulation and cruelty. I hope Draco has enough sense to talk to her, and soon, before she becomes truly jaded and withdrawn. Sure, Ginny's a really strong person, but she's not superwoman. Somewhere along the line, she's going to break, and I really hope Draco will be there to help her through. I understand his reaction, but really, he should take everything Pansy says with a grain of salt. I bet that brat planned all of this! :P

Great writing! You have a way of portraying your characters so realistically, painting a vivid picture of them without explicitly saying so. At this point, I don't care much for Blaise, but I think Tonks is an interesting character :P I've really enjoyed reading this fic so far, and I do hope you update soon! :)

Author's Response: "Sure, Ginny's a really strong person, but she's not superwoman. Somewhere along the line, she's going to break, and I really hope Draco will be there to help her through." This going to be the thing that will either make or break their relationship, because my poor Ginny, she's just so alone and so accustomed to feeling like it's her against the world - she needs an ally, someone she can depend on, to know that someone would have her back, and if Draco is able to be that person, it's all good... but can be be that person?? Can HE trust HER enough to be that person??

In terms of Pansy... well, let's just say that Draco is a Slytherin for a reason, and that will come into play at one point or another....

LOL, so you don't like Blaise all that much?? haha, I'm actually kind of glad to hear that... people were getting all too fond of him, Draco is supposed to be the one we swoon over!

Name: ogygiasylph reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 03:44 am
yes yes yes yes! Can I say that though I haven't read this chapter yet, I am extremely excited to find that your story has been updated!

Despite my visceral dislike for AU stories, this one has captivated me. Your Draco is perfectly in character, and so is your Ginny. And the violent tension between them, stronger than it would be in a non-AU Hogwarts, makes their "romantic" interaction all the more appreciable.

I can't wait to see how this unravels, and I am, in fact, off to do so right now :) Thanks for providing D/G lovers with such an enjoyable read!

Author's Response: Thank you very much! I really appreciate your comments re: their characterizations, especially as this story is SO AU, I have to really keep myself in check to make sure they're not 180% different for their canon-portrayals.
Name: Kalira reviewed The Importance of Being in Control on Jan 22, 2007 01:17 am
How utterly horrid. It really makes me want to kill Pansy, but I expect that was the emotion you were going for. Though I can't think why she would have cut out the guy's face from the picture. And I thought that Ginny still had on her shirt and knickers... so how could there have been a picture with her not wearing them? Ah well, I suppose I'll just have to wait for the next update to have all my questions answered. Do write quickly please!

Author's Response: The guy's face wasn't CUT from the picture, it just didn't show his face, I guess I should go back and explain that better. But as for Pansy... IS she the one behind it?
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