Name: Themehdis reviewed What a Girl Wants... on Sep 28, 2008 04:48 am
Squeel...................................Luv it.....keep up the good work(do you haave any actor in mind who resembles blaise)
Name: chocolate_snow reviewed What a Girl Wants... on Aug 30, 2008 12:38 am
more more more more MORE!!!

pls pls pls pls pls pls update!!!
love this story and the new turns!!!
Name: blondy7292 reviewed What a Girl Wants... on Jul 31, 2008 04:53 pm
This is excellent update soon : )
Name: Amrei reviewed What a Girl Wants... on Jul 13, 2008 11:39 pm
I just found your story and it's really great!
The whole concept is other than in other fanfictions.
Huh, I just hope Ginny won't stay at her point of view before it's too late...
Who could've assigned the two death-eaters...?
Maybe his parents?
Well however I hope you'll continue soon,
Name: noludoru reviewed What a Girl Wants... on Jun 09, 2008 01:42 pm
Okay, I love it. As always. YAY! And sorry about my barely-coherent review that was accidentally posted on the wrong chapter anyway.. haha... I was pretty excited.
Name: Carnelian reviewed What a Girl Wants... on Jun 07, 2008 01:01 am
Wow, this is such a great story. It took hours to read all of the chapters, what with the chapters being so long (which in this case is only good) and English not being my mother tongue. I'm usually a little skeptical about AU-based fics, but this one turned out to be amazing. Very well planned and written, so keep up the good work and the updates coming. :-)
Name: annam reviewed What a Girl Wants... on Jun 04, 2008 10:14 pm
Well here is my review of your story so far....the character development have been so well linked to Harry Potter that i am impressed....a little secret i actually read your story before i knew abt HYD, and i loved your story it was thought provoking, funny when needed it to be and very easy to imagine that this all could be true if DH had never happened... i for one loved Meteor Garden which is the Taiwanese version of HYD becuz i though the guy was a much better acter than the Japanese guy.... i even checked your livejournal... i too live near toronto and the allure of designer wares are hard to resist but im sure you are coping in your new appartment... hats off to you...!!! i recommend seeing Soulmates the best drama so far...

Author's Response: Thanks so much for your kind words. When I was first watching HYD, I couldn't believe just how much it seemed like the two main characters just walked out of a D/G fic, which made my brain start spinning to figure out how I could WRITE that fic, and what it would take to make it work, which is how I ended up with this current, completely twisted incarnation of JKR's world.
Name: OldBlueEyes reviewed What a Girl Wants... on Jun 02, 2008 03:30 pm
Okay, they just need to get on with it and make out. :)

Author's Response: You know that, and I know that. Now if only those two could know that... but then, I wouldn't have much story, now would I?
Name: loony99 reviewed What a Girl Wants... on Jun 01, 2008 04:02 pm

I didn't know how much i've missed this story until i started reading this chapter ! i just love draco in this story with his to faces and the way ginny tries to live with her insecurities ..
keep up the good work and can't wait to read more :P

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm glad to finally post another chapter - writers' block is really frustrating.
Name: crazykay254 reviewed What a Girl Wants... on May 31, 2008 11:57 am
awww i love this story! only ginny needs to hurry up and stop hating him. also she's going to get in trouble with the death eaters if she doesn't make up her mind soon. i'm guessing that it's draco's parents that sent out the orders. please please please please update soon!
Name: fairydust123 reviewed What a Girl Wants... on May 31, 2008 10:23 am
A masquerade ball? SQUEEEEEEEE! :D
I can't express how much I love this story in simple words. I did a happy dance when I saw you had updated :)
I honestly cannot wait for more, but I know the wait will be worth it, as always :)
Name: Themehdis reviewed What a Girl Wants... on May 31, 2008 08:01 am
when i saw u submitted the chapt i squealed!!!!i love your story, i read it reliogiously!!!!!pleasee post the next chapt quickly...i almost died waiting for this one(out of plain curiousity if u were to base blaise on any character who would he be.
Name: Len reviewed What a Girl Wants... on May 31, 2008 05:24 am
this story is awesome! don't know how i haven't find it till now.

update as soon as you can, please
Name: ExquisiteBeauty reviewed What a Girl Wants... on May 30, 2008 07:34 pm
Name: Kalira reviewed What a Girl Wants... on May 30, 2008 07:05 am
Fantastic! I had to go back a few chapters to remember what was going on, but once I got it figured out... it was a really good chapter. And it was definitely worth waiting for! So this masquerade... that sounds interesting. I hope the next few chapters are posted a bit quicker, but even if they aren't... I'll still be waiting for them. Good luck with the writing!
Name: Rashonda reviewed What a Girl Wants... on May 29, 2008 10:45 pm
Hope! Great to have you back. You wouldn't believe it but over the past few days, I've been re-reading this story. So, when I seen that this story was updated, I really had to do a double take, because I'd gotten so engrossed in it again.

Now, I have to wonder about Blaise. Is he seeking out Ginny to un-nerve Draco, or does he actually want her now. Seeing as though, he knows that she still holds some kind of interest in him, despite her feeling for Draco that she continues to try and push aside. If, he is intentionally going after her to spite him that would be all kinds of wrong.

Or, if he's following Cho's initial advice and trying to pursue something with her? It's so left up in the air, either way I hope Draco doesn't end up almost killing him, because it's inevitable that a fight will ensue, especially if you're still following the HYD storyline, and if you are that will be both funny and sad.

I liked Hermione's assessment of the situation, she has good insight on what is jumbled in Gin's head. I wonder when Gin will come to the realization herself though and stop fighting her feelings for the boy, as infuriating the acknowlegement will be. Oh, and good for Draco for at least making an effort with Hermione it's progress. It reminded me of the convo with Blaise about he and Draco doing things differently then what their elders did.

As for Draco and his bruised ego/heart towards the end. I can see why he'd be frustrated with her at this point, but at the same time. He told her earlier on that he'd wait for her to come to her senses that inevitably she'd be his, even after Blaise returned and would try to woo her. But, I guess now that the competition has arrived again, it's a bit much for him. Hopefully, things work themselves out. GJ, Hope. Glad that you're back. :)
Name: babigurlchels reviewed What a Girl Wants... on May 29, 2008 10:08 pm
yes! an update!

i keep going back and forth between thinking Malfoy puts up with alot of Ginnys crap then i'd expect to getting extremely tierd of his mood swings!

ginny... oh god. why can't she just accept she wants malfoy!?! and now blaise is back and drco jealous(again!!)

but i LOVE your story, always have! please put up another chapter soon.
Name: bella vita reviewed What a Girl Wants... on May 29, 2008 06:12 pm
i live for your long awaited updates.
they make me happy.
because it was your stories that got me hooked to D+G.
great job!

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