Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: Phia reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 09, 2006 08:06 am
The amount of detail and references in this chapter alone is simply amazing! I admire your style and am sincerely looking forward to the next chappie. Fab job!
Name: Phia reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 09, 2006 06:10 am
The amount of detail and references in this chapter alone is simply amazing! I admire your style and am sincerely looking forward to the next chappie. Fab job!

Author's Response: Thanks a lot! :) The next chapter should be up in a little bit, I just got it back from my beta-reader.
Name: susie reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 05, 2006 04:11 pm
when do you think the new chapter will come out?
it's such a great story

Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad you like it. The chapter should be up by Saturday, I think.
Name: ferretgirl reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 05, 2006 10:53 am
I am confused. How old are they supposed to be, cause you say Ginny only just got out of Durmstrang.....

Author's Response: She's seventeen--I randomly decided decided that Durmstrang would take six years rather than the Hogwarts seven, since I believe in GoF Fleur comments on how French and British systems are different, so why not British and Bulgarian/Romanian/wherever Durmstrang is. Ginny turned 17 in April, and Draco 18 at some point.
Name: Rashonda reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 03, 2006 03:51 am
I just finished all 14 chapters, and I must say that all the praise that this story has garnered is *well* deserved. Ginerva is playing with fire in regards to the Malfoys, how long can she keep up this facade is beyond me. I understand her motivation and wants driving her to do this, but I fear for the girl. Not only from Draco's wrath but Pansy's which may be ten times as worst, you've done great with the push/pull story not knowing and fearing when the truth comes out on all ends. Did he intentionally sentence her family to death or was it accidental since he felt guilt when seeing them on Halloween.

I know folks loathe Cyrus because he is a dastardly character, but I *love* him. This man right now is holding all of the cards and Ginny's faith in his hands, who would she rather have tell Draco the truth Cyrus or her at this point because it's coming to a head. Or will she as he said willingly give herself to him so the secret can be kept either way Draco will be in for the shock of his life. I see hurt, suffering and possibly a bit of understanding on his part when the truth comes out. Great story, I look forward to your next update. :)
Name: Mollie reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 02, 2006 03:18 pm
I love this chapter. I hope that you update soon!!! I can't wait to see what happens.

Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. More drama coming up, thought in an entirely unexpected way. Thanks for the review!
Name: Embellished reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 02, 2006 05:37 am
Cyrus is an intriguing character. I'm looking forward to finding out what else he ends up doing to Ginny. And I particularly like the jealousy he inspires in Draco. I think it is finally occurring to Ginny just how dangerous a game she is playing. Now if she would only notice what her symptoms mean! Anyway, I really enjoy the way you keep building the tension in this story. It keeps me on my toes! Thanks for the update.

Author's Response: The problem with Cyrus is that he's so similar to Draco, except he didn't have Draco's maturing experience with a harrowing year at Hogwarts, months as a DE (can't give out more, now, can I?), and burrying his father. She won't get what's going on with her, but someone is going to be kind enought to tell her (at last). Thanks a lot for all the reviews!
Name: CCC reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 01, 2006 12:35 pm
Why would Draco take Ginny to a place where she and his unborn child would be in danger? I don't get that part. Sorry. I do love your story though, and I'll be anxiously awaiting the next chapter.

Author's Response: Well they aren't really, technically in danger. Besides, Narcissa wants a family for them, and Proserpina IS Lucius' sister. I suppose one could also assume that Draco feels he'd be strong enough to prevent any harm from happening? I'm glad you're enjoying the fic regardless of my inaccuracies. Next chapter, next week! Thanks for reviewing :D
Name: tess reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 01, 2006 10:51 am
this story is really really good! I hope you update often

Author's Response: thank you very very much! I'll update in a little bit, as usual :)
Name: spider reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 01, 2006 09:18 am
I absolutely adore this story. I love the historical references (it's always exciting to see original characters with names that have been given with a specific intent in mind. ie= Belial, indeed), and the ones you've chosen are great.

I can picture Cyrus in my head perfectly, and I have to say that I hate him. He's ridiculously disgusting, but very interesting. Voldemort was a huge deal in England moreso than any other place, but even so, Cyrus doesn't seem to care much about Ginny's past.

Well, I mean, it's as if the fact that she came from a family diametrically opposed to Draco's in every respect is only secondary to him having his way with her. Arrghh. I hate him.

And I'm really nervous for Ginny. She left England where Blaise was spying (very effectively) on her to come to this place, where her true identity was found out in about 5 seconds flat.

Ah. Lovely chapter - very exciting.

Author's Response: I'm glad you like the historical references (more coming, mwahaaa!), and that you hate Cyrus. I'm considering using him in later chapters, given the response he triggered... He's dangerous, but the fact that he has his own agenda might delay his revealing to Draco Ginny's identity. All in all, thanks for reviewing for so many chapters!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 01, 2006 06:51 am
WOW! I have to say that this chapter is so great. I loved the conflict that rages inside Ginny to tell Draco the truth and also expose her secrets to him. I also love how you have Draco muscle his cousin and declare what is his, Ginny. I so can't wait to see what happens in the next chapter! Thank you, it is a pleasure to read this story. When will Ginny realize she is having a baby?
Name: Moonyk reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 01, 2006 05:53 am
Oh god I really, truly loathe Cyrus. The whole bloody family!!! I can't believe he figured it out within 2 seconds of her arriving there! Okay maybe not 2 seconds but it was still awfully fast! And Ginny should have just acted dumb. But I really fear for her. I rather Draco know that she's a Weasley than Cyrus having his way with her. What with him being stronger and everything. I don't even want to think rape and adultery!!!!

Oh please, pretty please, couldn't you send them back to the safety of Malfoy Manor? PLEASE! I'm just afraid to go on now. Urgh! And a shoutout to Ginny.

Wake up and smell the vomit! YOU'RE PREGNANT!

Ps: Nice punch there Draco. *blows you a kiss*
Name: Dana F Malfoy reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Sep 01, 2006 01:28 am
Another good chapter, I loved it very much. Now the action trully begins, I'm so scared of the moment when Draco will find out who she really is...

I hope love will overcome it.

Hugs, Dana.
Name: Vixenize reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Aug 31, 2006 08:49 pm
Holy. Crap. Where to begin?

First of all, I LOVED the tennis match and the confrontation at the end. Possessive!Draco is one of the sexiest Dracos. And what I especially love was your description of how Ginny felt about Draco - that bit before the match, in which Draco used Legilimency to read her lustful desires for him was very enjoyable - the way she loved his displays of raw strength and the fear about having to kiss Cyrus. Cyrus is such an asshole, just like his father. I'm glad that Draco taught Cyrus a well deserved lesson. If he found out what Cyrus tried to do to Ginny ... *shudders* I kind of what Draco to Legilimens Ginny and find out so he can smash Cyrus to bits. >:D Is that bad of me? But will Draco ever find out?

Your description of Uzbekistan was written very well and even though I have never been there, I could tell that you put some research into it and weren't just pulling it off the top of your head, even without the author's note at the end. I like your description of the desert and I can actually see it in my head as I read. I find it also interesting that the new prejudices of the wizarding world are not only limited to Britain but is in fact reaching further. It reminds me a bit of Hitler and Mussolini, actually (the way Hitler saw Mussolini's propaganda work and then copied it for Germany, much like Draco's aunt wants to do with Uzbekistan.

Back to Protective!Draco... I loved their conversation in the bathroom. I usually really like fics in which Draco is jealous, but in this case I don't think Draco is jealous of his cousin, more like worried for Ginny and pissed off at Cyrus. Draco knows Ginny wouldn't cheat on him, at least not with Cyrus. And from your writing we can tell that he didn't mean to be so rude to Ginny, he just wants her away from Cyrus cause he knows what Cyrus is capable of. He should have hired some security trolls to protect Ginny once he knew they were visiting Cyrus. ;) Normally, I would like the tension between Draco and Cyrus, especially when it is over Ginny, but you have written Cyrus so creepy and asshole-y that I am so worried for Ginny and I don't want him to go anywhere near her. I don't blame Ginny for sticking to Draco the rest of the time, that's what I would do too... but surely Draco has noticed his wife is clingier?

Some grammar issues: Is there supposed to be a quotation mark in front of "This time Draco preempted Cyrus..."? And when Cyrus taunts Draco, he says "being" instead of "begin". ;)

Also, regarding some of the author replies you have left to other reviews... it seems as if you're planning to get Draco mad at Ginny once he finds out... but isn't he worried that will be dangerous to his unborn child? And also, wtf is he thinking, bringing his newly pregnant wife (and therefore higher risk of miscarriage) to a place where he knows his creepy cousin may stalk and attack her? Tsk tsk, Draco... *shakes head*

Anyway, another EXCELLENT chapter and I am eagerly waiting the next one already! This has become one of my favourite stories and I was so pleasantly surprised to see it on the recently updated fics list! :D Keep up the good work!
Name: dramaqueen872005 reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Aug 31, 2006 07:30 pm
I want Ginny to be exposed, but at the same time, not... everything's wrought with tension! Ick Cyrus.. ick. Do you have a posting schedule or do you just post when the chapter's ready? Can't wait for the next chapter!!
Name: KateinVA reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Aug 31, 2006 06:56 pm
*bites fingernails* Meep! Something big is going to happen with Cyrus. Good for Ginny for beating the tar out of that bastard! She should tell Draco that she's ill and needs to go home, or that Cyrus is bothering her, and she's not comfortable there. It's a gamble, but how long can she fend that guy off? It's all coming out soon, I can feel it! I'm actually not super worried about Ginny being exposed. Draco will be very angry, I'm sure, but he's desperate to keep her. I do worry just a little about him realizing that it was Harry Potter she was kissing, even in ghost form. Draco's jealousy is a lot more frightening than his anger over her deception. At least to me. Keep it coming!

Author's Response: Yes, but being Ginny, she doesn't want to cause trouble, particularly since Cyrus would then have an incentive (I should say, furher incentive) to tell on her. How desperate do you think Draco is to keep her? Also, would his desire to keep her with him despite the knowledge of what she's been up to provide a safe/sane environment for the two of them? Thanks a lot for the review :D
Name: Akt5us reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Aug 31, 2006 06:36 pm
I don't know if it is correct. I just remeber it from the reading.
Well, then I can't wait to read chapter 18! :D
Name: That Iz I reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Aug 31, 2006 06:06 pm
There are no words for this chapter. No, of course there are words. How thrilling! That punch was unexpected but still Malfoy worthy. I fear for Ginvera. Although, I know in the back of my mind that she will be exposed... sooner or later. I thought you're names for Draco's cousin, aunt, and uncle were well fitting. In fact, my nephew's name is Cyrus. I love him dearly but he is deceivingly cunning.
As for your last chapter, just as good! Especially your quote, “Being a Malfoy isn’t that bad.” As well as her happiness for Draco’s relief if Narcissa was to heal. I expect an update soon?
Thanxxx a trillion!

Author's Response: Unexpected the punch, indeed. He might get more than that in a little while... Fear for Ginevra, indeed: she's going to get in trouble soon. I always liked the name Cyrus--I don't think it's necessarily linked to cunning, but it is definitely loaded with power, and Persian, so... It seemed appropriate. I'm glad you enjoyed these two chapters. Expect an update in about a week, as usual. Thanks to YOU, for reviewing so much, so often :D
Name: Lauren reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Aug 31, 2006 05:17 pm
Oh, you are making me nervous. NOw we have another thing that could mean big trouble. And when, pray tell, is Ginny going to find out that she's pregnant? I'm terrified and enthralled. Well done.

Author's Response: yeah, big trouble... thank god Cyrus might hate Draco as much as he wants Ginny, which might delay his decision to tell on her. next chapter about the pregnancy, I promise. It took her long enough... I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for the review!!
Name: Akt5us reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Aug 31, 2006 05:01 pm
Love the chapter!
OMG! I just did all that for my Summer AP homwork in AP World History. I'm like, that seems familiar.
I think Draco's present to Ginny for Christmas will be that she is pregnant. Then she'll escape and go to Cyrus for comfort maybe? How many more chapters do you think?
I can't wait to read more since you can only tell me what happens next!

Author's Response: Really? Were the details about Uzbekistan accurate? Did I mess anything up? You're right about that present (good job!), but go to Cyrus? Ewwwww... Chapter 18 is THE BIG REVELATION, but til the end, I have noooo idea... Thanks for the review!!
Name: WG13 reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Aug 31, 2006 04:59 pm
PS: Love the footnotes...and the details about the architecture... LOL have I found another writer hooked on history?

Author's Response: Well... You certainly found someone hooked on mythology, other countries, and arabic architecture (that is, in my mind, one of the most beautiful of all times)!!! (though any historic detail I can incorporate always makes it better....) Please, do tell me if I muck up some of the history!
Name: bobkatz reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Aug 31, 2006 04:57 pm
Cyrus is creepy. I can't wait until Draco finds out Ginny is a Weasley.

Author's Response: Yeah, he is, isn't he... It's going to take a few more chapters, but by the time Chapter 18 rolls by, you're in for some revelations, I promise!
Name: WG13 reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Aug 31, 2006 04:55 pm
Eeeeeks! I actually felt revolted reading bits of the story...

Himm... that again says a lot about ur writing; if u can make people feel for ur characters...

I wonder how things will go from here... I fell very; very sorry for Blaise; being in the position that he is in. It won't be easy telling Draco what's happening under his nose... he might just shoot the messenger...

Author's Response: I'm glad you felt revolted. Errr... mmh. Maybe not... 0:) You know what I mean ;) If Draco decides to merely SHOOT the messenger, said messenger will be lucky... Thanks for the review!
Name: dragoncharmer79 reviewed 14. Escalating tensions and subsequent blows on Aug 31, 2006 04:53 pm
Briliant. Wow can not wait to see if Draco finds out about Ginny being a Weasley. Does Ginny know that she is pregnant?

Author's Response: Thank you. It's going to be hectic, I promise. Not yet, she doesn't. >:]
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