Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed 16. A happy couple on Aug 11, 2009 02:19 pm
Rereading this fic, I was afraid of coming to the part where Draco starts to find out who Ginny is, but this chapter was actually really sweet. The fact that he still feels love for her despite the fact that he knows something fishy is up is a testament to how true his love really is.
Name: selene_blackwell reviewed 16. A happy couple on Jan 01, 2008 03:43 pm
brilliant. but this looks to be quite bad when he finds out about her. ooh my goodness!
Name: hgforever reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 28, 2006 04:53 am
I really really love this fanfic !!!!
Fantastic story, good written, maybe more
of ginny´s thoughts of Draco himself an her relation to him, but maybe you´ve already done that in future chapters..
I´ll be waiting !!
Name: Talimenios reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 27, 2006 07:45 pm
I've just finished reading the entire story and this chapter is my favourite because it's so beautiful both emotionally and graphically (as other's have been quick to point out). I found the part about Harry very enlightening as Draco has commented previously on Ginevra's lack of pleasurable experience.
The fluff in the snow was sweet, I've done the old "Snow down the back of the boyfriend's shirt" before and I can say that it does spark very interesting reactions in real life.
The two extremes so powerful here the calm surroundings, compared with Draco's (and possibly Ginevra's)internal emotional turmoil also manifested with the metaphor of fireworks...simply beautiful.
Name: chasitysmommy reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 27, 2006 08:42 am
I love your writing. You have such a great use of imagery I can picture what's going on in my head as I read like it's a movie. You keep me looking forward to every chapter. I hate to say it but I feel so bad for Draco, he is so in love with her and he is going to be so heartbroken. I keep asking myself what's he going to do when he finds out, espically knowing she is carrying his child now. I hope we will know soon! I look forward to the next update!

Author's Response: Thank you :) I'm glad my writing satisfies you. Don't feel bad for Draco, he's an ass, too. You'll see what he does soon enough... sadly...
Name: snitch369 reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 26, 2006 09:49 am
More! More! This story continues to be fabulous, and as much as I'll hate for it to end I can't wait for everything to finally be out in the open! I hope that college is going well for you. Are you studying English?

Author's Response: More coming, I promise. I'm very happy you're liking it so much. As to the end, don't worry: you still have a few chapters before everything unravels (how? I have NO idea). I'm actually studying pre-med, visual studies (art) and creative writing--I guess the latter counts as English. Thanks for your many reviews!
Name: Myffieberry reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 26, 2006 12:13 am
I LOVE THIS STORY! Update please ASAP.

Author's Response: I'm glad :-D Thanks for reviewing! I'll do my best to update quickly...
Name: new moon reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 04:51 pm
update!!!!!! update!!!!!!! update!!!!!! love it so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Author's Response: wow... that's enthusiastic :) thanks for the review!
Name: That Iz I reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 03:34 pm
Brilliant chapter! Except you have left me confused and that is a very bad thing to do. Normally, I would pest you beyond belief but the situation is very hard to do. So I will leave will good words and leave the questions to myself.

Author's Response: Please, no, do ask! If I have confused you, then I must make it up, and ensure that it will be clarified in ensuing chapters. Thanks for enjoying the chapter regardless, and taking the time to review!
Name: CCC reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 11:07 am
I love your story. I'll be checking for more.
Name: Maggie reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 06:55 am regards to Draco, probably not heartbroken, but close to it! lol
Name: Maggie reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 06:48 am
I really liked this shows how heart broken Draco will be when he finds out, and that though he loves her, he also hates not knowing who she is that she is clearly hiding more secrets than he could imagine.
In a way I feel bad for Ginevra because she is clearly falling so head over heals in love with him. But, at the same time you can't help but hate her for what she is plotting and everything.
I love your complex characters. that Blaise wants Ginny and Draco to just choose to love each other is so sweet, and that he wants it all to end. I can't wait until the next chapter of this story. You create the perfect balance between backstory and plotting and planning on many different levels and between different characters, but you also mix in the perfect amount of humanity and love and harmony to make the characters seem like real people rather than just one dimensional characters...congrats!
I love it, update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Akt5us reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 06:36 am
Love the chapter! I don't get how Blasie could figure out who it is. I can't wait to read more!

Author's Response: Yay, I'm glad! He figured it out a few chapters ago, upon remembering the intonation with which Ginny called Serafina "Zabini". Shehzin also spotted Ginny at WWW demanding that an owl be sent to Hermione... Thanks for the review!
Name: ellie reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 05:20 am
screwing a typewriter??
not a luffley mental image
var good, though. can't wait for the next chapter :D

Author's Response: well, maybe sleeping with Harry wasn't very luffley, either... what's who going to do? Draco? Harry (coming back from the dead to chastize Ginny for her disrespectful comments regarding their first time together) Thanks for the review! :)
Name: Embellished reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 04:53 am
I love this story, but in some ways it is truly stressful to read it. I keep waiting for the axe to fall, but you keep putting it off. I have a feeling that Draco is going to figure out who Ginny is before Blaise has a chance to calm him down, and then all hell is going to break loose. I just hope that Draco and Ginny are becoming attached enough that it will all turn out okay in the end. Thanks for the update, anyway, and good luck with college!

Author's Response: It's true that I've been putting off the revelation. It's in chapter 18, just so you know... Hell is indeed going to break loose, mwahahaahaaa. It might turn out ok in the end. Might... Thanks for reviewing!
Name: Xazou reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 04:52 am
I love this story, I really really love it. Please keep going :)

Author's Response: Thanks, I'm glad! Don't worry, I'm still writing--slowly but surely
Name: citrusabby reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 03:58 am
Ah, an update finally! The two-week long wait was well, long enough (:

Brilliant chapter, and my, I can't believe he hasn't yet figure out who Ginevra is. But he's getting closer eh, and I shudder at the thought. *smirks* I definitely hope that he wouldn't hate her for her little plottings, because I believe she very much cares for him too!

Thank you for writing! It made my day and I hope to read the next chapter real, real, soon (:

Author's Response: I'm really sorry for the delay. Unfortunately I can't promise I'll keep up with my usual "one week, one chapter" policy :/ Well, he DOES think her dead along with the other Weasleys; his wife is blonde, refined, and went to Durmstrang; it's a hard realization to make on your own. Thanks a lot for reviewing!
Name: Moonyk reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 03:10 am
Draco really thinks that he killed off all the Weasleys huh, that he can't even put the name GINEVRA to a Weasley. Like hello?! Were you soo ignorant in school that you totally don't recall this particular name? Cmon it's unique!

And she DID hex him. Or are you not following anything in the book at all? I feel like shaking Draco.

I skipped most of the H/G interaction. I just...cant!! Cannot! *shakes head* But glad to see that their first time together wasn't all fairytale like. Screwing a typewriter?! LOL poor Harry. Dont speak ill of the dead!


Author's Response: I doubt Draco ever bothered to realize that the puny redhead who cursed him was kill Ginevra. The fact that everyone called her Ginny may justify his incapacity to remember any name of the sort. Also, I believe the only unique thing in Draco's life is himself. I'm not speaking ill of the dead 0:) Merely trying to be, ah, realistic.
Name: Anya reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 24, 2006 02:27 am
She isn't planning on doing anything stupid about the baby, is she? Draco is right in wanting her followed.
Blaise is in a really difficult situation, wanting the best for his friend and knowing the answer all along.
Didn't have the time to check but I thought Ginny was a virgin before she married Draco, or maybe it was in another fic, or maybe I just assumed that about her, as she is letting people assuming things instead of lying. Oh, I will check this piece of information later on.
Of course Draco was bound to forget the girl Weasley, since there were so many boys Weasley and such, and the only one he did remember was Granger. Just waiting his reaction when he discovers at last.
And "screwing a typewriter" was the best thing ever! Poor Harry...

It's been a while since I've written a review, and I'm really sorry. Hope to keep up with your updates.

Author's Response: No problem at all. It's been a while since I've written a chapter, too, lol. You're right, I just assumed D wouldn't remember her: she doesn't have the flaming red hair, people don't call her Ginny, and she doesn't run after HP anymore (though maybe because he's dead...). She wasn't a virgin. I didn't want to push it. I think if I had "loved" Harry and know he might die soon, I would have wanted to go to the next level. So Ginny did... Thanks a lot for the review!
Name: Mollie reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 07:38 pm
That was really good, though I am a bit worried for Ginny. Oh boy, what is going to happen if Draco ever finds out that she is Ginny Weasley!!! Please update soon!!! I love this story.

Author's Response: Thanks! You'll see what happens to her imminently!
Name: Marcia reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 07:35 pm
Great chapter!!! Thank you so much. The last part of this chapter was particularly poignant. Although, the entire story has been suffused with intelligence and charm.

Author's Response: Thank you! You're very welcome :) I'm glad you're enjoying it all, even the cute and cuddly fluff in the snow--wishful thinking on my part, lol.
Name: omg reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 06:46 pm
omg you really have to update often i am dieing for the next chapter!

Author's Response: lol unfortunately I might have to go for one chapter every week or two weeks. Sorry! But thanks for pointing out that you enjoy the story :)
Name: DracoGinnyLover reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 06:29 pm
BRAVO!!!!! He is getting closer to the truth. but he can't hurt her yet she is with child. Can't wait to read more. Good Luck! :)

Author's Response: right. can't hurt her YET. besides, there are more ways than physically wounding people. >:] (don't worry he's not going to use a mental Crucio or something) Thank you for your review!
Name: WG13 reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 06:02 pm
Another brilliant chapter... i am so glad that ur posting again... missed reading ur story at the end of the week. it's so good, that's its like this lovely treat that u can relax and chew on, till the next one pops up.

Looking forward to Ginny's conversation with Hermione... that should be very interesting...

What i also really liked was the way Draco keeps reminding himself ”The Potter and Weasley vaults... Potter and Weasley... Potter and Weasley..." even when he is making out with his wife... shows u a lot about how his brain's functioning.

As always, i can't wait for the next update!

Author's Response: Thanks! I'm really sorry for the delay... You're right for one thing: Hermione and Ginny's conversation will be, ah... interesting... Draco doesn't like to be double-crossed, and I wanted to show that. Thanks for the review(s)!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed 16. A happy couple on Sep 23, 2006 05:32 pm
WOW! I congratulate you because each chapter lurks another surprise. I love it! I do hope that soon we will hear from Hermione and also what is it that Ginny wants from this pregnancy. I know she says that she never wanted to be pregnant but will it affect the way she feels about the Malfoys? I feel like she is already knowing them so well and at the same time at a crossroad as to handling them.. I do hope she reveals herseld soon before the baby. I know he will be devastated and will want to know if it is real, their love.. Love this chapter, love your story and I so can't wait til your next great one!

Author's Response: Thank you :) There wasn't a surprise in here, was there? (:::wonders what she wrote in her own chapter:::) She never wanted to be pregnant by Draco... and it will push her to make a decision. Unfortunately, she won't reveal herself--other people will take care of that for her. Thanks for the review; I'm glad you're enjoying my story!
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