Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: die Loreley reviewed 20. The confidant on Jan 07, 2007 06:49 pm
"“Will you?” he asked, stepping forward, looking like Christmas had come early."

Arghh... *loves Draco*. I hope things with Ginny get better. But not before a big showdown because I think a Malfoy/Weasley spat would be fun to watch. :P

Loving Izha so much too! Even though she's telling Draco everything. What are girlfriends for if not to keep secrets, eh? :P She appears to be a lovely woman. And she's wiser than she appears to be.

Great chapter! Can't wait for more! Hope Naycit gets back to you, or that Lyndsie keeps doing a fab job!
Name: sunkisses reviewed 20. The confidant on Jan 05, 2007 05:15 pm
UPDATE soon please... I'm thoroughly engrossed! I hope everything turns out all right :(
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed 20. The confidant on Jan 03, 2007 03:11 am
tcha..... bastard.
rrrr. I hope you'll not keep Draco as an evil person, as he is obviously merely vair confused and a little childish. Vair nice touch with the pepper up potion though... This is fabby, can't wait for more :)
Name: anonymous reviewed 20. The confidant on Jan 02, 2007 09:35 am
no i dont mind if you take the sentence and put it in the story.
im anonymous only bc im too lazy to sign in.
Name: smarties101 reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 30, 2006 09:39 am
i love this story i have been reading it nin stop for the last two days . I cant wait for more !!1
Name: saucy reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 23, 2006 02:23 pm
Oh, I can't wait to read more!
Name: Jessica Malfoy reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 22, 2006 02:12 pm
This is an Awesome story so far! Hopefully Ginny and Draco wont be fighting for to much longer because we all know they love each other
Name: anonymous reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 22, 2006 06:05 am
uh oh. i hope she didnt injure the babies when she fell.? or maybe it wasnt that type of a fall? maybe it was a "her back slid down the wall and she sat on the floor" fall?

Author's Response: i kinda like that sentence... mind if I place it in my story? ;) (i'd give due credit, of course...)
Name: Pipperstorms reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 19, 2006 03:12 pm
You know... it would almost serve him right if neither one of the twins were boys...(not suggesting, I'm betting you have everything figured out, i'm only making an observation) And on that some note- he's going to get smacked one of these days.
Name: ronlover reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 19, 2006 12:28 pm
Update soon!!!!!!!!!
Name: Moonyk reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 19, 2006 05:42 am
Oh my god, he's going to reveal the truth?? And all I can think is...she's going to have lovely red hair!!! Okay shut up.

I think you describe Draco perfectly, hurt those who you care for the most. I don't like it but it's apt. I can understand that. URGH.

and please please oh please dont make us wait another month! *pokes out my eyeballs*
Name: caroline reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 19, 2006 04:08 am
More than anything else, I must thank you for writing this fic because I am learning a lot of new words this way..

ANyway needless to say, I hope to see Draco and Ginny back together soon.

Your fic is awesome, I love it. This is the first DG fic I am reading in months.

Can you send me a chapter alert when you update next please???

My email id is

I saw this fic yesterday and completed all 20 chapters today..

looking forward to more..
I will post more detailed reviews soon :)
Name: Mollie reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 19, 2006 02:22 am
Another excellent chapter!!! I can't wait for an update!!! Please write more soon!!!
Name: Cathryn Aeiran reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 18, 2006 07:16 pm
I hope she F*cks him up really good when the time comes.
Name: Rashonda reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 18, 2006 04:31 pm
I simultaneously loathe/love Draco in this story. He's being a complete and utter bastard to her, but surely what did she expect when he found out the truth. She's never quite really been on the receiving end of his wrath, thankfully she's handling it and stride, as best and she can at this point. And, you seriously have me wanting Ginny to claw out Serafina eyes, and I'm not to type to what women fighting over men, but she's really really pissing me off. I wish Pansy would at least do something to the girl, but then she'd find out about Gin's deceit and that's a whole nother can of worms that waiting to slither out. I like how inquisitive Pansy is in this she senses there is a problem, she cares/doesn't care but must know what is going on. Though Gin is hiding the truth from Izha, I think she already knows what is going on in their home, and she's just waiting for Gin to actually spill it to her. Great job as usual, I'm loving it the more and more I read it.
Name: betsym reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 18, 2006 04:13 pm
another wonderful chapter. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't torture me again. add another chapter fast PLEASE!
Name: DejaVu reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 18, 2006 01:20 pm
I actually like Draco in this story... i'm glad that he's in character... And I just know that things will work out well for them in the end... =]
Name: ithinkthereforeiam reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 18, 2006 10:19 am
man, draco is really making me angry. Ginny needs to find a way to get out from under his claws and make him really pay for all that he's done. i'm loving this story so far though, i'm glad you updated
Name: azadi reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 18, 2006 07:29 am
I absolutely adore your Draco! He is a despicably horrible bastard that should get a good kick in the nadgers, and yet there is something very endearing about the way you have written him. The quiet enquiry about his wife to the even crude display in the bathroom all merge together to create an amazing character. As for Ginny, bless her heart, let’s just hope things get better for her! Great chapter as always!
Name: sillysun reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 18, 2006 06:00 am
Giggled out loud when she called him the King of Wankers. (Not that he doesn't deserve it, the way he's been treating her.) I do hope they can find some common ground soon, though - even if I am loving their interplay!
Name: citrusabby reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 18, 2006 01:22 am
Gosh, I hope he's not... sleeping with those women! That mean pig! Grrr I'm so frustrated now! :D

Make him pay back ten times, Ginny!

The chapter was well worth the wait, good job, and thank you!
Name: Prolific Wonder reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 18, 2006 12:25 am
So what your telling m is he can pretty much make her do anything else, but sleep with him? Oh and when are you going to identify what actually happend with the Weasley's? The drama that is Draco and Ginny is rather lack luster, but Pansy's bit was kinda funny.
Name: Anise reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 06:25 pm
Ergh... as good as this story is, it kinda points up the basic problem with writing this type of Draco (a very believable one, btw.) It's honestly very hard for me to buy the idea that these two SHOULD end up together. There's so much bitterness within him that it's difficult to see how he could ever really get past it, and how she could accept anyone who had treated her this way. Other than that, it's great!
Name: Ms_Malfoy reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 03:41 pm
excellent new chapter!
Name: CCC reviewed 20. The confidant on Dec 17, 2006 03:25 pm
Geez, he is really being an evil bugger in this story. Hopefully he'll come around soon.
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