Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: Tatiana reviewed 21. Flight on Mar 22, 2010 09:53 pm
Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky. Just when you think Ginny's resigned herself to her fate, she pulls a move that so eloquently expresses her true character, her true mettle. Brilliant plot twist, brilliant characterization.
Name: Marcia reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 16, 2007 10:57 am
In your response to Anise's review [below] you mention that Draco hasn't done anything too terrible to Ginny, the butter knife not being so bad. Does this mean that he really isn't responsible for the death of her family, that it's just a misunderstanding? Because I can't see how she could ever get beyond the fact that he was the one who got them killed.
Name: Dex reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 14, 2007 05:42 pm
This story rocked my socks. Seriously, so convincing. And I'm totally like you with every name having a meaning. :) I can't wait for the next chapter
Name: Nic reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 13, 2007 03:46 pm
I'm completly addicted to your writing!! Update soon! I'm can't wait to find out what Narcissa thinks of Ginny's dissappearance and what Draco will do when he finds Ginny.
Name: fakebrit reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 11, 2007 10:48 am
You're an amazing writer and this is a great story. Update soon!!!
Name: bavorn reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 09, 2007 06:28 pm
First of all: I really liked the story.
Second: I believe that a correct latin sentence for 'sleep until dawn' would be 'usque ad lucem primam dormi' or 'usque ad auroram dormi'. But it's been a while since I learned latin.

Author's Response: First: I'm glad you do. Thanks for leaving a review. Second: it sounds closer to Latin than mine did; I'll change it as soon as I can. Thank you for the input!
Name: cams_09 reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 09, 2007 02:45 pm
love the story: i'll b waiting patiently 4 another chap! cheers! ;D
Name: Liz reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 09, 2007 02:31 pm
Update soon please! I'm anxious to read what happens next... asap asap!

Author's Response: I'll update asap I promise... unfortunately school started again and I didn't get nearly as much written as I wanted... Thanks for the enthusiasm, though!
Name: Mary-Anne reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 09, 2007 02:25 pm
Folded piece of paper with an address - sounds like a fidalas charm. Hermione's? The Burrow? 12 Grimmauld? Nice touch! Of, course, she had to excape. That's in the best romance story tradition.Please don't keep us waiting.

Author's Response: or maybe something she looked in passing? I'm afraid The Burrow is little more than a pile of ashes :( As to romance story tradition, I try to keep up with the expectations (I can promise, however, that it won't end in wedding, and that it won't end in death... then again...) Thanks for your review :)
Name: Lauren reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 09, 2007 02:02 pm
I haven't lost interest in this story, I just haven't been reviewing. Everyone seems glad that Ginny got away, but honestly I'm not. Ginny is being cowardly, which is not very Ginny like. Although I understand all of her feelings, she continues to use Draco, which is highly annoying. He really does want the best for her, I think, and she's just being damn manipulative.
Love job!

Author's Response: Don't worry :) We all have RL, for better or for worse (worst?). I'm not sure if she's being cowardly so much as giving in to her instinct of preservation. After all, she was just supposed to break havoc (which she's managed to do), and then run away; unfortunately she fell for him in the process. And he's too proud to let her go. (or is there more to his feelings?) As to being manipulative... two can play that game. Thanks for this review and all the ones you left before!
Name: Moonyk reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 09, 2007 12:10 am
Oh my god. She is so freaking dead. *runs around flapping my arms wildly* Oh please dont let him find her, or HERMIONE! Oh no, Hermione's in trouble! Or she's gonna be.

That part where she cries out for her brothers, was she acting or was she really dreaming? It was very sad nonetheless. And stupid Draco, all he can think about is getting some.

And as always, UPDATE SOON!


Author's Response: :::please don't hurt yourself flapping your arms and running::: I'm afraid you're absolutely right in thinking that both Ginny and Hermione are in trouble. Yep... But that's in the next chapter :D Thanks a lot for all the reviews you've left ever since the beginning!
Name: Emma reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 08, 2007 03:49 pm
All right, everyone will probably think I'm crazy - but I'm more disapointed with Ginny then with Draco. Sure Draco was being an ass, but Ginny's being a bigger one by not staying and dealing with issues like a normal person. Also, Ginny doesnt know Draco's side of the story to what really happened. So for me, I'm fore annoyed with Ginny then with anyone else in this story. She's using him. Draco never used her, as far as I'm aware of anyways.

I cant wait for the test chapter. Please Update soon. Just started today, and couldnt stop reading. =)

Author's Response: I'm glad someone finally steps up to defend Draco! Granted he's been an ass, plus we haven't heard his side of the story, so where his relationship with Ginny alone is concerned, he's not exceedingly guilty (except for the time he threw that butterknife at her). She, on the other hand, wasn't planning on dealing with issues with him in a normal way, since she wasn't planned on being married to him in a normal way--therefore, is she really guilty, or did she have to sacrifice certain things for her revenge plot? Anyhow thanks for the review :D I like controversial comments!
Name: ronlover reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 08, 2007 03:43 pm
No! Stupid Ginny. I'm mad at her. lol. Anyways, update soon PLEASE!!!!

Author's Response: woohoo! agreed! well, stupid, not really... i mean she IS risking more than just her heart by remaining with Draco. don't worry, he's not going to let her run away so easily! Thanks for all your reviews!!
Name: DanRadcliffesgrrl reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 08, 2007 01:37 pm
Uh oh! Ginny's going to be in trouble! I hope it won't be too bad. Can't wait for the next update. I love this fic!
Name: ithinkthereforeiam reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 08, 2007 11:17 am
yes! she got away!

i don't know if i want him to find her or not, and i really just want him to show his true colors at this whole game...damn Draco.
Shezhin is awesome and i love how fiery she is, she's definitely one of my favorite characters.
i can't wait to see where this is going, you've got me hooked!

Author's Response: Are you sure you want the true colors? What if his true colors are precisely what everyone expects and sees? Wouldn't that be the greatest deception? :::grins diabolically::: I'm glad you like Shehzin; we need someone to stand up for Ginny, don't we? Thanks for your review :)
Name: Embellished reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 08, 2007 10:31 am
Good for Ginny! It's about time she took matters into her own hands. I can't wait to find out what she does next, and what Draco does. Thanks for the update!
Name: Eova reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 08, 2007 02:58 am
ohhh, how could you end it like this! :D I'm practically dying right now...
wow, another great chapter, I just loved Shehzin's outburst and how Ginny fled...
(I had hoped to see our determined Ginny again :))
very beautiful writing, too (as always :))
thank you so much for writing this!
Name: citrusabby reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 08, 2007 02:47 am
Make love, not war! Yet, I'm enjoying every bit of the tension between our two most favorite people in the world. They have to earn it if they want to be together.
Name: die Loreley reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 07, 2007 07:04 pm
*sigh* Find her! FIND HER SOON! Before I spontaneously combust.

I'm glad the truth is coming out. "Love delights in the flowering of truth". *hopes against hope that everything will turn out ok*

Can't wait for more! Loving the cookies on the forums too! Yay for Naycit and Lyndsie beta-ing for you!
Name: Cathryn Aeiran reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 07, 2007 05:58 pm
Hoot! Bwhahahahaha! Take that you vile, blond, hot, evil, man... Damn that was a great chapter maybe you can up date for my B-day. :D

Author's Response: when's your birthday? :) I can definitely do my best to update then. And thank you for the review!
Name: Rashonda reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 07, 2007 05:02 pm
OMGosh she ran away! I was totally not expecting that to happen. I know Draco will only get scarier at this point since she left him and when he catches her she better have something to counteract whatever lethal thing he'll have in his arsenal. Morally it was wrong what Draco did, but it's all about self-preservation so I can't really fault him for doing what he did to the Weasley's if Gin was in the sam circumstance, I'm sure she would do the same. Hopefully in the long run she'll learn to accept and make peace with what has occured as hard as it may be.

Great update, I loved it.
Name: Niraerlinn reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 07, 2007 05:02 pm
Awesome chapter. I really love the way this story is developing, it's so original.
Name: dragoncharmer79 reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 07, 2007 02:14 pm
OMG I love this story. I can not get enough. I am glad that Draco & Ginny had one last go with each other. Kind of like a good bye shag. I love Narcissa in this story. She is great. I can not wait to see what will happen when Draco finds Ginny and I look forward to where she might have escaped to. But I still am hoping the get their act together.
Name: Anise reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 07, 2007 02:05 pm
I'm really torn about this one. If Ginny and Draco were real people, I could only hope that he never finds her, and that she never goes back to him. But they're not; they're a pair of fictional constructs. So we can all only wait in fascination to see what you manage to come up with for the future of their relationship.

Author's Response: I think if Ginny and Draco were real people, they hopefully wouldn't get themselves into such a situation, and if they did, I hope they would escape. And then we'd have three miserable stories on D& :( And honestly, except for the butter-knife, he hasn't been THAT mean to her. (or have I missed something?) Hanging out with other women and missing Valentine's day is nasty, but in a childish way, don't you think? That being said, I think it's going to get worse before it gets better :/ Thanks for the review :)
Name: WG13 reviewed 21. Flight on Jan 07, 2007 01:55 pm
Woohooo another brilliant chapter.

Adore the research u put into your spell names...

Ya Ginny - you go girl! I am so thrilled that she hasn't lost her self and given up. It was sad to see her take all the shit that Draco was dishing out... whether she deserved it or not.
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