Reviews For Hesperides' Apple
Name: pingpong0601 reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 13, 2007 05:40 pm
Ooh, very very chilling. Draco's threats were just sick *shudder* I just want them to go back to the way they were! They both need to move on and love eachother, ok? You are doing an excellent job with this, I'm so glad you updated-- hopefully you'll update again soon?
Name: ZSF reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 13, 2007 03:25 pm
I've never seen Gladiator before, but I can certainly picture Draco on that couch, hidden in the darkness except for his mouth... scary...
But, he still is Draco, scarily obsessed with his wife or not, and I cannot but love him.
I suppose in a way I justify Draco's threats in my mind by reminding myself that he has not actually done any of those things, and that he is just saying them to scare Ginny. And though Dean didn't do anything to Ginny, you know what it looks like when your wife has run away and is now bunking with her exboyfriend. So, Draco's anger was justified. Of couse, had he actually done all those things, I'd be rather disturbed. He wouldn't... would he?
Name: 0630938 reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 13, 2007 02:12 pm
What an amazing yet disturbing depiction of draco
Name: kellbell930 reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 13, 2007 07:44 am
AHH! no more? grrr! Lol, I read this story all the way through today and it is simply amazing! brilliant. I can't wait to see how Ginny will (hopefully) try to escape without managing to have Draco kill all her friends. Or subsequently fall madly in love with him. Update soon! great story!
Name: Rashonda reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 12, 2007 09:02 pm
Though, I hate the Weasley's and always cheer for their deaths in fics. The way you wrote their demise was fantastically done, fighting all the way until the end. The most chilling of them all though you didn't expound on it was how Bella killed Fred. That delirious woman, I love her and yet she scares the sh*t outta me everytime I read about her. And, as another reviewer said I wonder what Voldie wanted Gin to be killed so bad. I hope you don't leave that open-ended because it's peaked my interest. And, poor Dean. I bet the boy didn't even have a chance to defend himself against Draco. Though, I feel bad he beat him down. I'd rather he take his anger and frustration out Dean than Gin. The threats weren't idle, I believe he'd do as he said he would, and Gin knows that. So, hopefully this all comes to pass in the long run. Great chapter, as usual. Loved it!
Name: Mollie reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 12, 2007 03:02 pm
I definately loved this new chapter and I can't wait to see where you take this!!! I am glad that they are back together, though I don't know if Ginny can ever fogive him for the things that he has done to her (such as black mailing her and harming her friends)!!! I can't wait to see how you complete and finish this!!!
Name: MissMarie66 reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 12, 2007 01:16 pm
AHH! i absolutely adore this story! its so thrilling, is it almost over? i was pretty scared of the deadly Draco in this chapter but i hope he can get past that and there might be a somewhat happy ending?! i mean the memory didn't mention him at all...

Author's Response: very good observation: Draco wasn't there. (So what the Hell am I doing? Good question...) Thanks for the review :) I dunno if it's almost over... I'm having a difficult time drawing out what I have to do now, but it'll come. Once again, thank you!
Name: fanfictionfreak reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 12, 2007 12:46 pm
omg! that was kinda scary. altho i would have imagined that ginny would act with more spunk. but i get where u were coming from: her need to protect her children and her want to not hurt dean. the A/N in the beginning you said "the few remaining chapters". does that mean that this story is close to being finished?
Name: kittyprincess7426 reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 12, 2007 10:41 am
I'm glad you finally updated, not that I'm blaming you or anything, because I know how hectic things can get, but I just wanted to let you know that I've been following your story for ages and can't wait for the next chapter.
Name: sillysun reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 12, 2007 10:31 am
You did it justice, absolutely. That scene with Commodus is haunting, as is this one. It's chilling, and it's really well written. Nicely done.
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 12, 2007 09:23 am
I really don't know why I can still tolerate your Draco. It's probably only because of his feelings for Ginny, at this point... Amazing chapter, but the deaths of the Weasleys were so sad! I really think you *did* do the Gladiator scene justice, but I wouldn't have noticed the resemblance if you hadn't pointed it out... I hope Draco and Ginny's relationship doesn't turn out as theirs did, but I have no idea how you would go about giving them a happy ending... I guess you won't be, in that case...
This really is an amazing story, and I look forward to reading more when you have time to write it :)
Name: ronlover reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 12, 2007 07:36 am
I love it! Please update soon. Can't wait to read more. :)
Name: LimnHere reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 12, 2007 06:26 am
The funny thing was, I was thinking about this story the day before and I was wondering when you would update it. Now you have and it's nothing like I expected! The chapters from before hinted at something that could end "happy" and "loving" now reading that scean between Draco and Ginny makes me wonder if that will happen.

How you portrayed Draco was fascinating. I admit, I don’t see my version of Draco like this but I can see how he WILL be if he has to be.

I'm interested in why Voldemort was happy when he thought Ginny was killed. I’m sure you’ll explain later (I hope, unless you did at the start and I missed it). Great update, even if it is heart breaking.
Name: azadi reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 12, 2007 05:55 am
Stunning portrayal of him confronting Ginny. I was chilled to the bone by your description of his countenance and idea of retribution. It was staggeringly accurate of how Draco would aim for an opponents weak points. My favourite line had to be this one: “They were burning with an anger so ravaging that his irises were of a pale, platinum gray, nearing the white of metal when it has been heated in the forge.” This chapter had me on tenterhooks from the very beginning, and the way you write tension is magnificent! Despite the illusion of calmness you can really feel it rippling under your words. Whilst I don’t think a happy ending is looming for these two I do look forward to the next chapter :D!
Name: WG13 reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 12, 2007 04:52 am
Your characterization of Draco is well, spot on. This is exactly how I see him... with lots of gray and black and yet some redeeming qualities. Just haven't yet seen the latter part yet - but then, the story sill continues.

Also, as much as I admire your story telling skills, I do wonder how on earth you are going to get these two together. That, is something that I really look forward to reading. Fabulous writing; as always.
Name: silverflame715 reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 11, 2007 11:07 pm
please update soon!!! wonderful story... a cliffie as usual :D
Name: eliagem reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 11, 2007 07:00 pm
Wow. This chapter was absolutely heartwrenchingly amazing. You really did the Weasley family's death scene justice, without making it vulgar in the least. I really can't wait to see what happens next.

Author's Response: Thank you :) I'm happy to see that you were satisfied with the "rendition of the massacre". (What an odd thing to say...) Hopefully this fic will go beyond the (conveniently forgotten/ignored) horrors of the war to encompass more heart-warming, family time. eh...
Name: Lyndsie Fenele reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 11, 2007 06:04 pm
Look at me getting all excited that you updated, and then getting all disappointed, 'cause right... I already read it.

Great job, as usual!

Author's Response: LOL Lyndsie... Sorry I can't surprise you anymore :/ (Although I DO have one page of the next chapter. Wheee! I think I might have to start it over, though...)
Name: Anise reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 11, 2007 05:49 pm
Yeah, well, that's why I didn't give your Draco more credit: I knew that the Draco created in this fic would be capable of beating Dean to a pulp, and I believe he'd do the rest of what he threatened as well, if he felt it was necessary. But this is a potential Draco that is real, along with all the fluffier ones; he is part of a continuum of characterizations, one of the shadow-Dracos, you might say. Now, the funny thing is that I never think my Draco is this dark, and yet given the same circumstances, he would be. So this fic has an eerie fascination because it rings so true. If we choose to read about (and write) this character, we cannot pretend that these disturbing qualities aren't there. This is why we aren't writing nice fluffity H/G marshmallow fluff. (sigh) Carry on!

Author's Response: Thing is, if he wasn't who he is, he wouldn't be alive to get married to Ginny and beat Dean to a pulp. Which brings back the whole question of "survival of the fittest" and at which point you decide someone is "evil". I have a hard time believing in such a notion, so the limit lies more between a Draco who can redeem himself, and one who has gone too far along the path of "killing to survive" to ever be loved by reviewers (or Ginny, for that matter). And while I can't hope to provide H/G marshmallow fluff, perhaps I can achieve chocolate realism: dark, bitter, rich, fulfilling and yet so terribly addictive. Thank you for your reviews :) They always provide me with a way to measure how far (toward the Dark Side) I've pushed Draco.
Name: kitkatsuga reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 11, 2007 05:14 pm
wow, that was...intense? frightening? unnerving? chilling? I don't know what to say, it was amazing though, probably one of the best chapters you've ever written. I have to hand it to you, the scene where draco and ginny meet was dangerously intense, i was practically on the edge of my seat! This was definitely worth the wait, you truly are an awesome writer! Keep up the good work and i can't wait for the next update...until then...adieu!
Name: CCC reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 11, 2007 04:46 pm
I am really fearing that there shall be no happy ending to this tale. I did not read the italics, thank you for the tip about that. I don't do scary/violent imagery very well, and I truly appreciate the warning. Draco is such an evil person in this story. I can't see a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. But, you are doing a masterful job.

Author's Response: oh no... evil... he's not evil, I promise! he's scary, that's for sure. and he isn't nice. but he has seen a war, and been coerced into doing things most British men of 17 are not expected to do (hopefully). The light at the end of the tunnel should come, I hope. It won't be grandiose, it won't be an apotheosis, but it should cast precisely that--a new light--on our skewed perspectives. (:::off to ponder how I'm going to do this:::)

Author's Response: Oh yeah, and thanks for reviewing!!! (where are my manners...?)
Name: Blueeyedbrunette reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 11, 2007 04:43 pm
Name: MK Richie reviewed 23. The terrible doings of Draco Malfoy on Feb 11, 2007 04:22 pm
Excellent job! I think you handled the situation wonderfullly... I was very frightened of Draco, and throughout this whole scene i was on the edge of my seat... I'm just wondering how draco can redeem himself from such cruelties...

Author's Response: uhu... "cruelties"... notice that so far we haven't heard his side of the story. >:] Thank you for reviewing :) I like knowing how readers respond to my characters--it helps me adjust them + the plot!
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