Reviews For Not Quite Fate
Name: Blueeyedbrunette reviewed Unthinking on Mar 28, 2007 02:32 pm
WOW! that was brilliant!
Name: imelda reviewed Unthinking on Mar 28, 2007 02:27 pm
Eek! Finally!! *dances a jig* I can't help it. What a wonderful day. First we get cover art for HBP, and then...Draco and Ginny kiss!! In your imagination, at least, which is quite sufficient.

But, really--Naomi's story? Wow. I was a teensy bit unimpressed with the "he'll kill my son" explanation, as it's slightly cliche. But the ending of that scene, when Snape catches Naomi...Wow. I am so scared and yet, in an odd way, so proud of Snape right now. I can't WAIT to see what happens.

And then...the kiss! Eee! Ginny had to initiate it, didn't she? Draco never, ever would have done it first. I just wish Ginny would stop being in such denial.

Also, I don't really understand Draco's plan. He's not going back to school, then? At all? Or he just won't be living in the dorms? It's kind of stupid for him not to go to school. I mean, what does that solve? If he were at school, he could just ignore Pansy. So what if she'd realize he was no longer on her side? She'll surely have realized it by now, anyway, so Ginny's in just as much danger as if Draco goes back.

I really hope he goes back to school. It's just so wrong for him not to--almost as wrong as poor Harry not being able to return. Or is that the comparison you're going for?

*Sigh.* Time for me to go reread this chapter, to tide me over 'til the next one comes out. Oh, you little realize how I suffer!!

PS-Congrats on the new job!! That's really amazing.

Author's Response: Well, see, as I laid out more clearly in past chapters, Draco's fear with the Pansy deal is not so much for himself as Ginny. Right now, he's saying, "Fine I'm back on your side...if you agree to give up the ridiculous kidnapping notion." If she finds out Draco's not so loyal, he's afraid she'll try to pick up that disgarded plot again and kidnap Ginny to gain favor with Voldemort. This way, Pansy'll still think he's on her side, just in trouble or something (b/c a girl like her would never believe that HER Draco betrayed her), and she'll be so frazzled over that, she won't go after Ginny (or so Draco hopes, anyway).
Name: sunkisses reviewed Unthinking on Mar 28, 2007 02:19 pm
OMG action :D but please update soon!! whose so is it !! ahhhh I can't wait for the next chapter!
Name: Mare reviewed Unthinking on Mar 28, 2007 02:05 pm
Kudos to you for managing to get another chapter out while working and going to school. Believe me, I'm there and I know it's hard. But you still do it anyway and that is an accomplishment.

I kind of like the slow progression of their romance. It only took, what, 24 chapters to get to their first kiss? But I loved it and I can't wait to see what she does now.

Also, it completely suprised me that Naomi was "working for" Lucius. I totally had no idea. I thought maybe she was working for the Order or something. I wonder what Snape will do with her now? Hmm.

Very interesting. Great chpater!
Name: SurahSurah reviewed Unthinking on Mar 28, 2007 01:50 pm
aaaack!!!! What happens next????!!!!!
Name: sarina reviewed Unthinking on Mar 28, 2007 01:38 pm
ooooooooh THAT was good - was, haha -

well, firs of, congrats to the job! big thing, i hope you'll enjoy it!
second... gooooooood chapter. i was going to check mails before i wanted to go to bed and... it was such a new mail i couldn't even open the link at
well now i certainly can go to bed with a smile on my face. you make me happy, lol
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Unthinking on Mar 28, 2007 01:22 pm
! fantastic!!! about time, too... ;)
not that the pace you've been going at isn't fabulous... I love this story! You write so well... congratulations on the journalist job by the way, it sounds fabulous... Poor Naomi!! Who is Ben's father? How old is he?? Will we ever know?
Name: ash_of_the_rose reviewed Unthinking on Mar 28, 2007 01:19 pm
Haha. You're right. Don't toy with us, you saucy minx. ;) We want us some Draco/Ginny lovin' time!
Name: saucy reviewed Unthinking on Mar 28, 2007 01:18 pm
You're sadistic, you know. Finally some D/G action, and then you just RIP it away!! It's almost enough to make a girl cry. Wonderful chapter, otherwise.
Name: eliagem reviewed Unthinking on Mar 28, 2007 01:04 pm
Nooo! You tease! Hmph, well, this chapter was okay, I guess :P No, I'm lying, it was great. And congrats on the new job!
Name: Persephone33 reviewed Unthinking on Mar 28, 2007 01:01 pm
Well, before it all went to hell :) it was so steamy good! She'll wise up and kiss him again soon, I bet. They'll at least have to talk about it, right? And Draco will convince her that they belong together, happily ever after, right?

Or however you want to do it is fine, as well. ;) Enjoyed that chapter immensely! Thanks!
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