Reviews For The Tempest
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter VIII on Apr 22, 2007 06:56 am
That must have hurt her so much to say. Really really well done, Jess. I totally get my emotions all tied up with the characters. You do this so well!

Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter VIII on Jan 21, 2007 05:09 pm
~I thought they were making real progress~
Name: Lynne reviewed Chapter VIII on Aug 12, 2006 05:54 am
Oh... poor Ginny. Draco must open up!

Love it, keep on going!
Name: Lynne reviewed Chapter VIII on Aug 12, 2006 05:53 am
Oh... poor Ginny. Draco must open up!

Love it, keep on going!

Author's Response: Thanks! And yes, things need to change, don't they? ;-)
Name: gabbs reviewed Chapter VIII on Aug 11, 2006 08:14 pm
sigh your writing is really smooth and beautiful. I love how you're taking this slow and not rushing. So we can acutally understand what each character is going through. Some authors would of already had meeting/fight/sex/marriage in 4 chapters. I can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response: Wow, thanks. Yeah, I can't write believable smut for my life, so the meeting-->fight-->sex-->marriage thing would never have worked. I prefer a gentle unveiling as well; it's just more fun to write. Thanks so much for review. I'm glad you're enjoying the story!
Name: razzle_be_dazzled reviewed Chapter VIII on Aug 11, 2006 07:59 am
I want more!!! Oh, this is so incredibley wonderfull!! please update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you! I'll have more up soon, don't worry! Glad you like it, and thanks for the review. :-)
Name: That Iz I reviewed Chapter VIII on Aug 11, 2006 03:42 am
*Gasp* They're starting to be honest to each other! least Ginny is. Draco, somewhat. Great chapter! Seems like shorter the chapter, the better the scene. I'm pleased.

Author's Response: LOL, perhaps. I don't think about chapter length when writing a novel length fic...when I feel like I need to separate things by chapters, I just do, regardless of length or time passed or whatever. Anyway, glad you liked it! Thanks for reviewing!
Name: beckysue2 reviewed Chapter VIII on Aug 11, 2006 03:39 am
This chapter made me cry.

Author's Response: Oh, don't cry!!!! *whips out tissues* I hate making people cry. *hugs* It gets better, I promise. :) And thank you for reviewing!
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