Reviews For Shall Rise Again
Name: ashtray girl reviewed Chapter 18 on Mar 12, 2007 11:44 am
I just can't not love this story, it's completely breathtaking. Lovely chapter, I’m glad Hermione came over and she and Ginny figured things out. And I loved so much that Draco held his tongue and didn’t insult her, for Ginny’s benefit. He’s becoming a pretty decent person, the Ferret. Or maybe he’s just completely besotted with Ginny. (I’m hoping it’s the latter, since I have this big thing for Prat!Draco)
I also adored that they talked about their past, and are getting to really know each other. And that almost-fight they had made me all giddy, because their interaction keeps getting better and sweeter at each chapter.
Keep up the wonderful job!

Author's Response: Bwah, no, don't worry, this Draco will never become entirely sweet and nice *g* I think 'besotted' is a good term, though. :) Thank you so much for your lovely review, I'm happy you enjoyed this chapter and hope the next ones will live up to expectations!
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 18 on Mar 12, 2007 10:15 am
~Give me Draco over lobster any day.~

Author's Response: Lol, me too! ;-)
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Chapter 18 on Mar 12, 2007 08:40 am
aaw, Hermione's back!!
I love this... :) fabulous chapter, can't wait for more...

Author's Response: She is! :-) Thank you!
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Chapter 18 on Mar 12, 2007 08:22 am
Thank you for another wonderful chapter. It's nice to see Draco supporting Ginny's family ties after everything she's done for his family. I had forgotten how much her family pissed me off until Hermione came back into the picture!

Author's Response: Ha, and I thought Hermione wasn't even that annoying in this chapter *g* And yes, it's only fair for Draco to have to put up with GInny's family now, isn't it? ;-) Ahh, I love tormenting him. Thank you for reviewing, I love hearing what you think!
Name: oxymoron8 reviewed Chapter 18 on Mar 12, 2007 06:27 am
Love it. Cannot wait for Lucius to get out...Would love to see the wedding and new little Malfoy's...Post soon

Author's Response: Teehee, Lucius - I miss him too. I must see if I can get him to appear in one of the next chapters. The wedding isn't coming up soon, but it's definitely at the horizon :) Thanks for reviewing!
Name: Mynuet reviewed Chapter 18 on Mar 12, 2007 06:11 am
It must really be true and abiding love for Draco not to taunt Hermione. ;)

Still loving this fic forever, yay.

Author's Response: It must be :-) Thank you so much! I'm happy you're enjoying it!
Name: fallenwitch reviewed Chapter 17 on Mar 11, 2007 07:42 pm
Draco and Ginny and Narcissa together against the world. Who would have thought? What a beautifully woven and evocative chapter. I adored it! Adored it, I tell you! As this chapter was approaching, I kept wondering how in the world you were going to write the thing, but here is it in all of its gloriously complex splendour. I take my hat off and bow down to you, Peki!

Author's Response: Lol, I kept wondering that too! It gave me quite a headache. So pleased that you enjoyed the final product! Thank you so much!
Name: Curlysu reviewed Chapter 17 on Mar 06, 2007 09:27 am
hey, danke der Nachfrage. mir gehts wieder besser :O). Nun ja das Kapitel hat wie immer deinen charm und witz, was ich an deinem schreibstil bewundere! Vorallem das die drei den abend doch genosen haben. Nur glaube ich und ich meine nicht nur glaube sondern fühle das war nur die Ruhe vor dem Sturm! Ich denke es wird für die drei rund gehen. Ausserdem habe ich das gefühl das mrs. Parkinson noch was aushecken wird, und das nichs gutes. Ich denke sie hat nicht vergessen das der abend für narcissa so erfolgreich war, und sie selbst bloß gestellt wurde. Aber ich lass mich überraschen. bis bald und liebe grüße Curly :O)

Author's Response: Hehe, jaaaa, ich hab was vor! Da trügt Dich Dein Gefühl nicht. Freut mich, dass das unterschwellig schon klar wird, ist nicht immer einfach, die 'Ruhe vor dem Sturm' auch rüberzubringen. Schön, dass es Dir wieder besser geht! Ich bin schon mit dem nächsten Kapitel beschäftigt, und hoffe, dass die Updates jetzt etwas häufiger werden. Danke und bis bald!
Name: azadi reviewed Chapter 17 on Mar 05, 2007 05:10 am
This chapter made my heart soar. It was exquisitely written; Draco’s character was splendidly performed from the slow realisation of him appreciating Ginny, to his rather scandalous pinch of her arse. Narcissa and Ginny’s interaction was delightful to read as well, and I love how you have fleshed out Pansy, but all the while maintaining her grudge of all that is Weasley. My favourite line had to be this one: “Follow where I go. And if you stumble, don’t stop, just go on,” because it really is entirely appropriate for these two in general, but I love how you managed to make it fit with the context of the ball. A really amazing chapter, I look forward to the next update :D!!

Author's Response: Thank you so much for reviewing, and telling me what you liked in detail! :) I appreciate it. I'm glad you feel Draco's development is both believable and enjoyable too. After the issues in the previous chapters, I enjoy writing the D/G dynamic and their growing familiarity. I love them together! Happy you liked this!
Name: Marcia reviewed Chapter 17 on Mar 03, 2007 10:40 am
Perfect, flawless, amazing, delightful chapter! I truly squeal with glee when I see you've posted and print/run off to hide in the living room with a cup of cream and sugared sumatra to read, read, read. Thank you so much!!

Author's Response: Thank *you*! I feel so incredibly flattered that you're reading and enjoying this, you have no idea! :) Your reviews are truly wonderful and encouraging, they make me smile and squee for hours. And I'm so so happy you think this is evolving all right, especially when the pace of the story is giving me trouble. Again, thank you so much!
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 17 on Mar 03, 2007 07:47 am
~So Perfect. You have a wonderful writing style. I cant wait to read more.~

Author's Response: Thank you! *squee*
Name: CCC reviewed Chapter 17 on Mar 03, 2007 07:36 am
Oh this is filled with so much intrigue, I love it.

Author's Response: Oh, thank you, that's wonderful to hear. The 'intrigue' seems so daunting at times when I'm writing (it's freaking hard!), but I'm happy if you're enjoying it!
Name: eliagem reviewed Chapter 17 on Mar 03, 2007 03:51 am
:D Lovely, as always. *fans self* And the garden scene was really... something. Great job!

Author's Response: Teehee, a little smut was in order, wasn't it? Glad you enjoyed it, thanks!
Name: WG13 reviewed Chapter 17 on Mar 03, 2007 03:29 am
I really enjoyed the banter in this chapter. Also, I adore the way you write Narcissa character!

Author's Response: *g* Thanks!
Name: shiiki reviewed Chapter 17 on Mar 03, 2007 03:10 am
Oh, beautiful update! That final bit between Draco and Ginny was perfect - and I love how they're just falling in step with each other, working together, truly caring for each other now! Narcissa growing fond of Ginny is funny, but sweet.

I enjoyed your take on wizarding 'society' as well, and Narcissa really is an expert in handling it. The way she got round Violet Parkinson was masterly!

Good job, as always. Keep it up!

Author's Response: Thank you so much! You saying that means a lot to me. I'm so happy you liked it. Narcissa&Ginny's growing fondness of each other makes me smile, I hope I'm not going too far with it, but I kinda like this development. It's one of those things that just happened in the course of the story. Wizarding society, on the other hand, is really a lot harder to write than it seems, so I'm glad you think I did an ok job. Thank you again! :)
Name: Curlysu reviewed Chapter 16 on Feb 14, 2007 08:04 am
ahhhhh schön schön schön hihihi. Genau was ich nach meinem 2 wöchigen krankenhausaufenthalt gebraucht habe. habe ich dir schon mal gesagt das du wundervoll schreibst :O) Du hast dieses Kapitel genau so umgesetzt wie ich es mir ja fast ausgemalt hast. ES ist IMMER genial über schwiegermütter zusammen zu kommen und das cissa sich auch so wie ginny gefühlt hat ... Klasse ... du hast talent und ich liebe es deine storys zu lesen es ist ein wahrer genuss. Danke das du uns an deiner fantasie teilhaben lässt.

Tja der Ball ... ich hoffe es geht rund für die drei!!!
bis bald liebe grüße Curly

Author's Response: Oh, Du warst im Krankenhaus? Da hoffe ich doch, dass es DIr jetzt besser geht. Danke für das Lob und die anhaltende Begeisterung :) Freut mich echt! Hatte gehofft, dass dieses Kapitel Deiner 'Vision' nahekommt. Beim Ball gehts in der Tat rund, wenn es im Augenblick auch alles etwas vage erscheint, aber ich versprech Euch, das hat alles seinen Sinn. :) Bis band, liebe Grüße!
Name: CourtneyFaith reviewed Chapter 16 on Feb 13, 2007 04:48 pm
~Wonderful Chapter~

Author's Response: Thanks!
Name: katelyn_d_89 reviewed Chapter 16 on Feb 10, 2007 03:57 pm
I love the way Narcissa and Ginny are in this chapter, and the subtle, but very revealing actions between Ginny and Draco. Anxiously awaiting an update!!

Author's Response: Thank you, the Narcissa&Ginny moments are very important to me. I'm happy you liked them :) More soon, I hope!
Name: killjoy reviewed Chapter 1 on Feb 10, 2007 11:47 am
Love this.I've always loved D/G.They have fire no one else from the books or movies have.Plus seeing Ron and the rest of the family get mad is great.Harry being a jealous git is to funny.I like how Ginny put Hermoine in her place about those books(yes I know other story)I'm betting it was Hermoine herself who got them banned because they slighted muggle borns.

Author's Response: Yeah, I do enjoy D/G even though it's not canon because it's a pairing with a great potential for explosive passion *g* I'm glad you like both stories! Thank you for reviewing!
Name: MK Richie reviewed Chapter 16 on Feb 10, 2007 10:04 am
Most Excellent! I've read the whole thing and you have a very good hold on your characters. Your Draco and Ginny are very unique and I can feel the passion they have for each other. This story is exciting and I can't wait for more!! : )

Author's Response: Thank you so much! 'Unique' is a wonderful compliment :) I'm very pleased you think so!
Name: Eova reviewed Chapter 16 on Feb 09, 2007 10:59 am
waaas? kommst du aus deutschland?!? hab ich grad paar reviews unter mir gesehen ^^ na sowas, wer hätte das gedacht :)
dann kann ich dir ja nochmal in deutsch mein lob aussprechen ;) ich finde, dass deine draco/ginny beziehung wirklich eine von den besten ist, die ich je gelesen hab, (und ich hab schon viel gelesen ^^) du versuchst die beziehung nicht unnötig zu romantisieren, sondern sie so zu beschreiben, wie sie ist, wie sie auch in der realität sein könnte; mit schlechten momenten, aber auch diesen situationen, die eine wirkliche liebesbeziehung ausmachen :) ich freu mich schon aufs nächste kapitel, und wie :)

Author's Response: Haha, ja :) Aber ich schreib Englisch, weil dann einfach mehr Leute dran teilhaben können. :) Freut mich, dass Dir die Story gefällt. Nicht unnötig zu romantisieren ist mir wichtig und es macht auch mehr Spaß, als wenn alles so einfach ist. *g* Danke für das Lob! Hoffe, die nächsten Kapitel gefallen Dir auch.
Name: Eova reviewed Chapter 16 on Feb 09, 2007 10:51 am
oh, wow. I did just read the 16 chapters through in one sitting, and I have to say: I'm impressed. you manage to keep a perfect balance, not only with the ginny/draco relationship ( the many ups and downs), but also with every other aspect (ginny/narcissa, the weasleys..) ... this makes your story so incredibly interesting to read, its just beautiful. and that's all I can say at the moment :) thank you very much for writing this.

Author's Response: Thank you so much! I'm so happy that the story managed to capture your interest :) I do enjoy writing not only D/G, but their families as well...they get left out in so many fics, but they're important and I greatly enjoy including them all. Glad you liked it!
Name: WG13 reviewed Chapter 16 on Feb 08, 2007 02:40 pm
*Grins* Fab chapter! And yes, it was again, totally worth the wait. I am so glad that Ginny is making up with her Mother.

I did find the thought of Narcissa and Ginny bonding over bitching about mother in laws hilarious. Who would have thought huh?

PS: Sorry about the double post. I goofed up!
Name: WG13 reviewed Chapter 1 on Feb 08, 2007 02:38 pm
*Grins* Fab chapter! And yes, it was again, totally worth the wait. I am so glad that Ginny is making up with her Mother.

I did find the thought of Narcissa and Ginny bonding over bitching about mother in laws hilarious. Who would have thought huh?

Author's Response: Lol, I enjoyed that moment too, glad you liked it! My love of Narcissa is well documented, but I'm glad people are enjoying her part in the story. Thank you so much!
Name: Chucky reviewed Chapter 16 on Feb 08, 2007 12:58 pm
Loved it! Great chapter as always.

Author's Response: :) Thanks!
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