Reviews For Oedipus
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Evacuation on May 22, 2008 10:51 pm
Oh no! Don't kill them all!
Name: Rikki reviewed Evacuation on Oct 08, 2006 07:52 pm
Oh my God. This is....beyond a review. This is stunning, absolutely captivating. I am going to stalk this fic insanely. The story, the characterization....I don't even know where to start. Please keep writing - this is an amazing gift. Wow.
Name: Alexandria Malfoy reviewed Evacuation on Oct 07, 2006 02:18 am
Wow. Just wow. Great update. This is getting very interesting. I can't wait to see what happens now that Ginny and Draco are on their own.
Name: hummie reviewed Evacuation on Oct 05, 2006 08:06 pm
OH, that's an awful cliffhanger! Really amazing story so far. I'm drawn in. I won't be able to rest comfortably until I know what happens. I really hope most of Ginny's family survives though . . . that would just be too cruel by far if they are killed off. I'm really in love with your story. Please update soon!
Name: Katrina_M reviewed Evacuation on Oct 05, 2006 03:56 pm
O>M>G! You are a wonderful author! It was so beautiful, it was dark, it was funny, it was mature and very wel written. I can't wait for more!
Name: HA HA reviewed Evacuation on Oct 05, 2006 02:28 pm
WOW THAT WAS GOOD!q i had doubts about this sotry but its getting good!
Name: tara87 reviewed Evacuation on Oct 05, 2006 11:35 am
awww that was soo sad i want moreee
Name: Blair reviewed Evacuation on Oct 04, 2006 04:33 pm
This fic has me highly intrigued, despite I have seen similar plotlines before. Draco is still Draco, a jerk and of course he' using his survival instincts, but he is still human. I cannot wait to see more.
Name: CCC reviewed Evacuation on Oct 04, 2006 12:22 pm
That was a very exciting chapter. I will be checking back for more.
Name: WG13 reviewed Evacuation on Oct 04, 2006 04:59 am
Eeeeks! u can't stop here - that's just too cruel!

Hope everyone's ok - but then that's asking for a bit too much i guess.
Name: dragoncharmer79 reviewed Evacuation on Oct 04, 2006 02:57 am
*Sniffs* Authur died? How horrible. I can picture the death eater (probally Lucius) talking down to him as he calls out to his daughter.
Name: Kisou reviewed Evacuation on Oct 03, 2006 10:17 pm
Hahaha. That last line was great.

I was a little worried during these first few chapters, I've read them so many times before (though your writing of them is veyr good), but I think I'm starting to see a very different storyline. Good for you. I did sense one issue. Draco seems to be a little more comfortable than I'd expect here, but then again, he did just about what I think I would do. So it's realistic. Just make sure you keep that consistent. He can deal with people naturally. He just doesn't make a habit of it.
Name: marquesa reviewed Evacuation on Oct 03, 2006 08:38 pm
oooh, its getting really good now!! I can see all sorts of future possibilities and I cant wait to see what you go with... don't make me wait too long ok?
Name: Rashonda reviewed Evacuation on Oct 03, 2006 06:42 pm
I meant to comment on this story when I initially read it. I freaking love it. You write exceptionally well and leave off at the right points in the story so we can anticipate what is going to happen next, I enjoy cliffhanger after cliffhanger that you leave. And, this chapter delivered. I can't stand Molly in the books or fan fics so hopefully you've killed her off, albeit her trying saving her family it would make me happy immensely. Oh, but I love Arthur, seriously I do. How sad, take care of his baby girl Malfoy. :(

Great update, I can't wait to see what happens next.
Name: susie reviewed Evacuation on Oct 03, 2006 05:04 pm
OMG you like regina spektor?
i saw youe title and i was like oh! odeipus, i have to read this.
but i didn't think it had to do anything with regspek. wow. i love you. regina spektor is amazingg.
is she touring near youu?

Author's Response: Hi, I'm Irene and I've been a huge freaking Regina Spektor fan for a year now. She is coming to Boston this weekend actually, but I have to work! I am so utterly and tragically upset! I'm really glad you like Regina Spektor too, especially since most of the time I'm writing I'm listening to her.
Name: ogygiasylph reviewed Evacuation on Oct 03, 2006 04:21 pm
hmmm... not only is your style exquisite and your plot enthralling, but this little cliffie here just called for a review. we've all read about the Weasleys dying one way or another, one by one, from attack, disease, or torture, but this is definitely the strongest account of such death that I've ever read. It begins with Draco's recognizing the voices, then Arthur's apparition and his mysterious, sickly sweet interlocutor... Chilling... I hope you update soon, as I am definitely hooked.
Name: spider reviewed Evacuation on Oct 03, 2006 03:48 pm
I really hope that nothing happens to Molly before she and Ginny get to reconcile. That would be awful. But this was a great action packed chapter.
Name: Persephone33 reviewed Evacuation on Oct 03, 2006 03:44 pm
Oh, my heavens! How exciting! What a cliffhanger! Is Draco well enough to "take care" of Ginny?

Poor Arthur!
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Evacuation on Oct 03, 2006 03:34 pm
This is SO my favourite chapter by far... and I'm sure you get enough of my Squeeing when I send back the chapter... but now that I'm reading Chappie 5 I wanted to tell you I love it too... I love it... you're still gonna write this while you're writing your exchange fic, aren't you? I just might die if I have to wait too long for an update! ;) Okay, not really -- but it'll be close... really close to dying! ;)

Author's Response: Oh, how I love you, my dear! And yes, no worries, I'll be writing both this and my exchange fic at the same time.
Name: Embellished reviewed Evacuation on Oct 03, 2006 03:12 pm
I'm glad to see you updating this story. I love the contrast between all of Ginny's emotions in this chapter. She had a hell of a day, didn't she? I'm looking forward to finding out what comes next, now that Ginny and Draco are on their own. Thanks for the new chapter!
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