Reviews For The Enemy of Souls
Name: msm_2011simonebb reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Sep 16, 2009 10:12 pm
where is the rest of this story... i need to know, what between between the death eatter, draco, will, and the rest of the lot.
Name: HarrysMiOne reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Sep 15, 2009 01:04 pm
DAMMIT!! lol i cannot wait for the next chapter!!!! please update soon!!
Name: choravenclaw reviewed Chapter Seventeen on Sep 15, 2009 12:17 pm
Queen and royal master of all cliffs!
You are amazing!
I repeat my early statement you should definately get published!
I mean, not only the plot is amazing and keeps us wired, but the cliffs are just OUT OF THIS WORLD AMAZING!
Seriously, i have never seen any author, fic or book, write such amazing cliffs.
I mean to look into a lunatic's eyes and see only craziness, then have to support yourself on a face that looks so much like one you trust but that you know is quite the opposite?
That was GENIUS!!!!
in the beggining i was ansious to read and around the middle i was wrapped up around the whole Draco situation, i thought i was never gonna end!
And then this ending!
Just WOW!!!
Really really incredible!
All hats off for you!

Please tell me the next chater won't take so long to vome out, i'm already going crazy with anticipation!
Thank you so much for posting such an amazing story, i don't even have words to describe it.

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