Name: luvronfromhp reviewed Chapter 6 on Apr 06, 2010 07:33 pm
Aww the Ron and Hermione thing was great! Poor Ginny! I love this!
Name: chocolate_snow reviewed Chapter 6 on Sep 10, 2008 06:28 am
i love the way you portray Ron.......most DG shippers cast him as some nitwit dummy, but you gave his character a sweet side......its awesome......
Name: Iscatian reviewed Chapter 6 on Jul 26, 2008 09:26 am
"...but if our antlers get tangled, this could be awkward."
Omg. The number one sentence I NEVER thought an HP character would say! ^^~
Also I need to say that I like the length of the chapters. It really fits the story.
Name: luvtheweasleys reviewed Chapter 6 on May 11, 2008 04:20 am
Ahh, that Malfoy EGO!!!!!
Name: Brye reviewed Chapter 6 on Apr 11, 2008 10:04 am
Oh my god... I was not expecting that from draco and I cannot wait to see what this leads too but I felt soo bad for Ginny!
Name: lavenderab reviewed Chapter 6 on Feb 24, 2008 06:01 pm
wow that was a arse hole move by draco nice one
Name: Mollie reviewed Chapter 6 on Dec 23, 2007 01:43 am
Oh Draco, you typical male idiot!!! Well, can't say I'm particularly happy that Ron is together with Hermione, but I will get over that. DRACO, however, has another thing coming!!!
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Chapter 6 on Nov 23, 2006 07:04 am
that was vair mean... but I hope there will be some more lovely kinds of things next chapter... which I will read now...

Author's Response: I hope you like the next chapter. I appreciate the reviews. :)
Name: dragonsangel68 reviewed Chapter 6 on Nov 22, 2006 09:49 pm
Draco can try to explain away the ache in his stomach all he wants. He could have food poisoning, but we all know he's fallen head over heels ;)

Author's Response: He is a bit clueless, but then again, he is a man.
Name: topaxi reviewed Chapter 6 on Nov 22, 2006 04:48 pm
Alright, so I'm one of those terrible people who doesn't review all that often. Or ever, really. I mean, generally speaking, what more is there to say but "Hey, at least the grammar wasn't terrible!"
But your story, this chapter in particular, has had me cackling evily as I read! I don't really see why Ginny thinks she can get something "real" out of Draco in the first place, but Draco's reaction is entertaining.
The side ships are kinda funny too. (Pansy/Neville is rather entertaining, though also out of the blue.)
Can you tell I'm not in the habit of reviewing? What the hell am I suppose to write in this thing anyway?
At any rate, Ron and Draco seem incredibly in character, so props!


Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing my story. You did a great job by the way. I know I just write random thoughts when I review, so this worked for me.
Name: jandjsalmon reviewed Chapter 6 on Nov 22, 2006 04:29 pm
Well, it's official. Draco's a bastard and Ron made me all squishy inside. Love the antler thing too! ;)

Author's Response: Thank you. I like it when Ron finally get's it right.
Name: hummie reviewed Chapter 6 on Nov 22, 2006 04:05 pm
Hmm, I'm waiting for a Luna appearance! We've only heard about her getting Ginny holiday knickers. I would love read about Luna walking away from Mistletoe purposely just so she could sport antlers every day :) It seems like the kind of thing she would like, considering her lion hat :) YAY! I'm pretty perturbed about Draco's behaviour. I'm also sad about Ginny . . . I thought she was a lot spunkier and stronger than to get upset over Draco's words, but maybe she's sensitive like every other girl. Anyway, good job :)

Author's Response: Ginny will kick his butt in the end. I love your Luna idea, and I'll see what I can do with it. Thank you for the review.
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Chapter 6 on Nov 22, 2006 03:37 pm
PS to my first review...
check out the awards board... you are nominated unaminously for most dependable updater, have a nom. for funniest line, and I belive another one...

Author's Response: Thank you for telling me about that. I don't go to the forums often. I am thrilled to be nominated for something. A big thank you to whoeve nominated me!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 6 on Nov 22, 2006 03:33 pm
cuz u hurt her u blundering idiot!!!!!! i swear hes the thickest kid ive ever known!!!!! hhahhahaha update soon!

Author's Response: Thank you for the review. Draco is a bit dense. He'll figure it out by the end.
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Chapter 6 on Nov 22, 2006 03:27 pm
Draco is so naive. As is Ron. Hell, all guys are completely unaware of everything around them. Thank you for updating so regularily...

Author's Response: It is a wonder that they can put their pants on by themselves in the morning. :) Thanks for the review.
Name: oxymoron8 reviewed Chapter 6 on Nov 22, 2006 02:52 pm
arrg...angst...i like happy couple, but this is still great...arrg...i could just beat draco for hurting her...breaking her poor little heart...

Author's Response: I didn't intend for the angst, but my muse took a left turn. I'm sure she'll head back in the appropriate direction soon.
Name: jess10 reviewed Chapter 6 on Nov 22, 2006 02:34 pm
Aw, bittersweet chapter. Can't wait for the next!

Author's Response: Thank you. I'll update asap.
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