Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Jan 07, 2009 05:59 pm
Brilliant little Ginny.
Name: dragonsangel68 reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Mar 27, 2007 02:30 pm
Aww *tears up* That was just lovely.
Name: die Loreley reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Dec 13, 2006 02:08 am
Yay! They're getting somewhere! Draco's opening up to Ginny and she let him see how she sees him (if that made sense). *is excited*

I loved “Did you ever think that I might be enjoying the pleasure of your company, Ginny?”. And him not letting her Avada the toad, even though he hates it so much.

p.s. I love the chapter titles. ^_^ Well done.

Author's Response: Thank you! *grins* I like the chapter titles, too. :)
Name: seegrim reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Dec 05, 2006 08:02 pm
I can't remember if I already reviewed (it's finals week so my brain is applesauce) but I wanted to say this chapter is so great! I love this story and I think I'm officially a fangirl now!

Author's Response: You're my first!
Name: Peki reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Dec 05, 2006 05:02 am
This last chapter made me smile (they all do, really, but this last one especially) :-) I really like this fic! This 7th year scenario is very similar to something I've been working on lately (one of those braintwin moments *g*), and I can't wait to discuss and compare with you once mine is posted :) I especially love Ginny in this, still. She's strong and kind, just what Draco needs. I was a bit surprised that they became so friendly and comfortable with each other so soon, but I trust you've got the plot all figured out and planned, so I'm curious where it's going. I'm excited for more and will be waiting for an update most impatiently *g*

Author's Response: I really hope their intentions and subconsious thoughts come out within their inner monolgues... Am I the only one who has these? Anyhow, that that will give the reader reasons for their behavior. I've written through chapter 16... it's all on beta time, really. And trust me. You don't want it pre-beta.
Name: Kisou reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Dec 04, 2006 08:55 pm
Aww...that was a sweet moment. And not in a bad way. Anyway, I've caught this story a little late, but I'll try to keep up with it from now on.

My only issue in this chapter is Ginny's description. Though it isn't something I dispute, it is a little cliche, and I want to just warn you against writing something that won't be something new. I don't think you're in danger of that; I haven't really had any warning flags go up besides that, so it's not something to worry about or to let change what you plan to write. My only advice would really be to make sure that Draco is very real to you. If you know him, then your audience will know him and relate to him and you won't have problems with him seeming cliche. The real issue with a cliche Draco is not his characterization, it's that often, the author didn't really come up with the character themselves. They've stolen someone else's version of Draco and you can never really write someone else's character. You have to give your own interpretation. That's what fan fiction is all about anyway,isn't is: A different interpretation?

Anyway, besides that, keep it up. This is good stuff.

Author's Response: Thanks for the thoughtful and through review. You've certainly given me lots to think about.
Name: MyEscape reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Dec 03, 2006 08:57 pm
love it and want more please
Name: Elena reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Dec 03, 2006 04:31 pm
add more!
Name: blubberguts reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Dec 02, 2006 08:20 pm

Author's Response: Mmm. Perhaps.
Name: Analucia Malfoy reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Dec 02, 2006 08:18 pm
Oh my. This was worth the wait. I love reading those moments of intimacy between two characters when they become real and human to each other. This was an excellent example of that very thing. Thanks.

Author's Response: Thanks. Me, too. Glad you thought it was worth the wait.
Name: seegrim reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Dec 02, 2006 07:15 pm
What a sweet chapter. I really enjoyed it. I think I love Draco more though! Eek, in love with my husband and a fictional character, talk about dichotomy! Thanks so much for the story! I love your stuff.

Author's Response: Thanks very much. You're not the only one with the dichotomy! I bet if we polled the girls around here a good number of them would be a little 'in love' with Draco. *sighs*
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Dec 02, 2006 01:23 pm
“I don’t hate you.”
no he sure doesn't... So vair vair fabby! I don't know how you do it... It's so great that they are talking. Will there be conflict from our beloved(ish) Dream Team at any point?
I was vair impressed at how you could make the death of a toad such a symboly thing... Draco is lovely.....

Author's Response: Draco *is* lovely... *sigh* The dream team? That would be telling...*cough* chapter nine *cough*
Name: jess10 reviewed Assessments, Dead Toads, and First Names on Dec 02, 2006 12:19 pm

Author's Response: I Know! It's just warming up!
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