Reviews For Wicked
Name: Lynda reviewed Songs Gone Unsung on Jan 01, 2007 03:32 am
omg! great chapter! I loved it. I so can't wait until you update again. This is a great fic. update soon!

Author's Response: Thanks! I honestly think you're the only one who said they like this chapter :D
Name: KaydenceHater! reviewed Songs Gone Unsung on Dec 31, 2006 05:56 pm
Gosh! I hate her!(Kaya) OMG! Please, can't you make Ginny more beutiful then *uckin Kaya? I loved your other fdic, it was a piece of heaven! Plz take my advise! You have great writing kepp writing!

Author's Response: Ha ha ha, I LOVE your sn! It's great :D And just trust me, it's going to work out here. I promise! ;)
Name: haary26 reviewed Songs Gone Unsung on Dec 31, 2006 05:46 pm
PLEASE UPDATE! It's like you were born to right! Happy new yaer!

Author's Response: Why, thank you! :D Happy New Year to you, too!
Name: Lyrielle reviewed Songs Gone Unsung on Dec 31, 2006 05:40 pm
*gasp* NOOOOO! How could this happen??? Naughty Blaise. BAAAAAD Blaise. and BAAAAAAD Ginny. Come now, this is the FIA (and remember we're damn proud of it) and we do have to honor the ship we love. *rants incessantly on how it MUST be DG forever and not a hint of BG*

Ok. The rant is done. But seriously, I hope that Ginny goes back to Draco or Draco interferes, even though Draco can still be a prick like that.

I await the next chapter! (Heehee...long comment.)

Author's Response: Ha ha, simmer people! It'll obviously be DG again because... that's what it has to be on this site! :D
Name: MyEscape reviewed Songs Gone Unsung on Dec 31, 2006 05:35 pm
Oh come on, it has to be D/G not B/G

Author's Response: It'll get there, simmmer.
Name: Jordanza reviewed Songs Gone Unsung on Dec 31, 2006 04:51 pm
Oh. my. god. I LOVE IT!!!!!! Draco can be such a total dick sometimes.

Can't wait till the next chapter!

Author's Response: Yay, someone actually liked the chapter! Ha ha, most people are yelling at me for that last part :D
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Songs Gone Unsung on Dec 31, 2006 01:37 pm
Gasp! How could you! *gumblegrumble* Great new chapter, but it could use some more meat. Your writing tends to have more song than speech, and while it apply's well, it can be a bit frusterating to read. Thanks for the chapter though! I know she will not go for Blaise. This is, after all, the Draco and Ginny web site. :p

Author's Response: I know, I know, I'm a horrible person for doing that. I just wanted to stick something really juicy in ;)
Name: STA reviewed A Peculiar Feeling on Dec 30, 2006 11:44 am
ooh Draco's in trouble! i'm not really sure what to think of Kaya...hmm...but i am very anxious to read more!! please update soon!!

Author's Response: I know it, he is SO in the doghouse! lol, thanks for reviewing! :D
Name: ronlover reviewed A Peculiar Feeling on Dec 29, 2006 11:10 am
love it! Update soon. :)

Author's Response: Okay! lol, thanks for reviewing ;)
Name: LilyEvans reviewed A Peculiar Feeling on Dec 28, 2006 02:07 pm
i love it! AHH! Can't Get away from it! BUT REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD!

Author's Response: Um, I think the proper answer to this is thank you, but I'm not sure... ;)
Name: club24 reviewed A Peculiar Feeling on Dec 27, 2006 06:23 pm
Although I never saw "Wicked", it's a great story. I just hope Ginny can control her anger.

Author's Response: Thanks! Um, she might learn eventually.
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed A Peculiar Feeling on Dec 27, 2006 04:37 pm
Another chapter! Now, I know you have most of it written... come on, give us another few! Pretty Please with a Draco on top? No? *sigh* alright. I suppose I should just be greatful for this one, which includes the first song from Wicked I ever heard. Thanks for the chapter.

Author's Response: Ha ha, not quite. I have a total of 14 chapter written, but they're going to need some heavy editting, as they're some of my older work. Sorry, but I'll do my best to keep them coming. Thanks for reviewing! :D
Name: STA reviewed Cadence to Kaydence on Dec 27, 2006 10:14 am
yay! looking forward to another chapter!!

Author's Response: Yay! Another one should be up tonight :D
Name: leila reviewed Cadence to Kaydence on Dec 27, 2006 02:00 am
where's draco?

Author's Response: *cough*Author'sNote*cough*
Name: LilyEvans reviewed Cadence to Kaydence on Dec 24, 2006 06:05 am
come on right another chapter!

Author's Response: I'll get there sooner or later! You'll have to learn patience if you're going to read my fanfics ;)
Name: CrazyPeopleRockMySox reviewed Cadence to Kaydence on Dec 23, 2006 04:22 pm
HI! I read your other fic and it was amazing! I adore Phantom of the Opera and you wrote a great fic! Im really looking forward to the rest of this one, its lookin great so far! Please add another chapter soon! You rock!!

Author's Response: Well, thank you! I really appreciate that, and I'm really glad you like it so far! :D
Name: LilyEvans reviewed Cadence to Kaydence on Dec 23, 2006 10:18 am
umm....! Could you keep going, I might even become an obsesive fan...OMG!

Author's Response: Ha ha, okay! ;)
Name: CharmedLife19 reviewed Cadence to Kaydence on Dec 22, 2006 10:15 pm
hmm... someone new. I'm not sure what to make of her yet... can't wait for more!

Author's Response: Ha ha, yeah, you'll have fun passing a verdict on this one. Trust me.
Name: ronlover reviewed Cadence to Kaydence on Dec 22, 2006 05:18 pm
Snotty. lol. Update soon.

Author's Response: Ha ha, isn't that just the perfect word to describe her, though?
Name: ContessaNatasha reviewed Cadence to Kaydence on Dec 22, 2006 09:21 am
Oh good, you have finally posted Wicked! It is one f my favorite musicals, and I was really enjoying the fic on FF. Put the rest up soon, please!

Author's Response: Yay, it's one of my favorites, too! I've already got one more fic in this series planned, and that'll be the last one. Bet you can't guess what that one will be about!
Name: lonelyicequeen reviewed Cadence to Kaydence on Dec 22, 2006 09:18 am
Yet agian I'm bothering you with one of my moronic reveiws......
Ohhhhhhh "call me Kaya" she sounds hot I wonder How Mr. Malfoy Falls into this, I guess patience really is something I have to work on, Keep it up!

Author's Response: Ooohhh, you just wait and see. It's pretty darn awesome, if I do say so myself.
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