Reviews For Dragon and Angel
Name: Disty reviewed Lucius on Jul 31, 2004 07:34 am
Who knew Lucius can be a nice and warm guy. I actually like him like this better. :p Keep up the good work!! ^_^

Author's Response: I like him better this way too ;)
Name: Fernanda reviewed Lucius on Jul 31, 2004 05:42 am
Angel is soooo cute. :)) i loved the conversation between Lucius and Ginny, she really needed to hear what he said to her.

Author's Response: Thanks, lets hope she listened ;)
Name: hazel moon reviewed Lucius on Jul 31, 2004 04:49 am
I knew they couldn't stay mad! also,methinks angelique has been listening to drake;)

Author's Response: Not quite sorted yet but it's a start, Angelique probably knows more than she's letting on to anyone (very much the Slytherin that one) ;)
Name: Kelly reviewed Lucius on Jul 31, 2004 04:17 am
Well, let me tell you that their is a family of Snow people enjoying a nice vacation on the beaches of hell right now!!!! LOL Who would have ever thought the day would come that not only did Lucius Malfoy has a heart but he was comforting Ginny Weasley and encouraging her to work things out with his son!!!!! Bye the way very, very well done your writing is supurb and this story gets better and better each chapter. Thank you for your efforts!!! TTFN Kelly

Author's Response: Thanks, Lucius was a bit of a surprise packet in this chapter although I'm not sure he won't rue the day he encouraged a Weasley to engage his son in a relationship :D
Name: jamie reviewed Lucius on Jul 31, 2004 02:28 am
another great chapter:D this story just keeps on getting better with each chapter:) i hope i'm the first to review this chapter.hehehe. keep up the awesome work:) i can not wait to see what happens next:) update soon:)

Author's Response: Thanks and yes you are the first one to review this chapter, love hearing from each time :D
Name: RowenaMcKinnon reviewed Problem Patient on Jul 30, 2004 06:35 pm
Another hilarious chapter. When's the next one coming?! lol Great work, as always.

Author's Response: Thanks, next one is coming very, very soon :D
Name: anonymous reviewed Problem Patient on Jul 30, 2004 11:55 am
Wow, great story. The twins are sooo adorable! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Thanks glad you're enjoying it :D
Name: hazel moon reviewed Problem Patient on Jul 29, 2004 06:16 pm
not trying to be rude or anything,but in my last review i forgot to mention something minor that i noticed.Ginny's first name is actually ginevra not virginia like draco said in chapter 27. Sorry.

Author's Response: That's okay, not rude at all, I actually chose Virginia over Ginevra because I prefer it despite it being wrong and I didn't actually think I'd use it all that much but I've done that a little more than I first planned, nevermind :D
Name: hazel moon reviewed Problem Patient on Jul 29, 2004 06:03 pm
this is terrific.i hadn't read any d/g fics before just recently but this is great.really cute.

Author's Response: Thanks, glad you're enjoying :D
Name: Draco Lover reviewed Problem Patient on Jul 29, 2004 09:02 am
I think this chapter was great!The gown thing was so funny.Oh and the Skel-a-grow poor Draco.Thanks for taking the time to write these stories this is my absolute favorite it is awsome.Thanks for the time and effort.Can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response: Thank you, I do it because I enjoy it but it makes it so much more enjoyable to get reviews like yours :D
Name: jamie reviewed Problem Patient on Jul 29, 2004 07:26 am
great chapter:) another amazing job well done, i loved draco as the very demanding and problematic patient also i noticed that ginny was very interested in 'the why would u take off ur underwear for scene.' she is so jealous.HEHEHE:) i also loved the scene between draco and angel. Keep up the terrific work:) I can not wait til the big make-up scene;) Please update soon:)

Author's Response: Couldn't imagine Draco being compliant and well behaved, and Ginny is becoming very possessive. I'm working on the next chapter :)
Name: Mynuet reviewed Temper, Temper on Jul 29, 2004 05:35 am
I'm still enjoying the story, but I felt like I needed to point out that you seem to have lost your punctuation. Nearly every time there was a quotation mark, the ending comma or period was missing, and while it might be considered nitpicking, it makes it very hard for me to read.

Author's Response: Thanks sweetie, don't worry about nitpicking, you nitpick all you want ;) Don't know where the punctuation ran off to but I've fixed it anyway glad you're still enjoying it :D
Name: Beccs reviewed Problem Patient on Jul 29, 2004 04:35 am
Finally! Its so cute.

Author's Response: Thanks :D
Name: tinkerty tonk reviewed Problem Patient on Jul 29, 2004 03:44 am
I'm glad you updated. I'm enjoying this story very much. I love D/G family fics. Hope you update soon!!

Author's Response: Thanks the next installment is being written now :D
Name: Phantom Spirit reviewed Problem Patient on Jul 29, 2004 02:53 am
The story "Dragon and Angel" is a very good one!!!!!

Author's Response: Thanks glad you liked it :D
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed Problem Patient on Jul 29, 2004 02:36 am
Good grief, Draco is a bigger baby than his daughter, but this is not surprising in the very least. There is a reason why he should have been in his own room that I think he's figuring out just now, but it's too late to do anything about it. Yes, just how uncomfortable could all of that be - painful re-growing of bones, match making daughter, on the outs with Ginny and his father there. Yes, I don't think the situation could get much more uncomfortable. Draco has some serious fence mending to do when he gets well. He really caused a rift between him and Ginny just because he couldn't keep his jealousy and anger in check. *shakes head*

Author's Response: Well you know men when they're sick ;) and I think that maybe Angel's not the only match maker in the family ;)
Name: Draco Lover reviewed Accident on Jul 28, 2004 07:50 am
Man the fight was expected sometime about Draco not being around but, Wow that shocked me.Really good.Poor little Angel.Well at least someone is happy about the fight.That person being Ron.

Author's Response: Thanks, Ron's opinion of Draco was not helped along by the events of Sunday lunch :D
Name: Draco Lover reviewed Temper, Temper on Jul 27, 2004 06:06 pm
I like it poor Drake he feels awful and the whole fight Ginny and Draco had.Oh and Draco's hurt hand very good!Can't wait for you to put out another chapter

Author's Response: Thanks, another chapter coming soon :D
Name: Beccs reviewed Temper, Temper on Jul 27, 2004 11:15 am
Aww, Drake! He feels so guilty. And Draco too, with that hand. Good chap!

Author's Response: Thanks, great to hear from you again :D
Name: KLime reviewed First Date on Jul 27, 2004 08:08 am
I really like your story: the characters, the children and I really want to know where it leads. However, I couldn't repress the urge of correcting your french so here it goes (The hugest mistake is "lunettes": it's glasses to read not glasses to drink) “Monsieur Malfoy, quel plaisir de vous revoir” “Mr Malfoy, how lovely to see you again” “Je pense que ma table est prête?” “I trust that my table is ready?” “Bien sûr monsieur, par ici” “Of course sir, right this way” “How about soupe de pomme de terre et Poireau to start, followed by filet mignon servi avec les pommes de terre cuites et les légumes de saison frais and for dessert Le cheesecake à la fraise avec une sauce à la liqueur de chocolat?” “How about potato and leek soup to start, followed by fillet mignon served with baked potatoes and fresh seasonable vegetables and for dessert Strawberry cheesecake with chocolate liqueur sauce?” “Monsieur Malfoy, vous êtes prêt à commander?” “Mr Malfoy, you are ready to order?” “Oui, nous prendrons tous les deux une soupe de Pomme de terre et Poireau pour commencer, suivi par un filet mignon et ses pommes de terre et légumes de saison frais et au dessert un cheesecake à la fraise et sa sauce à la liqueur de chocolat, et une bouteille de votre meilleur vin rouge” “Yes, we’ll both have the Potato and Leek soup to start, followed by fillet mignon served with baked potatoes and fresh seasonable vegetables and for dessert Strawberry cheesecake with chocolate liqueur sauce, and a bottle of your best red wine” “Tout de suite Monsieur” “Right away Sir” “Monsieur, votre vin” “Sir, your wine” “C'est bon, vous pouvez remplir les verres” “It is fine, you may fill the glasses” “Y aura-t-il autre chose monsieur ?” “Will there be anything else sir?” “Non” “No” “Mon amour vos yeux sont comme des étoiles scintillantes au cœurs des nuits les plus sombres, vos boucles longues ont la couleur même de l’amour, je sens que si je ne vous possède pas bientôt j’en mourrai.” “My love your eyes are like stars twinkling on the darkest of nights, your long tresses the very colour of love, I feel that if I don’t possess you soon I will die” ma belle enchanteresse my beautiful enchantress I also let the good ones so you can see that not everything was wrong. I'm sorry if I sound negative with this review, it wasn't my intension (I rarely flamme; come to think of it I never flamme).

Author's Response: Thanks, having learnt that on-line translators are shocking I won't be using them again. Next time I've actually got a person to translate for me :D
Name: Beccs reviewed Accident on Jul 26, 2004 12:05 pm
Aww, Angel! Great job with character development!

Author's Response: Thank you :D
Name: painterchica reviewed Accident on Jul 26, 2004 07:24 am
gods, this story rocks. It's friggin fantabulous, if you ask me. It's really adorable and funny. :-) Keep writing!!

Author's Response: Thank you, don't worry I'm not stopping :D
Name: Kelly reviewed Accident on Jul 26, 2004 07:16 am
Once again another brilliant chapter...I love this story, and you do a brilliant job writting it. Thank you and for your hard work and quick updates. TTFN Kelly

Author's Response: Thank you, I'm really glad you're enjoying it, makes the hard work so worth it when I get responses like yours :D
Name: Firei reviewed Accident on Jul 26, 2004 05:52 am
Lovely. Happy to see Draco getting pissed, he's so sexy when he's angry. *wink*

Author's Response: Sexy Draco, doesn't matter how he got there just so long as he's there LOL
Name: Flame_red reviewed Accident on Jul 26, 2004 05:13 am
Eek! Goodness, Draco went abit off the rail there, I think the stress is getting to him ¬_¬' Poor Ginny. Poor Angel!! Poor... everyone >

Author's Response: He has even further to slide yet :D
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