Name: andlovers reviewed Chapter 11 on May 29, 2008 07:56 pm
I really love the concept of your story :)
I don't think I've ever read anything similiar, and for that reason it makes it a whole lot better, as it is not only brilliant, but unique as well :)
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Name: shaded reviewed Chapter 11 on May 03, 2008 07:40 am
Yay, D/G coming up! :)

I particularly liked all of the back story about how the pensieve can be used in some situations, but is useless in others. Looks like you've put a lot of thought into it.

Heh, I liked the part at the end when Dumbledore merely has to raise a hand for Moody's angry tirade to cease. The characters are just as I would imagine them to be.
Name: Bronte44 reviewed Chapter 11 on Apr 30, 2008 03:19 pm
Oh so enters Draco! Wonderfully done!
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