Name: Boogum reviewed Chapter 2 on Oct 22, 2010 05:33 pm
I'm too tired to say anything particularly stellar, so I'll just say this was a great chapter. I like the way you're characterising everyone.
Name: selene_blackwell reviewed Chapter 2 on Jan 13, 2008 02:19 pm
poor longbottoms!
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 27, 2007 03:50 am
aaw that was harsh... Neville's a darling!!!

please say he's alright...?
Name: ExquisiteBeauty reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 03, 2007 06:29 pm
Longbottom? Neville? Nooooooo!

Dracos not very good at being nice to Ginny. Hes a right jerk. I love that line the after Draco says, "A word?" And Ginnys thinking of the word 'arsehole'. I wish I was clever enough to be witty.

Name: Mourning Broken Angel reviewed Chapter 2 on Aug 03, 2007 06:17 pm
I LOVE the team in a capslocked, fangirly sort of way. You are so my hero right now for writing this!
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