Reviews For In My Life
Name: KateinVA reviewed Chapter 6 on Jan 13, 2008 11:25 am
Poor Draco! Still impulsive with his anger after all these years. I want to hug him, but of course he would never allow that. Looking forward to the next chapter. I'm really enjoying the perspective of the older characters.

Author's Response:

You're right that Draco wouldn't allow you to hug him. Ginny, maybe, but it might be a close call! I'm glad you're still enjoying the story. Thanks for the review!

Name: tinamarie reviewed Chapter 6 on Jan 13, 2008 09:04 am
I can see why Draco reacted the way he did, I just hope he doesn't give himself a stroke or something. I really, really, really enjoy reading this and I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author's Response: Don't worry, Draco's health won't be affected! I'm glad you are still enjoying the story. Thanks for the review!
Name: dragonsangel68 reviewed Chapter 6 on Jan 13, 2008 04:02 am
Oh dear! The moment I read that he'd beaten her to the chair I just knew she wouldn't turn up. Now he actually thinks she doesn't want him, when all she was is confused. I do hope she'll be able to soothe his thoughts *worries* That Ellen is one smart cookie ;)

Author's Response: Don't worry too much! Ginny will get things sorted a bit in the next chapter. And Ellen *is* smart, but she also knows Ginny very, very well. Thanks for the review!
Name: Dark__Angel reviewed Chapter 6 on Jan 12, 2008 04:54 pm
Sad that is terrible please tell me you will fix this misunderstanding!!!!

Author's Response: Don't worry--Draco will figure out the misunderstanding in the next chapter, though it will take the equivalent of hitting him over the head with a skillet to do it! Thanks for reading and for the review!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 6 on Jan 12, 2008 04:07 pm
draco! what are you doing?! calm down, it's gonna be okay. haha. great job. love it!

Author's Response:

Draco really is clueless, isn't he? Ginny will straighten him out, though, so don't worry too much! Thanks for the review!

Name: enoimreh reviewed Chapter 6 on Jan 12, 2008 03:51 pm
Oh no! Draco needs to chill out and just talk to Ginny. And she better invite him to the wedding!

Ellen was amazing. I love her, and I especially love her relationship with Ginny. Excellent job all around!

Author's Response: You'll see Ginny's reaction to Draco in the next chapter! I like Ellen too. :) Thanks for reading and for the review!
Name: Rainpuddle reviewed Chapter 6 on Jan 12, 2008 03:47 pm
You're killing me here!

*snuggles Draco* Poor boy, going from the highest high to his angriest low in the span of a few hours over something that isn't true. He's going to feel like an arse when he discovers the truth. I just worry that he won't give Gin a chance to explain herself.

I really like Ellen. She's a no nonsense kind of gal and she's on to Ginny's feelings. Loved it. Gin is going to be quite put out at Draco's attitude change when she returns methinks.

I can't wait for the next chapter :)

Author's Response:

Yeah, Draco is being put through the ringer, but it's his own fault really. He and Ginny will meet again in the next chapter, so you will get to see what happens between them soon enough! :)

 I like Ellen too. She's much more perceptive than Ginny realized, isn't she? I'll try to update soon! Thanks for the comments!

Name: Amanda Mancini reviewed Chapter 6 on Jan 12, 2008 01:57 pm
Oh, well now, really. Some things really don't change, now do they. I could see him doing this in fics 70 years younger.

Author's Response: You're right that some things never change. Draco is still as hot-headed as ever! But he'll come around. :) Thanks for the review!
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