Name: silver rose reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Dec 12, 2008 10:17 pm
ugh...draco's a jerk...
Name: GoldenFawkes reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Feb 22, 2008 12:00 pm
Ugh, Draco's a right bastard, isn't he?
Name: Mollie reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Feb 17, 2008 04:49 pm
I can't wait to see what happens. Please update soon!!!
Name: thehyperemokid reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Jan 18, 2008 10:26 am
aaaawwww poor ginny, stupid selfish draco. but i have children so i'd have to say i was kinda on dracos side
Name: nun outfits are cool reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Jan 13, 2008 08:57 am
well draco's very IC... can't wait for more!
Name: tinamarie reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Jan 09, 2008 01:52 pm
I like how you built this up...Draco seems kind of a coward being all fake and plastic with this whole reunion. I'm looking forward to how you are going to have Draco change his mind and fall in love with his family because right now he's just a big ol' prat. ;) Great job and can't wait for the next chapter!
Name: Shwadi reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Jan 09, 2008 07:56 am
is "fled" a hint??? i like it a lot xxxx
Name: niffer reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Jan 08, 2008 09:08 pm
I'm mad! Draco has some serious groveling to do. He's going to fall under Juliet spell. I can see it now! haha.
Name: abby reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Jan 08, 2008 08:19 pm
I hope he shows up...with all of the lying he's done so far!
Name: ravenfair reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Jan 08, 2008 07:04 pm
Draco's sinking reaction when he bumps into Ginny-and-company seems very in character--much better than him seeking her out, groveling. However, I still desperately await when he really 'falls for her.' (If that's what you could call it, anyway. This Draco doesn't seem the type to fall. Hunt, more like.)

Anyway, you've definitely started something I want to keep reading!
Name: iverseng reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Jan 08, 2008 06:52 pm
YES! A story where Draco isn't immediately consumed with feelings of fatherhood once looking at his baby. A selfish Draco. A Draco who doesn't look back and finds himself in awkward situations by continuing to lie.

Probably the most canonical Draco I've read in a good long time in fandom. Good job!
Name: Kalira reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Jan 08, 2008 05:26 pm
hmmm. interesting. It's entertaining how he managed to stumble across them completely by accident. And now he's too much of an idiot to run when that;s his first instinct. Though it really wouldn't be much of a story if he did that. I'm sure he'll change his attitude... good work!
Name: yomoedmb reviewed Chapter 2: coffee and castles on Jan 08, 2008 03:56 pm
I love Edinburgh. It's my favorite city in the world. I really like this story.
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