Reviews For The Weasley Child
Name: scubarang reviewed Chapter 3 on May 05, 2008 05:50 am
Wow. Harsh words from Draco to his son. Wonder why Ginny rejected him? Maybe because he's a heartless expletive?
Update soon, I can't wait to see where you take this.

Author's Response: Haha, quite right. He's not totally heartless, of course, as he feels SOMETHING for Ginny. But he certainly did deserve to get rejected, didn't he? OTOH, Ginny's hardly an angel herself. I have to say I'm REALLY surprised no one has condemned Ginny for what she's done. This whole story is about how her abandonment shaped Scorpius' life, but no one blames her, which I find interesting. I'm not saying I blame her, I just thought some people would. And I mean, if you read the 2nd chapter, you see that Scorpius was totally alone for 2 days after she left, wandering around the empty house and following house-elves for company. I think that's kinda messed up, but nobody else has commented on it!rnrnIn any case, thanks for the review!
Name: raven_dark reviewed Chapter 3 on May 05, 2008 05:46 am


I want more!!!!!!! 

Author's Response: Thanks! You'll get it, I'm just not sure how soon.
Name: hummie reviewed Chapter 1 on May 05, 2008 05:30 am
oh wow, this is wonderful! great job! i cannot wait until the next chapter!

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: deadsnowwhite reviewed Chapter 3 on May 05, 2008 04:59 am
wow thats all i can say wow !!!

Author's Response: Thanks!!
Name: yomoedmb reviewed Chapter 3 on May 05, 2008 04:26 am
Oh my god. I'm just stunned, and so... stunned. It was worth the wait because that was unique! God I love how mean Draco is, but how he still has a heart in there. *sighs* loves it

Author's Response: Heehee, thank you!! And you're right. I've been bashing Draco a little in these reviews, but he does still show that he has a heart, doesn't he? If only he could learn to extend that to his son, too...but I'm not altogether sure he will.
Name: loveisnowhere reviewed Chapter 3 on May 05, 2008 03:41 am
oh. my. god.
draco malfoy you emotionally stunted litle man.

i just sat and read through all three chapters and you've got me hook, line, and sinker. i'm excited for future updates.

Author's Response: Hahahaha, isn't he just, though? He's so awful (if you can't tell, I love it!). I'm so glad you're enjoying this, and thank you so much for your review. You sound just like me when I find a story I really love, so it's wonderful to get such feedback from a reader.
Name: mk2 reviewed Chapter 1 on May 05, 2008 01:10 am
I am not 100% sure about this, but I think that in Britain it is legal to marry your first cousin and that the Church of England allows it. So, Scorpius and Rose being cousins shouldn't be that important.

Author's Response: Ha, glad to hear it if that's true! So many people were squicked out by the first-cousin thing, but it really doesn't bother me. And obviously, we now know it's not genetically a bad thing. Scrap and Rose never really got up to anything naughty, so it doesn't matter either way. But I think the responses of my reviewers show that it's really not yet socially acceptable, which is why Scrap and Rose are done for. Thanks for commenting, in any event!
Name: rrabbit reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 10:34 pm
So did she reject him because he was already married to Astoria and she was too good for him bc she didn't want to be his mistress? I can't wait to read more. I love this story so far.

Author's Response: Haha definitely not. Well, you're sort of right, and that's an issue we'll get to much later. But Ginny definitely was not squeamish about extra-marital affairs.... Thanks for the review!
Name: Slytherin Wolf reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 09:38 pm
WHOA, what a twist! I love it!

Author's Response: Glad I shocked you; thanks!
Name: Shwadi reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 09:27 pm
bleeh! draco is suuuch a creeep!!! *kicks him* great plot line though

Author's Response: Haha, isn't he, though? He deserves a good kick in the butt (or someplace worse).
Name: Cheezie_Biscuit reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 08:54 pm
there are several thoughts running through my head, but all I can say for now is "wow".

Author's Response: Thank you!
Name: zea reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 08:23 pm
Very Interesting.... except for the first cousin thing which is sort of icky... but I can't wait to read more. Does Rose know where Ginny is or has she disappeared all together? What will "Scrap" tell Rose when he gets back to school? So many questions!

Author's Response: Haha, I don't find it all that icky, but don't worry, they never did more than a little kissing, anyway. You'll get your answers soon enough!
Name: starry_laa reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 08:21 pm
Wow, that was a very good update, and a good twist, although it now means lots of awkwardness. I'm interested to see the real reason why Ginny rejected Draco

Author's Response: Thanks!! Lots of awkwardness...yeah, you could say that...
Name: spazzingqueen reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 07:46 pm
Wow that's painful, really intrigued about Ginny's part now, harumph. Still he didn't have to say all those mean things about her. But I would totally understand why she rejected him, he has no control of his temper.

Author's Response: Hm, not quite sure what you mean about Ginny's part. And you're absolutely right about his temper, that's a big part of why Ginny couldn't stay with him.
Name: malvia reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 07:04 pm
woah, that was intense

Author's Response: Thanks! Intensity is a good part of what I strive for.
Name: ginnygie reviewed Chapter 1 on May 04, 2008 06:44 pm
roll up the next one, please!

Author's Response: You got it! I'll email chapter 4 to you ASAP. Thanks!
Name: dgloves70 reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 06:26 pm
I cannot believe how good this story is getting. I so want to know how you are going to fit in the fact that Ginny had a relationship with Harry and they have children, or will you have HArry hiding Ginny from Draco and how will Ginny makes her appearance?
Loving this story and I hope you continue it really is exciting to know what lies ahead... More more more

Author's Response: Thank you!! Um, I guess I was afraid to clarify exactly how closely this follows canon, for fear of giving anything away. But you've hit on the MAJOR difference between my story and canon (aside from the fact that Scorpius is Ginny's son, of course, LOL). Harry and Ginny DO NOT have kids together. You'll find out later what happened to their relationship before any kids resulted. rnrnThanks so much for your review, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Name: holly black reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 06:09 pm
omg i feel so bad for him who come rose dosent know you wold think her dad or mom would have told her oh well cant wat for the next chapter

Author's Response: Remember, Ginny was too ashamed to tell her family about the pregnancy, and hid in Malfoy Manor for the duration of it. Nobody knows but them and Astoria, who doesn't really care.
Name: Rashonda reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 05:57 pm
This is straight outta a soap. "You're dating your cousin!...Their, I said it!...Now get out.

I hope that Rose and Scorpius haven't done more than just "kiss". Too icky to even think about. GJ, loved it!

Author's Response: Ha, well I'm glad you loved it even though it was soap-operaish! I'm embarrassed now to realize that you're right, but, hell. Some soap operas are damn good, when there's more going on than just raunchy romance. Oh, and don't worry, Scorpius and Rose are just in fourth year--they definitely have only done a little kissing, and nothing serious. Thanks for the review!
Name: twinsofthesky reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 05:53 pm
AMAZING last line. This fic is totally unexpected, but works somehow. I'm hooked!

Author's Response: Thank you!! It's a very mean last line, but I enjoyed it, too. Glad you like it!
Name: LilyLove reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 05:48 pm

Author's Response: You're absolutely right.
Name: iverseng reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 05:26 pm
Oh jeez, I TOTALLY read the beginning wrong-I didn't see the 'months AND years passed' and then suddenly he has a girlfriend? I was like 'whoa, calm down there, you're only eleven!'

And then I read it again and realised my mistake. :P

Oh, and wow, mega plot twists. For some reason, I kinda didn't see the whole Ginny-is-your-mother-thing coming.

Author's Response: Yeah, I tend to rush through things when I'm writing. I generally am very long-winded, so I struggle to make things more concise, but sometimes I cut back in the wrong places. Sorry that wasn't clearer--though I did mention 4th year, I think.rnrnGlad I surprised you!
Name: darkloveangel reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 04:28 pm
Crazy!!! i need to read more! please

Author's Response: Haha, crazy is good, right? Thanks for the review!
Name: Flipinpenname reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 03:58 pm
oh. draco's freakin evil! how can he blame his son when he did nothing to teach him? when he didn't know that gin was his mother? draco draco draco, seriously now? (and you know what's sad, i can't even be mad at draco. i'm such a loser.)

Author's Response: Hear, hear! At the Draco being evil part, that is-- I guess I'm sort of like you. I enjoy a really, really bad (almost irredeemable) Draco, but I can't really get mad at him, either. In this story, he's really too small-minded to get mad at, but I'm hoping that will change. At this point, I really can't say...
Name: D_Rad_88 reviewed Chapter 3 on May 04, 2008 03:50 pm
Oh Jesus. I really didn't see that one coming. And dating his first cousin? I feel really bad for Scorpius. I can't wait for the next chapter.

Author's Response: I'm so glad; I think my biggest fear was that people would predict the twist. I'll be honest, though, I didn't see the first cousin thing coming, either! That just came out as I was writing this. I'm glad you enjoyed it, though, and thanks for the review.
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